
WhatonEartham I doing?

Am I intentionally tormenting myself, or am I that deprived of control? The latter must be true.

As I stand in front of my apartment, waiting for Jane to enter hers first so I know she’s safe, I realize I’m feeling something I haven’t felt in a long time. I just can’t define what thatsomethingis.

Every day at dawn her moans haunt me, and every night, I imagine what she’s doing while I’m… being someone who isdangerousfor her. Jane’s life seems so simple. She makes coffees and probably cleans the café she works in, but when she comes home, she’s able to rest. Breathe. Dream.

Am I jealous of her humanity, then? Or… do I simply want to protect it?

Once I’m inside my room, I take off my shoes, preparing for the boring day to come. I’ll be sitting here like a chunk of motionless stone until dusk, listening to whispers through the walls. Sighing, I toss my boots on the hardwood floor as a buzz hums from my jeans pocket.

Sliding the phone out, I answer. “Hello?”

“Lord Rune sends his gratitude.” Margret’s chipper voice spills from the speaker. “Three targets in three nights! Very impressive.”

I grunt. “Yeah, sure.” I tilt my head back, resting it on the top of the couch as I close my eyes. “Who’s next?”

Fingers fly over a keyboard in the background. “Oh! The Lord wants you to explore the city for the next couple of days before the annual meeting. He said to have fun. There're thousands of tourists to feed from. New York is enormous.” Margret’s tone turns cold at the end.

My jaw hardens. “Oh, does he?” My tone remains light, despite my growing annoyance.

“Of course,” Margret croons. “Toodle-do!”

She ends the call before I can expose myself by biting her through the line.

Rune wants me to explore. Tofeed. Have such a good time that I’m unable to curb my urges anymore. Then, at the Night Order meeting, he’ll force my hand by way of blood manipulation.‘You’ll sign this contract, won’t you, Samuel? Sign it and I’ll give you this pretty half-drunk blonde! You want her, right? Be my slave and you can have her.’

I’ll not be held weak by my lack of control. If Rune wants to see me defeated, he’ll have to use another tactic.

Humming with frustration, I cross the room to my half kitchen, opening a cabinet to retrieve a bottle of wine. I had hoped to break the seal of this particular bottle once I invited my neighbor over, but that fantasy is beginning to look like more of a bad idea by the second.

I listen to the soft patter-patter of Jane’s shower as I pop the top off, lifting the lid to my lips. As the bitterly sweet liquid washes down my throat, I relax against the wall, sensing her from beyond the barrier.

She’s still a mystery to me.

Jane is gorgeous and sultry in the nerdy school-girl sort of way, but she’sonly human. Urges to fuck her would be a normal lapse in character, but wanting to protect her from the stranger who followed her home? Wishing she owned a weapon so she could save herself from an attack? Holding myself back because I want to touch her, but fear she’ll crumble?Notmy usual.

Even before changing into this monstrous version of myself, I was never soft. Never vulnerable.

Is that what I am now? Has she created yet another weakness? One Rune can manipulate if he discovers it?

The bottle’s neck buckles, sending a hairline crack down its length. “Shit.” I mutter, carrying the dripping wine to the sink.

The glass shatters against the metal drain, causing a loud clatter to reverberate through the room. Suddenly, the noise on the other side of the wall shifts. Jane’s shower is still running, but now… there are muffled voices beneath the stream of water.

And two heartbeats, both accelerated.

I grip the edge of the sink, my fingers flexing the metal. Has she… paired with someone? Found a hookup to replace her nightly ritual of fingering herself while thinking of me? Because she moanedmyname each time. No one else’s. I knew it was true the moment a blush entered her cheeks after our following elevator encounter.

Closing my eyes, I listen deeper, pushing away the white noise of droplets hitting the tile. Jane whimpers. But with pleasure, or fear? My brow wrinkles as I continue to eavesdrop.

“Drop your hands and get on your knees,” the second human, aman, rumbles, his voice labored.

Jane whimpers again. Is she… crying?
