Page 29 of Bound in Lace

Then something completely miraculous and unexpected happened. Ria fucking charged the field and took Roy down. Kimberly had been braced to spring back into action, ready to fight to the death for her life and the lives of these women, and Ria had come out of nowhere.

Apparently, Roy hadn’t been expecting it, either, because the whining motherfucker actually shouted, “Ow! Hey, damnit, look out for my shoulder!” As if they were all friends here and this was a family squabble.

Kimberly didn’t know where his gun was, but Ria didn’t seem to care—she just straddled the man and started whaling on him. Her bruised and bloodied thighs planted over each side of his chest, high up where he couldn’t buck her off, she balled up her hands and pure rage poured from her mouth as she rained holy fury on his ass.

Bam! Bam!Ria socked her not-so-tiny fists into his ugly, stupefied face as he at first grunted, then cursed and then started to cry out and yell. Still, she persisted.

Kimberly let her get on with it. The stupid ‘master’ was pinned and couldn’t get up, so she went on the hunt for Mr. Sneed.

She’d hardly taken a step, however, when he’d grabbed her from behind. She smelled his rancid, feces-like breath and gagged.

“Lookin’ fer me, heifer?” he huffed, making bile pool in her throat. He chuckled and it sounded as mean and as giddy as a movie redneck villain.

Bobby Sneed thought he’d won. Bobby Sneed had his hands on her body. Bobby Sneed was about to die.

Kimberly lifted one heel and brought it down as hard as she could on the arch of his foot. At the same time, she made a claw of her unbreakable acrylic nails, reared back, and sank them into his shriveled dick—yuck—and held on like a fucking pit bull. The man howled. And started punching her. But Kimberly had been prepared for that. As his fists fell with less and less force, she was the one who was laughing.

He dropped to the ground and screamed, “Uncle! Uncle! I give! I give! You crazy, stupid bitch! Leggo my pecker!”

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” she demanded, winded and in pain, struggling to hang on as he strained against her. “Mercy? You want mercy? Like the mercy you showed these women?”

He looked panicked and his too-small-for-his-body head swiveled on his neck to look around the clearing. Then he looked back at her, tears and snot all over his filthy face. There was a clump of dirt stuck to the snot on his upper lip. “I don’t know no Mercy. Swear it. Never saw her.”

Kimberly’s eyes wanted to roll in her head, and she rethought that part about eighth grade. She’d be surprised if this genius had made it past primary school.

“No,” she said, with perfect clarity, “you’ve never met her.” He hit her in the head then and proved her point.

Kimberly didn’t let go, but the blow snapped her head back, clanked her teeth together and had stars circling. She could hear Shawna screaming—she’d dropped to help Sierra when she’d been shot. There was something new to the sound now though and before Kimberly could turn her head to see what it was that had scared her friend, someone tore her from Bobby.

Now, Kimberly wasn’t a dainty woman. She stood five-seven-and-a-half on her bare feet and was built like Adele in her glorious pre-weight-loss days. But she went flying across the dirt like she weighed about twenty pounds and bounced on her butt. Twice.

Dean. It was Dean. He’d come. They’d both come. They’d finally made it. Kimberly watched as Dean grabbed Bobby Sneed, the scrawny, sniveling weasel of a man hanging from his stained tee like the punk assed bitch he was. Dean hit him so hard Kimberly thought his fist was going to blast right through the man’s head. Sneed’s face seemed to expand and fold around Dean’s fist like a rubber balloon, and the man’s bowels loosened right in front of her. A wretched stench rent the air as his legs simply dissolved and he collapsed at Dean’s feet.

Dean looked down at the disgusting man in revulsion as feces leaked over the cheap Payless Airwalk sneakers the guy had on and into the dry earth. Dean made a sound of abject loathing, put a knee on his back, and had plastic restraints out when Sam shouted.

Dean and Kimberly both looked to see what had happened. Sam was having a heck of a time trying to get Ria off Roy—the woman didn’t want to stop beating the shit out of the man.

Ria, in her panic and desperation, lashed out suddenly at Sam. Roy took his chance and shoved her off him. Agent and woman went tumbling into the dirt.

Roy flipped to his feet and ran. He didn’t get far. Dean tossed the restraints to Kimberly, and within seconds, he hauled him back by the collar of his shirt. Dean yanked so hard Roy’s feet literally flipped up in the air. Kimberly quickly scrambled to Sneed, securing the plastic on his wrists as tightly as she could manage. The man reeked so bad she was gagging before she’d finished. Kimberly had to step away and heave twice before her stomach settled from the combination of bowel and body odors.

Roy rolled on the ground where Dean had dumped him and came up with a thick branch in his hands. He began to twirl and swing it like a club. With an ill-advised showmanship, the man spat and smiled through the blood in his teeth. He had a weapon now and spun inside Dean’s range of motion to swing out with a vicious swipe of his stick. It connected with a hard thwack that Dean almost didn’t have time to block. Even so, he took a big ass hit from a big ass club, Kimberly thought, regardless of the fact that he took it in the shoulder.

Where were their guns? Why didn’t they just shoot these rabid dogs and be done with it?

With a scream of rage, Grace threw herself onto Roy’s back. Then Kimberly had an idea. They probably weren’t willing to risk hurting these women.

With a roar, Roy shook Grace off and swung his stick again. This time Dean caught it. Kimberly’s jaw dropped in amazement as he swirled with the other man’s momentum and wrenched the stick from his grasp in a dizzying spin. Dean spun back with a dancer’s grace, still in that lethal twirl, and crashed the thickest end of the branch into the man’s temple. There was a sickening crack, the thunk of a melon hitting the floor. Roy’s head sort of folded, caving around the wood as though taking it in and cradling it and the branch stuck there as Dean released it. Roy dropped like a stone at Dean’s feet.

“Surprise again, bitch.”

She smelled him before she felt him. Bobby Sneed was loose. And he had her by the throat.

Everyone in the clearing froze, all eyes turning from the dying man to Kimberly and the repulsive Bobby Sneed. “Now, you just stay where you are, and me ‘n the lil heifer here, we’ll just be makin’ our exit. I’mma let her go once I git to the road, but only if I don’ hear you fellers comin’ afta me. I hear one crackle, one peep in these woods as we head back to the road, and you fellers can say goodbye ta yer lil heifer here.”

Neither Sam nor Dean made a move or said a word. Bobby had found his gun and had it pressed to Kimberly’s temple, hard.

“You know that’s not gonna happen,” Dean told Bobby, and there was death in his eyes. “It’s already too late for you. You let her go now or I’m ending you.”