Page 24 of Bound in Lace

The room went silent.

“Um, sir?” This was the stringy cop. “You promised. No killin’.”

Grungy turned just his eyes to him and the effect was chilling enough that the young man took a step back.

“Yeah, boy, I did.” Grungy walked to stand in front of the taller man and the tension in the air spiked. At his height of only five-three, he was a full foot shorter than the cop, but Sam was surprised to see that he was the more imposing of the two men. He snatched the front of the man’s uniform and yanked it so hard buttons flew. There was a grotesque tattoo slashed across the man’s chest, scrawled in thick black ink. Sam could see two of the large letters carved there, crooked and jagged at the edges—an A and an R.

“And when you were twelve and yer piece of shit daddy held you down and tattooed his name into yer chest,” he growled in his face, “who killed that worthless trash for you, huh?”

“You did, sir.” There were dejected tears in his eyes as he said it.

“Damn straight, I did.” Then Grungy Frenched him, long and deep. The young man bore it—he neither returned it nor looked as if he enjoyed it, but he bore it without resistance. When Grungy pulled away, Sam noticed that the older man was flushed with arousal. “Good boy. Now, fer you, I’ll stick with my original thinkin’. You stick with yer uncle, Robby boy. We family and fuck the whole world, right?”

“Fuck the whole world.” Robby sniffed and nodded, looking more miserable than ever.

“Atta boy.” Grungy gave him a few solid pats on the back of his neck. “Now strap these fellas to the table and let’s go get Rachel and get the fuck outta Dodge. Looks like we gotta find ourselves a new place to live.”

Chapter Seven

Kimberly eventually droppedto her ass and followed Shawna down the hill in the same fashion to keep up with her. She’d be picking pine needles out of her crack for a week.

A particularly large rock nailed Kimberly in the tailbone and she yelped at the same time Shawna came to a jarring halt. Kimberly slammed into her from behind. The two of them tumbled into a clearing that was both overgrown and cut back at the same time.

“I was here.” Shawna whispered, as if Kimberly weren’t on top of her like she’d just won a wrestling match. “They had me here.”

Kimberly’s blood froze as her heart broke all over again. She pushed herself up to sit next to Shawna in the dirt and stare at the crude cave dug into the side of the mountain.

“What?”Grungy taunted as the guard named Henry Ray cuffed Cas to the table, knocked his head into the steel top for good measure, then moved on to Dean. “Ain’t you boys git the hint I dropped when I told ya Rach was my baby sis?” He thumped Robby on the chest then gave an imperious nod toward Henry. “Robby boy here is my nephew. Henry Ray is my cousin. And I trained these boys up just as proper as I trained up my sister. Ain’t that right, boys?”

Robin looked shamefaced while Henry Ray looked downright proud. Both answered with a resounding affirmative.

“Yes, sir.” Only Robin’s voice had a distinct ring of fear to it.

“Good boys.”

Robin bent over Sam and dragged his arms to the table legs. As he crouched, the two of them made eye contact. There was a look of such desperation in the young man’s eyes that Sam ached for him in spite of the beating he’d just taken.

“Let’s get this done and go get that stupid bitch and teach her a lesson for listenin’ to some fucker who ain’t family. C’mon, Robin, let’s move.” Grungy kicked none-too-gently at his nephew’s thigh and headed toward the door with Henry Ray at his heels.

Then Robin did what Sam had half been expecting and all the way hoping for; he left the cuffs unlocked.

“Stop him,” he whispered with tears in his eyes. Then he stood and walked away.

Good boy indeed.

Shawna weptwhile Kimberly held her and shed tears of her own. They stared at the cave, one of them reliving horrors the other could only imagine.

“The guys will be here soon,” Kimberly soothed between sniffles as she blew her nose on the tissue she thankfully had in her pocket—because, pollen. “Hang in there, honey. They’ll get here soon. And when they do, I’ll climb back to the car and get my cell and call Devon. He’ll bring your mom so they’ll be here too. You’re not alone, honey. You’ll never be alone or hurting again.”

She hugged her tight when Shawna burst into renewed sobs, her own breaking free again.

Damn them. Damn them all for this.

Kimberly glared at the cave and wondered if, after all the evidence was gathered, it might be possible to have it blown up. It would be cathartic for the survivors to have the vile place destroyed.

Within the black pits of that hell hole a flicker caught Kimberly’s eye. There was something metallic and reflective in there. At first, Kimberly brushed it off as the sun bouncing off the chains that had restrained the women held in there. But what she saw was all wrong.

It wasn’t stationary. That wasn’t light moving off something—that was something moving around in the light.