Page 18 of Bound in Lace

“But why are wehere?”Kimberly wanted to know. She detested carnivals. Give her Disneyland or Universal any day, but carnivals?

They walked by a couple of tents where two carnies were heavily necking as kids ran and played all around them.No, no, thank you.

“Oh look! A zipper!” Michiko exclaimed and Kimberly felt the hot dog she’d just eaten roll in her belly.

“Well, have fun on that,” she told her, and Shawna giggled.

“You’re coming with me,” Michiko declared.

“The hell I am,” Kimberly declared right back. The hog dog did a double flip. “You have no idea what you’re asking me.”

“You really don’t,” Shawna agreed. Like a solid bestie, she had her back and Kimberly wanted to kiss her in gratitude.

Michiko put her hands on her hips and glared. “Look at the two of you, standing there like a couple of schoolgirls from the fifties. Are we women of the new age, or what? Get your ass on this ride with me, lady, before I kick it. We’re supposed to be bonding, aren’t we? Or would you rather we knit?”

Kimberly scrunched up her face. Bitch. “You know what?” she grumbled and snatched the tickets from Michiko’s outstretched hand. “Iwouldrather we knit, so there.”

As she climbed into the rusty cage, it wobbled, and she cried out.

“Oh my God, you big baby.” Michiko laughed and scooched in next to her. “We aren’t even in yet. You crack me up, you know that? How in the hell can you face down bad guys but not a carnival ride?”

“The bad guys hijacked me and made me face them.” Kimberly gulped and closed her eyes when the cage swayed taking on another set of passengers. “Just like you’re doing to me now!”

The zipper suddenly swooped up and forward with a huge gust of speed. Michiko whooped; Kimberly screamed.

There was a bar that stretched across the front of the cage that had a loop in its center. Michiko grabbed on and when the ride came to another dizzying loop, she yanked that thing with all her might and sent the car spinning. While Michiko’s laughter rang like bells, Kimberly’s screams rang like a tornado warning.

“Oh my God! Stop that! Stop!” she pleaded with Michiko. “I’m gonna barf! I’m gonna puke!”

But Michiko either didn’t believe her, didn’t hear her, or didn’t care because she kept yanking on that ring, and that damn cage kept twirling like a broken washing machine and everything Kimberly had eaten in the last decade started lining up for a reunion.

Michiko yanked back and they flipped in two backward turns that had her hair in Kimberly’s open and gasping mouth. She pushed the bar forward and they were propelled against the safety harness as they went into a front triple barrel roll while the zipper itself went end over end and that was all she wrote for Kimberly.

Without warning, her open and screaming mouth was filled with vomit. Then the whole cage was. Chunks of hot dog and last night’s dinner, bits of half-digested popcorn, copious gallons of coffee and diet soda—all of it and more. The cage was filled. And it continued to churn them like a salad spinner and then they were both screaming. Michiko plastered herself to the side of the cage as if Kimberly had morphed into a sci-fi monster.

“Stop the ride!” she bellowed to the carnie below. “For the love of God! Stop the fucking ride!”

But he didn’t. And they flipped and they spun. And Kimberly puked and hurled and every inch of the two of them was soaked and covered by the time the ride came to a rocky halt.

They were at the top and swaying. Kimberly felt hungover but was too sick to care that she’d covered them both in vomit. She only wished the damn thing would quit rocking.

Finally, her stomach settled enough to allow her to lift her head and look around. The entire cage was covered in filth. There were chunks lodged in the cage’s crevices, and when she found the courage to take in Michiko, she had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.

The woman was covered from head to foot in offal and looked as if she’d been caught under a sewage pipe. She was absolutely soaked. There was a chunk of half chewed hot dog caught in her hair that Kimberly thoughtfully plucked out for her, and she had a disgusting glob of something white on her cheek that Kimberly was just going to let her deal with on her own.

“Are we bonded now?” Kimberly asked as the cage moved and her stomach made another warning rumble. Michiko’s eyes widened. She stared at Kimberly’s stomach as if she expected Ripley’s alien to pop out of it all the way until they reached the bottom.

Once there, the carney took one look at them and their disgusting cage, picked up a hose and turned it on them without a word.

The only thing that made the whole ordeal worth it? Shawna laughed all the way home.

Rachel Bradshaw hadan office in the same building as Sam. According to him, up until they’d captured Grungy, she’d been quiet and professional. She’d never aroused any suspicion. During the interviews with the survivors, they’d discovered that the therapist had been especially careful in her manipulations. Nothing they’d uncovered so far could nail her as anything more than a weak accomplice for her part in the abductions. Michiko’s mission was to change that. The goal now was to get the woman to incriminate herself, and then lead them somehow to the remaining others.

Thankfully, without her master holding her leash, she was making that job all too easy.

Rachel Bradshaw looked as if she hadn’t bathed in a week and smelled that way, too. There was a distinct stench of body odor in the air underneath a heavy layer of cheap perfume along with the unmistakable aroma of unwashed vagina. Rachel was sitting with her legs sprawled. Michiko was hard pressed to keep from wrinkling her nose.

“I have been so looking forward to today,” Michiko told her as soon as she had taken her seat. “You’ve been all I could think about.”