Page 34 of Bound in Lace

Sam made a sound low in his chest at the sight of Kimberly taking Dean in her throat, working to swallow as he started sliding and gliding in and out between her wet, pink lips. The positioning worked fine with him. Sam pushed himself to all fours on the counter over Kimberly and prepared to sink in.

Kimberly couldn't think.She couldn't breathe, she couldn't move, she couldn't see, she couldn't hear. But she could feel. That was all that she could do, feel her body. It was one giant sensation made up of a million tiny sensations and her brain had gone fuzzy white ages ago from the overload of pleasure. There wasn't even a follicle of her that wasn't tingling, that hadn't been licked, sucked, and bitten from the mouth down. She'd never been so turned on in her life, and considering her lovers, that was saying something.

As Dean cradled the back of her head, he slid that thick, juicy cock in and out of her mouth, pressing against her tongue and sliding so far back in her throat she could swallow him. The position kept her from gagging and both he and she gloried in his unrestricted access. The sounds she wrung from him were the only ones that registered in her cotton-filled mind. That was until Sam slid between her thighs and entered her. Kimberly cried out around the cock in her mouth and felt Dean shudder as Sam filled her to bursting, her body suffused with pleasure and need and too many orgasms to count.

That first glide back out, that glorious friction, sent another wave of rhythmic rippling through her. Kimberly felt her cunt clinging to the cock within her and release that wrung sounds from Sam now too, and they registered like harmony in her fog-filled brain, so it seemed a chorus of angels were singing. Kimberly detonated.

Her body bucked under Sam's. Dean's grip shifted so his thumbs and forefingers kept her mouth open and her teeth from clamping down on him. She felt him swell between her lips, against the back of her throat, his cock hard as steel, the veins standing out like ribbing against her tongue, and then she felt that first swell and pump that signaled his own release. With a hoarse cry, Dean pulled from her mouth, gripped the base of his cock in one thick fist and held her head steady while stream after stream splashed hot and heady over her lips, throat, and heaving breasts.

Maybe it was the sight, maybe it was the sounds, maybe it was the feel of her pussy clamping rhythmically over and over on his plunging shaft—whatever the cause, Sam began to buck when his climax overtook him as well. Kimberly jerked and trembled under his thundering rhythm. If it weren't for Dean’s steadying grip, he would have fucked her right off the counter. As Sam's hot come filled Kimberly’s eager body, he pounded his orgasm into her and sent her spiraling into unconsciousness.

Chapter Eleven

Michiko lost track of time.If she’d ever had a clue as to their whereabouts, she’d lost that a long time ago, too. Her entire body ached from the lack of mobility. She’d tried to keep her muscles from cramping by doing isolated flexes, holding each muscle group as taut as she could for as long as she could, then releasing it and moving on to the next. The cramps were coming for her anyway.

They’d stopped for restroom breaks but hadn’t even thought to check on her. Michiko’s bladder had let go once already, and even though she hadn’t drunk anything, it was screaming to let loose again. God help her if they didn’t let her out of this thing before her bowels followed suit.

The car came to a jolting halt and Michiko forced her eyes open. She told herself to look for anything that could be used as a landmark and strove to stay alert. There was the grumbling of three males and the nasal whine of Rachel’s complaints as they piled from the car. Then the back popped open, and Michiko found herself staring up into the faces of three strangers and the therapist. The short blond man in the middle and Rachel were smiling down at her while the two other men looked around as if they were Secret Service. Rachel and her friend only had eyes for Michiko, though, and the expressions on their faces obliterated Michiko’s self-directed order to stay calm.

“You awake in there?” the short, grinning man asked. “I hear you can take a hell of a wallopin’. Lil’ sis here tells me you like it real good, too. I sure hope that’s true, ‘cuz I got me a lotta what you might call some aggression to work out. Starting now.” And the son of a bitch punched her square in the face without warning.

When Kimberly came to,Dean still had her head cradled in his hands. He was slumped over her; Sam was braced on all fours over her body, panting as if he'd just run a marathon. The world was still fuzzy; her vision was still bright white at the edges. Kimberly tried to make herself focus, tried to clear her sight by blinking rapidly, to little success.

Dean's eyes fluttered open. In them, she saw what she had been hoping and searching for since they’d left the clearing yesterday. She saw light; she saw love; she saw the perfect half of her heart, and relief swamped her.

Sam made a sound and brought her attention to him, and there he was, the other half of her heart. How had she survived over thirty years on this planet without these two men? They were her sun and her moon, the stars of her night sky, and the white fluffy clouds that provided shade during the day. They were her everything.

“Sam?” Kimberly's voice was a throaty whisper. “I think you fucked my legs off.”

Dean stepped off the edge, bent forward, and laid a gentle kiss between her brows. It was a benediction, a declaration—it was everything she ever needed to let her know he was out of those woods. Her Dean was back. Sam joined in, and she felt the feather-light brush of his mouth against hers.

Tears leaked from the corners of Kimberly's eyes as she kissed Sam back and Dean held her head while his thumbs made soft circles on her temples. This was tenderness after the storm—this was where they loved her soul, loved her heart, now that their bodies had been satiated. Sometimes, Kimberly couldn't tell what she enjoyed more—their lovemaking full of such rigorous passion or this part. The tender aftercare where they gentled and sipped at her skin with soft lips and affectionate brushes of their fingertips.

The ding of three cell phone chimes going off at the same time broke the spell and burst the tiny bubble that had kept time and reality at bay.

“Three guesses on who that text is from,” Dean remarked with a heavy sigh.

“Santa Claus,” Kimberly said with a happy sigh and felt Sam's smile stretched across her own.

“Maybe it's the Easter Bunny,” he said before giving her a quick, smacking kiss then pushed away from her to land on his feet with surprising grace.

“Hell with it,” Dean added, and Kimberly was relieved to hear his humor returned. “I'm gonna go with the Loch Ness Monster.”

He stepped back and the two of them helped Kimberly down from the counter. She was the first to reach for her phone and look at it.

“What a surprise,” Kimberly said in a singsong little girl voice. “It's only Cas. Looks like we were all wrong.” When Kimberly glanced down to read the message a reluctant laugh left her lips.

If you three are done fucking, I’ve got the go-ahead. Get your asses to the airport.

“Wow, just how close are you guys with your boss?”

The men chuckled.

“What do you mean?” Sam asked her with his heart-melting half grin. “What did he say?”

Kimberly turned her phone so he could see. “How in the world did he know we were going to have sex?”

“I think we need to cut back on poker nights with Cas, Sammy,” Dean said and the return of laughter in the house was like a balm to the soul.