Page 28 of Bound in Lace

“Holy hell, Cas,” Sam agreed.

“What?” came his tinny reply from the floorboards. “I warned you.”

Dean cursed again and fished the cell back up as Cas continued. He started deleting the forwarded pictures without looking. “All right, so the kid was only there for a weekend, since he was following orders, and the record was sealed; they had to spring him. I thought to look up juvie records under a family name because I couldn’t get that kiss outta my brain. Robby called him uncle.”

“That’s why they pay you the big bucks, Cas,” Dean told him. “Now we got the slimy fucker.”

“Hell, yeah, we do, boys.” Cas told them, and there was steel in his voice that had old Nicole heard, would’ve had him shaking in his filthy boots. “Let’s go get the sick fuck.”

“Holy shit!” Dean suddenly jumped.

“What?” Dean and Cas asked in unison.

“Pull over!” Dean shouted louder. “Pull over. Kimberly’s back and we’re practically on top of her. Look! Shit! That’s her car.”

They’d just rounded a bend and sure enough, there was Kimberly’s convertible. It was parked haphazardly on the side of the road and the hazard lights were blinking. No other cars were around, but that didn’t mean dick.

Sam pulled behind Kimberly’s vehicle and both men activated their bodycams and took out their sidearms as they exited the Impala.

This could not be happening.Thiswould nothappen, Kimberly thought with fury boiling in every fiber of her being. Who did these smug, ugly, self-important assholes think they were, anyway? That just because they were stronger and meaner they could pick up guns and do things like this to other people?

Kimberly really looked at the situation instead of through it with the eyes of feminine fear. There were five women standing here right now facing two armed men. One of them was an inbred-looking, potbellied, balding redneck who didn’t appear as if he’d finished the eighth grade. He gazed at her with his mouth open. His was a stupid type of cruelty. Yeah, ol’ Bobby Sneed would be easy to kill.

Lee was another matter with his martial arts skill and the gun, but it was five women against barely one and a half men.

Kimberly sneered, fed the fuck up with the monsters of this world and their bullshit. She planted her feet in the dirt and her fists on her hips.

“Let them go,” she said in a deadly serious voice they had better listen to. “Now.”

“Lady,” Bargain Basement Karate Kid said, “we’re the ones giving orders here.” He waved his gun around like a kid with a shiny new toy. “See? Now, you be a good girl and take them there sluts back where you found them and string ‘em back up. Then come back here and get Sierra back where she belongs. Thanks fer cleanin’ up Shawna an’ bringin’ her back ta us, all bright an’ new as a penny! We ain’t gonna tie her back up just yet. We’ll break her in again good an’ proper first. Then we can start in on you. Been waitin’ a good long while to git our hands on you, li’l heifer.”

Kimberly felt true revulsion and made an overly comical face just to goad him. She wanted to keep these dangerous men off balance, but she also wasn’t afraid. Kimberly was pissed. And disgusted.

“No wonder you two have to resort to kidnapping women to get sex. You’re the most repulsive men I’ve ever laid eyes on. Look at the two of you.”

They froze. Even the trembling women did. But Kimberly heard one of the women behind her snicker and took heart. She was pretty sure that’d been Ria. They could do this.

“Look, heifer,” Bobby Sneed sneered. “I don’t think you git the picture here. We got yer friends here. We got the guns. Now, you go put those two back in their hole, then git yer ass back out here and git the other’n put away fer us like we said. Now go!”

When all she did was glare at him and cross her arms, he raised his gun and pointed it at her face.

“I ain’t goin’ tell you again, slut,” he said in a deadly snarl. “Imma just start shootin’.”

“No, you won’t, Roy, you worthless chickenshit!” Ria shouted from behind Kimberly. She could have wept with pride at the steel determination ringing in the other woman’s voice. “You’ve had us trapped here all this time and you’re scared shitless of us, you limp-dicked, Bruce Lee wannabe! You haven’t got the balls!”

It was a terrifying taunt. Cornered like that, he could’ve started shooting just to prove them wrong and made himself a murderer, but Ria apparently knew her captor. He’d lifted that gun and for a heart-freezing second, Kimberly’d thought that he was going to end Ria right then and there. But his hand had shook as impotence had rattled his brain. The gun lowered with as little grace as it had been raised.

“Nah, bitch, you right,” he told her, trying for composure and failing. “I ain’t no killer. But I will shoot all you dumb bitches in the leg until you do what yer fucking told though.”

And he turned his gun on Sierra and did just that.

Sierra’s scream was as loud as a siren, the shot louder still. Even as she crumbled to the ground, every other person there launched into motion.

Kimberly was off like a runner from the block. She headed straight for Lee—Roy, she guessed was his real name?—who had turned to shoot Shawna. Bobby Sneed had let go of her and was reeling, apparently scared by the gunfire. Either that or he was scared of Ria. Or maybe he was scared of Shawna. Kimberly didn’t know who the man was afraid of—all she knew was he was afraid, because he dropped his gun and ran screaming like a seven-year-old girl.

Kimberly had watched Roy the night he’d beaten up Michiko very closely, and she’d listened to every word Michiko had told her about the man the next morning. He was a showroom monkey according to her. His form of martial arts was the worst possible kind. Learned from pop-up stores run by teachers with no respect for the history and the heart woven within the skill. It was called an art, for fuck’s sake, Michiko had grumbled. And this man was about as artistic as a pile of cat sick.

He was still a black belt, though, so when she reached him and he lashed out with a vicious slash with his gun hand, that shit connected. But it didn’t take her down as he’d probably expected. Because she’d been braced for it, she’d tried to dodge, and he’d caught her shoulder instead of her head. Kimberly turned in the direction of his blow to roll right back around to face him.