Page 19 of Bound in Lace

Rachel crossed her legs then uncrossed them, reached for the pack of cigarettes on the end table next to her then set them back down again. “Tell me, what have your thoughts been about our second visit?”

Hmm, good one, Michiko thought. She hadn’t been prepared for that question. “I’m not sure. Mostly, I guess I’m curious why you wanted to see me so bad.”

“I told you,” Rachel said with a very unprofessional and predatory leer, “you fascinate me.”

Then a door behind her opened and the asshole with the nun chucks stepped in.

“What the actual fuck?” Michiko demanded and gripped the sides of her chair, placing both feet firmly on the floor and preparing to fight her way out of the room.

“Now, calm down.” Rachel made ridiculous flapping gestures with her hands. Mr. MMA Never-be stood behind her and glared at Michiko like he was from Bodyguards-R-Us. “He’s only here to talk.”

“Talk, my ass,” Michiko said and pushed to her feet. Meathead took a threatening step forward and Michiko narrowed her eyes at him.Oh, come on, asshole. She’d relish kicking his ass again. She’d known last night as she’d looked into his still-crazed face that he wasn’t done, and seeing the same furious expression now, she saw she’d been right. She should’ve let him up and given him a proper beating. Well, he’d get that now.

“Talking isn’t what he’s here for, Ms. Bradshaw, no matter what bullshit he’s told you.”

“Nonsense,” Rachel countered, oblivious to the increasing violence in the air. “We’re all here to help you understand why you chose Master Lee when you had no desire to follow through with the natural culmination of the scene. Was it him specifically, or do you have a general aversion to sex? No, obviously, we won’t be getting into that part of the discussion if that turns out to be the case, but for today, I’d really like to discuss last night’s events.”

Under any other circumstances, Michiko wouldn’t be here at all, but she had to remember she was on the job, so she tried to think like a submissive.

“I’ll stay,” she told Rachel, but her eyes were on the dickhead. “And we can talk about last night. But I want him gone. I didn’t agree to this.”

“No way, bitch. You owe me. I didn’t agree tothis.” And the meathead pulled down the collar of his high neck tee to show his bruised throat.

“You tried to rape me, you fucking piece of worthless shit,” Michiko countered with increasing heat, ready to leave and damn the case. “You’re lucky that’s all you got.”

He turned red as a beet and took another threatening step forward. “You were in a fucking sex club. You agreed to scene. With me. You fell to the floor. Then you even turned over and started moaning. What the fuck did you expect me to do, you stupid bitch?” He was yelling by the time he’d finished.

“I expected you to keep to the negotiation, you fucking pig!”

He lunged. No skill, all fury. Lee came at her with a backhand that would’ve snapped her head back if he’d led with anything but that rage. As it was, it only landed because she hadn’t expected Rachel to be in on it. The fucking woman had clamped her hands over Michiko’s arms and watched Michiko’s head snap back into the seat cushion with a sick fascination, and she made a made sort of cooing sound.

“Oooh, did you like that, honey?” Rachel asked as Michiko blinked and tried to focus. “I did.”

Kimberly was in subspace.Sam had dragged her into their bedroom as soon as the house had emptied. Shawna’s mom and brother had taken her for dinner and a trip to the movies. Michiko had left for her appointment with Bradshaw, and the guys hadn’t wasted a second in getting her naked.

Kimberly wasn’t complaining.

Sam was a Master at the art of Shibari. He had stripped her then spent a luxurious thirty minutes lacing her into silky and colorful ropes. She hung suspended by multi-colored ropes in the center of the room like a marionette doll, he her puppeteer. Each one he pulled lifted a different body part. Right now, she had every limb laced up tighter than Victorian boots and her waist and hips corseted so snug her breasts and hips burst over the top and bottom like the wrapper around a gumball. He’d even braided a rope into her hair.

Dean was doing something magic to her large breasts with his mouth that somehow also felt as if he were doing it to her pussy, and she was making mewling sounds for them as Sam toyed with the ropes and kept her wheeling in space. Dean’s lips moved over her breasts and up her neck to her shoulders, then he shifted behind her as Sam stepped forward, still holding his ropes.

Kimberly lifted blurry eyes. Sam pulled on the ropes and Kimberly’s whole body was raised higher in the air until they were eye-to-eye. He gazed at her with a cool dispassion that belied the fire blazing behind that crystalline blue. She had his number. She knew how he burned for her under his cool exterior. She couldn’t wait for when that fire finally blazed through to the surface and scorched her.

His nose brushed hers, just a slight tingle, and Kimberly’s breath caught in her throat. He did it again and she whimpered. He smiled with decided relish and reached for her wide-open slit with only one finger. She was so wet. So ready. Kimberly watched that long thick finger as it came close, so close, so slowly, and she wanted to beg. Almost there, almost. Her core clenched. Everything inside her wanted that finger so bad. She wanted to feel it plunge into her. Wanted to feel it crook and seek out her G-spot and tickle that nerve bundle until she was screaming. God, he was so close! Why wasn’t he—

“Kimberly, sweetheart?” Sam said softly, sweetly. “What’s your safe word?”

“B-br-brat.” When he lifted his eyebrow, she was too far gone in subspace to give him shit, so she added a hasty, “Sir! Brat, Sir.”

That finger, that thick long finger, didn’t slide into her pussy like she’d been expecting—it slid through her juices and then straight back to her ass. Kimberly’s head drooped back and hung on the rope braided into her hair as nerve endings back there exploded into brilliant and fantastic life. They’d dabbled back there more and more lately, and she had found no reason to complain thus far.

Sam went all the way as far as his knuckles would allow and stared her eyes the whole time. Kimberly couldn’t believe the intimacy of the moment. It floored her. They’d been through so much. This fierce and gentle man. This hero and philosopher. This lover and champion. And she was beyond humbled to call him hers.

“I love you, Samuel,” she told him breathlessly as he drew his finger back and pumped again. “Oh God, I love you so fucking much.”

Then he was kissing her, and Dean was latching onto her neck and both their hands were on her and Kimberly lost the ability to string thoughts together as the men’s hands mouths and bodies did things to her that she’d never known before.

They switched places and Dean’s fingers were in her pussy now, two of them; he was pumping them hard and fast into her while Sam worked his in counterpoint in her ass. Kimberly’s mouth was open while mindless, unintelligible groans fell from her. While their fingers were still furiously going, Dean dropped to his knees and fastened his mouth to her swollen and ultra-sensitized clit. From the follicles of her hair to the nailbeds of her toes, Kimberly felt the energy gather the way the moon drew the tides from the shore. Then, when all the air had been sucked from her body and she thought for sure she was going to die from asphyxiation, that dam burst, the explosion hit, and the sea flooded forth as the orgasm of a lifetime burst upon her. Kimberly screamed so fiercely she didn’t utter a sound.