Page 15 of Bound in Lace

Michiko blocked with her forearm and the crack of wood on bone resounded over the silent room like gunfire. Groans could be heard from several onlookers, but not from her. She didn’t strike back either. She just lifted her other arm to block the next blow, and the next. She spun with such grace and speed, she defied the laws of gravity. It seemed impossible that an entire body could move as fast as those small pieces of wood, but every time a blow fell, her arm or leg or foot was there to block it.

Lee’s shouts became feral. He stomped as his strikes flew faster, harder. This was no longer a scene to him. No longer a pretty show. He was in this. It was skill against skill now as Michiko continued to block his every blow. To Kimberly’s eye, he’d found an equal, and it became obvious he was determined to dominate at any cost. Unfortunately, he was outmatched, and it started to piss him the fuck off.

Lee’s arms bulged and his body surged across the mats as he struck out at Michiko from every direction. And she met every strike, a perfect counterpoint to his every strike. Kimberly lost count of the times Michiko caught one of those hard sticks on her calf or foot as she kicked out to block. When Michiko grabbed one in her hand just to throw it back to him with a smirk, she only pissed the poor man off more. It was madness—he was being driven insane by the contemptuous expression on Michiko’s face, Kimberly just knew it.

Then, to everyone’s amazement, when Lee looked as if he were about to go berserker on her ass, Michiko stopped resisting, crossed her arms over her chest, bowed her head and let that man go to town on her.

Too far gone in the battle, Lee didn’t appear to notice his opponent had stopped resisting. As she stood like a sacrifice before him, he circled her and landed blow after blow. The nun chucks flew in rapid fire succession over hip, thigh, buttock, back, shoulder, arms. Faster, harder. When he circled again and a blow landed perilously close to her face, Michiko hunched. Another landed on her skull with a hollow clomp the whole club heard, and Michiko went to the mats, covering her head. With a throaty cry, and to everyone’s astonishment, Michiko turned to her back on the floor. The man kept going.

“Why isn’t anyone stopping this?” Kimberly was in tears. How could they stand this?

“She hasn’t used a safe word, sweetheart, and we can’t be the ones to interfere. The dungeon monitors will stop this if it goes too far.” Sam told her and squeezed her closer. Worry was rich in his voice too.

Those black sticks whirred over Michiko’s silver-encased body so fast they were a black formless swarm above her. The only indication blows landed were the involuntary jerks of Michiko’s slender form. She looked as though she were having a seizure. If it were not for the unmistakable expression of pure ecstasy on her face, Kimberly would’ve rushed the mats and damn the consequences.

Then the unthinkable happened. Lee dropped the nun chucks to the floor and fell on Michiko. Shock held the entire club frozen. The DMs who were watching from the sidelines finally looked ready to wade in, and Kimberly felt her men tense, knew for damn sure they were ready to wage battle if need be.

But Michiko still wasn’t using a safe word. Had they negotiated this part? Suddenly, the man went flying through the air, ass over head.

Nope, not negotiated apparently.

By the time Michiko had rolled to her feet, fury etched into every inch of her tiny frame, Lee had regained his as well and the same fury radiated from him.

Mary, Kimberly’s favorite dungeon monitor in the club, stepped in to interfere. “All right, Master Lee. You obviously overstepped and violated club rules. Now, we gotta go have a talk about that. But first, you owe Miss Seven of Nine here an apology.”

“Fuck that and fuck him,” Michiko said. “Thank you and no offense, Mary, but get off the mat and let me take care of this piece of shit myself.”

The short retired Army sergeant looked from her to the Dom, who looked pissed as hell.

“Get the fuck outta here, bitch,” he snarled.

Mary glared at him then looked back at Michiko. “You sure you can take care of him good and proper? Cuz this sumbitch is outta here once you’re done with him, so this is your last chance.”

Michiko didn’t take her eyes off Lee as she smiled a particularly evil smile. “Oh yeah, I got this.”

“Okay, then.” And Mary patted her hands together as if to say she was washing them of the whole situation and took her place back at the sidelines.

“Come on, you rapey son of a bitch,” Michiko taunted. “Show me what you got.”

“Stupid cunt,” he snarled. “You wanted it! What the fuck are you here for then? Laying on the floor? Moaning and begging for it?Rapey? Fuck you, bitch!”

Then he came at her with lightning-fast kicks that had her retreating in spins, and two of her blocks fell short. He landed hard blows that snapped her head back like it was on springs. Then he danced back on the balls of his feet in a perfect imitation of his namesake, and Kimberly rolled her eyes at his ego. What an asshole. Michiko had stood without fighting back and taken a twenty-minute beating with nun chucks and now she was facing off in a real hand-to-hand fight with a man who outweighed her by at least a hundred pounds. And here he was, showboating like he’d just won points off a worthy opponent. There were some types of men Kimberly sincerely hated.

She felt tears sting her eyes and gripped both Dean and Sam’s hands. She was sincerely scared for her new frenemy and hated what was happening.

Kimberly expected the large man to charge Michiko any second now and pummel her to the ground, but Michiko was the one who charged. With an ear splittingkiai, Michiko took two bounding steps, did a flip in the air, and came down in a roll at his feet. She climbed up his legs, then all the way up his body to wrap her hands around his neck and drag him to the ground in one smooth roll. Then she flipped him over her head and onto his back with a thump that only his groan out-echoed. It happened in less than ten seconds.

Michiko crouched over his chest, one hand in his hair as he tried to regain his breath, and Kimberly saw her consider whether she wanted to continue playing. She must have decided against it because she drew back her free fist and nailed the man right in the throat. As he lay convulsing and gasping like a landed trout, Michiko calmly stood, walked to the bench where she’d left her stuff, gathered her things, and left the club.

Chapter Four

Sam rolledover and wasn’t surprised to find the space empty next to him again. Kimberly hadn’t slept through a whole night since coming home from the hospital after the fire. He lay staring into the dark for a moment and considered what he should do. Dean was softly snoring, so Sam decided to slide out of bed and let him sleep. Since Kimberly was probably tucked up with Shawna, he would get some homemade bread started for their breakfast in the morning. Nothing started the day off quite like the smell of fresh baked bread. Then he heard the water running in the tub as he walked by the guest bath.

“Kimberly?” Sam peeked his head in. Shawna had a private bath in her room, so she wouldn’t risk this one where any of them could happen upon her. She wasn’t afraid any longer, but she still wouldn’t like getting caught naked.

“Oh, no,” Kimberly said in a soft whisper. “I came in here so I wouldn’t wake anyone. I’m sorry.” She was perched in a miserable ball in the middle of the enormous, jetted tub. It was a luxurious number designed for lounging, yet Kimberly was hugging her knees in the middle of it as if she were in the middle of a frozen pond. The sight broke Sam’s heart.

“You didn’t wake me,” he told her. “Mind if I join you?”