Page 14 of Bound in Lace

They all nodded. Michiko had turned the club on its ear with her costumes. Apparently, kink and geek went hand in hand.

“Next weekend, I’m wearing my Firefly costume,” Dean said and had them all busting up.

They needed to wait until Michiko chose a Dom before they could start their scene, so the guys led Kimberly to the bar to get a drink. Rachel Bradshaw was there. She was dressed in the same baggy corset and tights she’d worn last weekend, though the tights had a run in one of the legs now. Her hair was scraped back in a tight, greasy bun, making Kimberly’s hair stylist heart ache for the abused locks.

“Hi.” Kimberly tried a timid smile.

Dean gave her a sharp poke. She wasn’t supposed to interact with the case anymore. She was supposed to be here strictly as window dressing, but damnit, Kimberly was determined to be a tangible part in the hunt for the women.

“Hey there,” Rachel said and smiled like a barracuda. Kimberly saw that she was missing several teeth and had others that were rotted with cavities. The woman was a therapist, for Christ’s sake. Why in the world hadn’t she taken care of her teeth? They had to be so painful.

Kimberly schooled her features into a polite mask. Then she remembered who this woman was and had to reschool her features again. Good lord, being a spy was tricky work.

“I’ve seen you here a lot lately,” Rachel told her, reaching out to run her bony fingers down Kimberly’s arm. “You put on some amazing scenes. You’re so hot. No, really. No wonder you were able to snag not one, but two Doms. Tell me, were they a team before you or did your magic pussy lock them down?”

Oh my God, had the woman really just said that to her? Kimberly didn’t know how to reply. She knew this was more than just a sex club—that it was a gritty and dangerous one—but how was she expected to respond to such a vulgar question from a perfect stranger?

“I’m sorry.” Rachel strengthened their intimacy by wrapping her arm around Kimberly’s waist. “Every once in a while, I just forget myself. We’re in this club and sex is in the air and words just fly right out of my mouth. Never mind me. Unless you don’t want to, that is!” She laughed like they were old friends and even laid her head on Kimberly’s shoulder.

Dean poked her thigh harder. She couldn’t blame him. Kimberly felt as if she’d been one of those foolish people at the zoo who’d thought they could pet the bear and walk away unscathed. Now the bear had her in its claws. Why was she forever getting herself into these messes?

“No, that’s fine,” Kimberly told her and gave a feeble laugh. “You just caught me off guard, is all. I don’t usually talk about our arrangement.”

That was true enough. Until the case was closed, no one outside the need to know knew about the three of them. Kimberly wondered for the first time how she was going to answer the inevitable questions when they came.

“Well, you don’t have to tell me,” Rachel said magnanimously. “Like I said, I just kinda blurted that out on you. But if you do decide that you would like to start talking about your unusual relationship, I’m a sexual therapist. I have openings for new clients, and your first session is even free. I can help you learn how to talk freely about your sexual nature and your love life.”

She handed over a card she pulled from her top, which Kimberly took with her jaw hanging open. The woman was as oily as a used car salesman.

Then Rachel’s hold on Kimberly tightened, and her expression warmed. She lowered her voice to a concerned whisper that only Kimberly could hear, “If they don’t want you to come see me, honey, that’s a big red flag. I’m here for you.” Then she squeezed Kimberly like they were parting under dire circumstances and left with not one but two meaningful glances back as she walked away.

“What the actual fuck?” Dean exclaimed under his breath.

“I think Michiko was dead on about her falling apart,” Sam said.

“And what in the hell were you thinking talking to that woman?” Dean demanded.

Kimberly felt Like Lucille Ball. “Well,” she said, biting her thumbnail as she hunched her shoulders. “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” He glared at her, making her put back up. “And you’re just proving her point right now. She said it’d be a red flag if you guys didn’t want me to see her.”

Sam rolled his eyes heavenward. It wasn’t an expression of exasperation but one of adoration.

“Sweetheart,” he told her patiently, “you know very well that’s manipulation one-oh-one.”

“Whatever.” She flipped that away, making him chuckle while Dean looked ready to strangle her. Kimberly thought she might be crazy to be this deliriously happy while in the midst of such a dangerous situation, but it was what it was.

“Look,” Sam said, “Michiko chose a Dom.”

The back and forth with her men vanished and Kimberly turned her focus back to the mission at hand. Michiko had chosen a whopper.

The man was dressed in a white gi that was loosely belted to leave his massive chest exposed. He was a black belt and he had two sets of nun chucks strung around his neck. As the two of them spoke, the entire club quieted.

From the whispers floating around the room, she gathered the man’s name was Master Lee.As in Bruce?Thinking a bit highly of yourself, my dude,she thought disparagingly.

After coming to an agreement, they moved to the largest scene area usually reserved for whippings. The floor was covered with a thick mat and Michiko and Master Lee faced off with each other. The whole club was there to watch, all other scenes suspended.

Lee threw off his shirt and belt, then took up both his lethal nun chucks and began to twirl them. Michiko eyed him as if bored.

The chucks started making a swishing sound as he swirled them in the classic side-to-side fashion. The sound didn’t look as if it fazed Michiko, but it scared the shit out of Kimberly. She wanted to storm the mats and snatch the little Borg right out of harm’s way. Sam must have felt her distress—of course, it was Sam—and his comforting arm was around her just when the first blow came.