Page 10 of Bound in Lace

Rachel Bradshaw was about thirty pounds underweight. She had long brown hair that was more frizz than curl and a narrow face with large round eyes and a crooked nose that had to have been broken more than once. Sam thought she might have been attractive if she hadn’t looked so hard and calculating. When she crouched next to his women, both he and Dean stiffened. Apparently, his partner didn’t like the quasi-therapist that close to Kimberly. Michiko either, now that he’d scened with her.

Well, he couldn’t do shit about Michiko—in fact, this was exactly what they’d wanted, despite what his Dom instincts were screaming. But he could damn well get his sub outta there.

Kimberly was so creepedout by Rachel that she couldn’t believe Shawna had ever confided in the woman. Of course, Kimberly knew things Shawna hadn’t, but there was a steel, a grittiness under the woman’s gloss that made Kimberly’s skin crawl. When Sam approached them moments after she did, Kimberly could have wept with relief. She still looked to Michiko before she stood. If the other woman gave even the slightest indication that she was uncomfortable, wild horses ouldn’t drag Kimberly away.

Michiko gave no such signal though. She just kept her head back on the couch in the same relaxed slouch she’d been in since Kimberly had laid her there. Kimberly shot another weary glance at Rachel and placed a hand on Michiko’s limp one.

“Are you going to be all right?” she asked her gently.

Michiko met her gaze and the two of them shared a true smile for the first time.

“Yeah,” Michiko told her warmly. “I’m fine. Go on and have fun.”

Kimberly couldn’t help herself—maybe the right term was, she didn’t think she needed to stop herself—so she went with emotion, leaned forward, and kissed Michiko tenderly on her exposed cheek.

“Thank you for the show,” she whispered for her ears only. “You were stunning.”

Then she stood and walked away with her head bowed alongside Sam.

“You were incredible.” Kimberly told him as he led her from one room and into another. “I can’t believe how you wielded that whi—”

His lips cut off her words and his arms cut off her breath as he caught her up against his body and kissed her like the world had ended and there was only the two of them in the whole of the universe. He plunged his tongue into her mouth and dragged her, his fists snaking up her back to grip in her hair and yank her head back, hard. Kimberly gasped as he tore her mouth from his and panted down into her dazed face.

“Hands behind your back, Kimberly,” Sam ordered. “Do it now.”

She did, with arms that trembled with desire. His hum of approval made her already wet pussy clench with a fresh flood of moisture. Her slinky dress moved like oil over her skin as she rubbed against him, and Kimberly closed her eyes in momentary rapture at the simple delicious friction of the grinding of their bodies. Then he tightened his grip painfully in her hair.

“Hold still,” he ordered. Kimberly did so with reluctance—she wanted to smash herself against him until they were both screaming out their orgasms to the rafters. He looked ravenous as he stared down at her, and his hunger became hers. Kimberly folded to her knees.

Sam arched back with a groan that came from his toes when she sealed her open mouth over the iron bulge in his pants. Those fists in her hair pressed her face harder into his groin and she felt him throb even through his clothing. Kimberly wanted to bite and bite hard. His hands directed her, moved her mouth deeper between his legs, higher up his abs, and eventually tugged her to her full height and all the way back to his lips. She was kissing him again and Kimberly couldn’t remember what life had been like before this man’s kiss had been in it. Like her existence hadn’t been real up until this point. Nothing had been real up until them.

When Sam drew back, Kimberly stood swaying on her heels, dazed. He returned to her moments later with a bondage apparatus of some sort that she was too befuddled to recognize.

She recognized Dean, though. Dean swooped in and cupped her jaw. He laid his lips on hers. What his mouth did to her couldn’t be called a kiss. This was ownership. This was a claiming. This was someone who knew every erogenous point in her mouth and how to exploit it.

Kimberly was panting tiny cries into his mouth by the time he pulled back. Sam was strapping wide bands to her thighs and just above her knees. There was one that slung like a swing seat just under her tailbone and then ran in a wide T up her spine and out to support her arms where he’d strapped them at shoulder and elbow. The ones on her legs rode up the outside of her hips, rodeo-chaps style. As soon as she was secured, Dean started hitting buttons and Kimberly’s feet left the floor. She’d thought she’d be uncomfortable, or like she was going to fall through or get pinched by her weight. Instead, she felt as secure as if she were in a hammock. Snug, free moving and weightless, yet no discomfort or fear of falling.

Kimberly smiled at Sam and Dean as one of them gave her a small push and set her to swaying.

“Safe word, Kimberly,” Sam said, and just those two words alone could have sent her over the edge.

“Brat.” When he only raised a brow at her, Kimberly remembered where they were and quickly amended, “Sir! Brat, Sir.”

They both nodded and looked truly pleased. She’d been known to push them and damn the consequences, so she didn’t blame them for their doubts. In fact, it gave her an inner sorta pride that she could keep such two imposing men on their toes.

She wasn’t in any mood or in any position to keep them anywhere at the moment, however. They had her strung up and slung back in so many straps Kimberly felt like she was caught in a web. It was Sam’s hands that ran up the insides of her thighs, but it was Dean who pushed the button that opened them. The whir of the pulleys as they spread her legs wide was as an erotic sound as any she’d ever heard.

She was drenched. Sam’s fingers tunneled straight into her without resistance and when she dropped her head back, Dean’s mouth was there on her exposed neck.

“Oh, God,” she gasped.

“He can’t help you now,” Dean whispered with his wicked grin and then Sam’s mouth was between her legs and Kimberly lost all reason. Her back arched as her mind flew apart while Sam lapped and sucked at her dripping cunt. His fingers never stopped pumping in and out of her and his mouth never stopped moving. Kimberly arched and cried out as her senses went into overload. Dean tightened her bonds; both arms and legs stretched her downward while the one at her waist arched her spine up in a bow.

Sam continued to eat his fill. Kimberly cried out again, and Sam’s tongue and fingers combined to work some magic within her that turned her blood into glitter and made her entire body shimmer like gold dust. She couldn’t move, could hardly breathe as he lapped and sucked, his fingers sliding in and out of her hot flesh. She wanted him so bad; Kimberly clenched with all her might and tried to hold onto those fingers, tried to keep him inside herself, and the increased friction had her crying out in surprise.

Then Dean was kneeling behind her and his shoulder was cradling her head and his hands were sliding her dress off her breasts. Kimberly let out a groan of anticipation when she saw what he held in his hands. Breast restraints and nipple clamps. They hadn’t tried either of them before, and the sight of them now, with Sam still working his mastery between her legs. melted any resistance that might’ve been there in another circumstance.

The restraints were large, rainbow silicone bands. First, Dean gathered a breast in both his wide palms and massaged it. His fingers worked the supple flesh and teased the tender nipple until Kimberly was sure there was a direct connection between her nipple and her pussy and Dean was pulling on it. Finally, like trying to fit a rubber band over a ponytail one last time, he snapped the band into place at the base of her breast. The tight fit pushed the large mound up until it looked like a cupcake and her nipple resembled the cherry on top. When Dean attached the rubber-tipped clamp and tightened it, the room went white. One breast done, he moved onto the next and Kimberly’s mind went blank with drugged pleasure as her second breast was treated to the same. By the time Dean finished, Kimberly felt intoxicated with pleasure.