Page 80 of Shaw

Luca stands stoically still beside the head of Emi’s bed, watching over her like a pit bull, his unwavering stare of promised death now becoming second nature to me, and I’m finding I can easily ignore him.

Emi whimpers as the doctor works between her legs, causing Luca to growl in boiling rage.

“It’s okay, Red.” I stroke her hand. “It won’t be long, and we’ll have your baby in your arms.”

“Ours.” I stare at her blankly. “The baby is ours, Shaw.” She squeezes her eyes closed before opening them with renewed vigor. “I lied. I wanted you to be happy, to keep you safe. I pushed you away, and I lied.” Tears streak down her face. “I’m so sorry.” She pauses and my heart stutters with desperation to hear her words. “Please forgive me. I thought I was setting you free.” My pulse races with elation. “I love you, Shaw.”

My head falls into the crook of her neck. “Jesus, Red,” I say as tears spill from my eyes.I’m going to be a daddy after all.Yet, deep down inside, I could feel it all along. I didn’t care if the baby had my blood or not, the connection was always there. The love for them was always at the forefront of my mind. If only I could have shown it beforehand, none of this would have happened.

“There’s nothing to forgive, Red.” I raise my head, and her lips tremble as I gently take her lips in mine.

A throat clears. “Do you fucking mind? Can you push the fucking baby out, Emi. I have people to kill, or did you forget about that?”

I roll my eyes at his groaning, causing Emi to stifle a low giggle.

“Okay, Emilia. One more big push and the little one will be out.”

Emi gives the doctor a nod, and I pull my shoulders back and allow her to squeeze the blood from my hand as she pushes, forcing out a scream so loud I think she burst my eardrums. “Ahhhh.”

A squawking wail fills the air, making my heart soar with pride. The doctor moves quickly, wrapping the little one in a blanket that seems to have appeared from nowhere.

The doctor hands me the baby, and I stare down into eyes the exact shade as my own, a bright blue.

“Is it a boy?” Luca snaps, not giving the baby a second glance.

The doctor’s shoulders slump. “A girl.”

I smile down at my little bundle, a little girl.

“Fan-fucking-tastic,” he grumbles. “Congratulations,” he throws out like it’s nothing. Like I’m not holding the most precious gift in the entire world. “I’m off to torture people.”

My head snaps in his direction. “Luca?”

He turns his black orbs on me. “Keep them alive.” He stares back at me before nodding in understanding.

When my wife and baby are settled back in our home, I intend on dealing with them both.

I place our little girl in Emi’s arms and marvel in the love seeping through her. We did this, we created the perfect little family, and I couldn’t be happier.

Scrap that, I want more.

“What are you thinking?”

My gaze meets with Emi’s. “More. I want more.” I nod at the baby who doesn’t have a name yet.

“More?” Her eyes widen, making her look so damn cute I grin.

“Yeah, more.” I pepper kisses over her face. “What shall we call her?”

Emi swallows, and I know what’s coming before she utters the words. “Can we call her Eleanor?”

I smile at how well I know my girl. “Of course.”

We sit marveling at our baby girl in a comfortable silence as the doctors tend to Emi.

“When you said more. How many more?”

Our eyes meet. “A lot more.”