Page 78 of Shaw

It’s like something out of a movie as shrapnel and smoke fill the air. “Keep moving forward,” Luca throws over his shoulder. I ignore the gunfire both in front and behind me, praying that Luca’s team is clearing the area as we run into it.

Shouts and screams are blurred as my only focus is getting to Emi, and quickly, because there is no doubt that Ravlek is fully aware we’ve breached his perimeter walls and entered his carefully structured compound.

Luca reassured me he knows exactly where Emi will be held. How, I’m not sure, but all I can do is have faith in him and his experience and hope that his knowledge prevails.

We move toward either side of the property doors, and Luca gives a thumbs-up as a whiz sounds through the air before blasting the doors to smithereens. My eyes widen in shock before I mentally shake myself and follow Luca through the haze and into the foyer of the building. Men race down the spiral staircase, and me and Luca take aim at them, taking them all down with controlled ease.

A mountain of a man steps out in front of Luca, his yellow teeth gleaming in delight as he tenses his fists. Luca wastes no time in rushing toward him with a loud growl that takes them both to the ground. But before I have a chance to intervene, I’m knocked sideways and stumble into the wall. My gun skitters across the marble floor, and the man grabs me from behind and pulls my head back, the glimmer of his blade in his clenched fist reflecting on the window, making blood surge through my body and my muscles strain tight. I relax my body and use all my strength to bend at my knees and throw him over my shoulders, causing him to slam to the floor with a thud, a move I’d perfected in boarding school, thanks to Owen who insisted on keeping us all sparring with one another over the years, and I couldn’t be more thankful than I am right now.

I catch my breath as the sly fucker makes a grab at my feet, but I anticipate the move and step back, remembering the blades hidden in my sock. I step forward and place my foot on the side of his face while retrieving one. I tug a blade from my sock, and during his thrashing around to gain the upper hand, I slam it into the side of his throat so hard my hand becomes flush with his sticky flesh. I pull it back out and ignore the garbled noise and push back the notion of potentially killing a man for the first time and keep my mind on my target.

Moving quickly, I locate my handgun and turn around to take in Luca now on his feet but in a chokehold. Clearly, the other guy has the upper hand as Luca’s eyes bulge under the same realization. I fire off two shots; one hits the guy in the shoulder and the other directly into his forehead. He drops to the floor with a thump, allowing Luca time to catch his breath and relocate his weapon.

He gives me a sharp nod before tipping his head toward a corridor. With blood pumping furiously through my veins, I follow him down the corridor, able to take cover behind two pillars when a shoot-out breaks out between us and two other men.

“Step out.” Luca side-eyes me, and I stare back at him as though he’s crazy.

“No. You step out.” I fire off another shot, knowing my ammunition is running low.

“Step the fuck out. I’ll cover you.” He wants to use me as bait? No chance.

I tilt my head toward the corridor. “You do it.”

His eyes seethe with venom, and he points toward the corridor. “Stronzo, step the fuck out there for my sister.”

Of course he had to pull the sister card, didn’t he? I sigh, knowing yet again I’ll have to prove myself to him.Will I ever stop having to prove myself? Will he ever accept me?

“Fine.” I exhale, then step out with my hands in the air, giving both men a chance to step away from the pillars and into the firing line. Luca pops off two rounds, and the men fall to the floor.

My body relaxes as blood pools around them.

“ETA: one minute,” Luca speaks into his earpiece, and my stomach somersaults at the thought of what’s to come.

A step closer to Emi.

Hang on, Red, I’m coming for you.



Fear like no other creeps up my spine as I choke around Ravlek’s cock. The tight grip on my throat is so punishing the pain is immense, and it takes all my control to remember to breathe. I whimper in discomfort, but even that sound is lodged in my throat.

“Ravlek, you’re hurting her. You’ve had your fun. You got your evidence, now leave her alone,” Aldo begs from beside me, but Ravlek pushes harder into my mouth, making my knees shake. He holds me in place with his meaty palm at the back of my head. I peek through tear-soaked lashes to find Ravlek biting his lower lip. His eyes ooze with a combination of possession and hate, and a sob leaves my mouth along with saliva at the prospect of this going much further than a blowjob.

From the corner of my eye, I see Aldo move forward, only for two of Ravlek’s men to hold him back. He fights against them, causing Ravlek’s body to lock tight. His fingers disentangle from my hair, causing me to flinch as his cock slips from my mouth, giving me much-needed relief as I suck in sharp, desperate breaths. But it’s short-lived when he pulls a gun from behind his back; my heart seizes with terror, only for him to aim past me and release a bullet into Aldo’s forehead.

I drop my head on a wail, sobs catching in my throat at the severity of this stupid plan turning so wrong, so deadly. Sickness rolls in my stomach and panic grips my throat.

“Princess, you have a job to finish.” I raise my head at his cold, detached voice to see him jacking his cock, unfazed by the fact he just stuck a bullet in his nephew’s head.

I try to gather my thoughts as tears fall down my face and my body shakes involuntarily. “Please.”

He grins down at me and trails the knuckles of his fingers down my cheek, almost lovingly, but his eyes hold a cruel detachment that allows me the insight that he will show no mercy; he’s enjoying my fear.

A loud boom rocks the property and penetrates the room, causing pictures to fall from the wall.

“Take her to the cellar,” he instructs one of his men who tugs me to my feet. “Get them to get the baby out at whatever cost.” His words send fear so violently through me my legs give way, forcing the man to lift me into his arms.