“Luca, what are your plans for Shaw and Emilia?” Owen asks, breaking the building tension.
Luca takes a slow, calculated sip of his wine and then motions for the waiter to refill the glass.
“They can take one of my properties, and Shaw can continue with his business.” This seems to appease Owen because he relaxes back in his chair with a nod of agreement. His broad body is impressive, but truth be told, I’m used to seeing hot Mafia men all the time, yet the only man my body reacts to is the one sitting next to me.
“I have my own house,” Shaw snaps back. “I don’t need you to provide for me.” He glares at Luca with hate, and I want to tell him to stop.
Luca sits forward in his chair, bracing his elbows on the table. “I’m aware of everything you do and don’t have,Shaw.” Venom rolls off his tongue at Shaw’s name. “What you don’t have is the correct security for my sister and nephew, my properties do. You’ll take one of mine and you will be happy about it.”
“Nephew?” Shaw glances toward me, swallowing thickly, with a hint of hurt in his eyes.
My heart races to reassure him. I shake my head. “We don’t know that.”
Luca throws himself back in his chair. “With all the fucking trouble it’s causing, it better be a boy.”
I roll my eyes, knowing my brother well enough to know he’s joking right now.
“The baby will take our surname, of course,” he tacks on.
Shaw jolts, his eyebrows shoot up. “I’m sorry, what?” he splutters.
“You should be sorry; Grant is a pathetic surname. No family member of mine will have it.” Luca lifts a shoulder.
“Grant means big,” Shaw quips back, scrunching up his nose.
“Big dumbass.” Owen grins, earning a glare from Shaw.
I stifle a laugh, which Shaw doesn’t miss, and he bends his head to whisper in my ear, “Big everything else, right, Red?”
“Varros is a stronger name. A Mafia name,” Luca announces proudly, making me want to roll my eyes, but I know better than to do it.
“The baby isn’t yours,” Shaw argues in disgust, making me wince.
“And I can take it away from you. So, you’ll accept the name and be happy about it.” Luca’s nostrils flare and his black eyes narrow, and the grip on his cutlery tightens as he seethes with rage at being questioned.
Shaw takes a gulp of his wine before slamming his glass down on the table so hard I’m surprised it doesn’t shatter. “Thank you very fucking much!”
Owen pinches the bridge of his nose.
Luca turns his attention toward me. “Emilia, go to your room.”
I scan around the table, reluctant to leave Shaw with my unpredictable brother. I know him well enough to know when to push him and when not to. Shaw has no clue how the Mafia world works, and it makes me nervous. Not just that, but I worry our baby will not have a father if he doesn’t step carefully and comply.
I push my chair away from the table, unsure whether to say goodbye to Shaw or not. As I rise from my chair, I can’t help but whisper advice that has been on the tip of my tongue all night. “Don’t push him.” Shaw’s eyes meet mine in a silent acknowledgment, and as I turn and walk out the door, I only hope he can heed my advice.
Hearing Luca bark orders at Emilia makes me grind my teeth so hard I’m surprised I have any molars left.
Before we left the SUV, Owen gave me strict instructions to keep on the right side of Luca. The Mafia Capo is unpredictable at best, and I’ve no choice but to let him bulldoze into my life and take over.
Owen has reassured me that a lot of the Mafia members can lead separate lives from their wives outside of the organization. I’m not okay with cheating, but if Emilia and I agree to being with other people because we don’t want to be with one another, then that’s something we can work toward on a discreet level, way in the fucking future. Truthfully, the thought of Emi with another man sends me feral.
And besides, the last thing I need to do is risk my cock and balls. Even the thought makes me wince.
Emilia sat stoically still during the dinner, her back ramrod straight. I couldn’t help but keep glancing at her small bump. Knowing there’s an actual baby in there makes me want to hold her, protect her, and press kisses over her delicate neck before marking her as mine once again. Preferably covered in my cum.