Page 56 of Shaw

“You can’t divorce her because she won’t have sex!” My heart races with panic for the poor woman.

“Baby, shh . . . there’s so much shit going on over there.” Shaw strokes his hand up and down my arm.

“You should just order one of those women from Indulgence. They’re like mail-order brides without the wedding,” Reed throws in.

Mase shakes his head. “Nah, I at least want to be legally separated first.”

Tate leans forward and takes another slice of pizza, making me wonder where he puts it all. He aims the slice at Mase. “Then once you are separated, order multiple at once. You’ve a lot of years to make up for.”

Did Tate just suggest Mase hasn’t had sex in years? Wow, that’s unheard of. In the Mafia, a man would take another woman to please him, and that’s assuming he was a good enough man to not just take it anyway.

“Is the tomato sauce organic too?” Reed breaks my trail of thought with his random question.

I glance over at him pushing his pizza around his plate with a fork. “Yes. It was all organic produce.”

Tate rolls his eyes.

“And the cheese. Where did you say it was from?”

“It was from a dairy farm my brother’s staff use.”

“Mm,” he muses, unconvinced at the authenticity of my pizza.

“Jesus. What the fuck’s it matter? Just eat it,” Owen snaps in his direction while bending another slice of pizza and shoving it in his mouth.

“It matters because my fitness consultant has me on a strict diet to maintain my health and physique.”

“Just do a few more weights in the morning. That’s what I do.” Tate shrugs between mouthfuls.

“Reed, if you don’t want the pizza, you don’t have to eat it,” I tell him when he grimaces down at the plate.

“It’s fucking delicious.” Tate grabs the pizza from his plate and literally throws a slice toward Owen, who catches it as though it’s an everyday occurrence.

Shaw bends down and speaks in a low voice. “It’s a regular occurrence, Tate throwing Owen food.” I nod in acknowledgment at his words and smile in their direction.

“Thank you for tonight, baby. It’s been incredible.” His words make me beam with pride.

I tilt my head back, and his soft lips meet mine.

Tonight has gone perfectly, and I never want it to end.

I never want a day without Shaw in my life.



Shaw’s legs bounce, and he holds my hand as they rest on his thigh. The journey to my brother’s should only be another half hour, but it feels like a lifetime.

Luca sent over my usual stylist this morning, and I’ve been pruned and poked at and once again look like the perfect Mafia princess.

My royal-blue dress fits me elegantly and showcases my bump, which makes me nervous about how exposed I am. But Luca is making a statement tonight, and the point is that there’s no backing down from the decision that was made. It will be clear I’m pregnant with my husband’s child, leaving for no alternative to the agreement with Ravlek.

I move my hand from Shaw’s, and he’s so lost in his head he doesn’t realize it. I bite into my lip in consideration, fully aware I now probably have lipstick on my teeth.

Making the decision to help relax him, I glide my hand over his pants and down toward his cock.

Shaw’s eyes snap toward mine, filled with heat. His breath quickens as I stroke over him and then I move lower to toy with his balls. He opens his legs farther and relaxes his body while resting his arm along the back of the car seat.