Page 52 of Shaw

A feeling like no other pulsates through my veins. I’ll protect our little one. They’ll never feel the emptiness, the lack of love and support Emi and I have endured growing up. I squeeze her hand back and stroke over her thumb as our eyes remain locked in silent recognition of our combined feelings.

When I told Emi how disappointed I was about missing the scan, she suggested booking another. I jumped at the chance and suggested we get the nursery ready together. Seeing her smile at my suggestion made my heart swell and excitement bubble through me.

“Mr. and Mrs. Varros.” And just like that, my good mood is tampered. My spine bolts straight and my jaw grinds in annoyance at effectively being renamed by Luca, being stripped of myself for the sake of his organization. Yet again something else that is out of my control, and I fucking hate it, but I want my child to have my surname, and according to him, this is the only way. When I told Emi I wasn’t happy about it, she spieled her usual comment, “In blood we’re bound. In trust we live.”

Well, I wasn’t born into this fucked-up family of theirs, so I’ve no idea why they continue spouting their little motto to me. When she said it was an honor that Luca allowed me to share their surname, I lost my shit.

A fucking honor?

The man is a known psychopath who intends on railroading not only my life but my child’s too.

I stand, tugging Emi to her feet. I refuse to look at her, even though I know she’s as innocent a pawn as me. I can’t help but take my feelings out on her; she’s my only outlet for the rage bubbling inside me.

The nurse scans my body with interest, and the hold I have on Emi’s hand tightens as I draw her into my side without thinking. The disrespectful nurse ignores Emi entirely. “Mr. Varros, so pleased to meet you. If you’d like to follow me.” She holds her arm out toward the corridor, but I remain standing in shock. My feet refuse to move as I glare at her in contempt. Her eyes flick over my face, looking for a sign of what the problem might be. “I’ll help you out, shall I? My wife is the one having the baby. If you weren’t so busy eye-fucking me, you’d realize it.” I wave my free hand toward Emi’s protruding stomach, then when I glance up at her face, I notice her eyes have widened at my words, but I’m on a roll. “Have some fucking respect and apologize to my wife.”

The nurse’s mouth drops open, then closes before she opens her mouth to speak again, only for nothing to come out.

I hold up my hand to stop her when she tries again. “I’ll save us both the time. Before we go any further, get me a different nurse.” She jolts at my words before her cheeks flush, and she gives me a small nod of understanding without eye contact before she scurries off down the corridor.

Emi leans into me, her voice a whisper. “Was that really necessary?”

I glance down at her, her black orbs staring back at me, waiting for a reply. They practically sparkle in amusement, making my lip quirk at the side, and she doesn’t miss the action as her face breaks out into the most beautiful smile, making me glean with pride. “Thank you.” She stands on her tiptoes, and I lower my lips to meet hers. My free hand wraps into her hair, holding her tighter, pulling her closer as my tongue sweeps into her mouth, devouring every low whimper and swallowing it down, savoring it.Fuck, she’s incredible.

“Shaw.” She pulls back, breathing heavily, her face flushed and her eyes full of need. I stare at her as she trails her tongue over her bottom lip, as though savoring my taste, causing my cock to twitch at the thought.

All thoughts of Luca dissipated by a simple kiss.

“Mr. and Mrs. Varros, apologies. If you’d like to follow me, please.” We trail behind a doctor in his mid to late fifties and into a small room with a bed and chair.

“I really must apologize about my colleague. I can assure you she will be dealt with.” The doctor’s gaze shifts between Emi’s and mine.

I give him a firm nod but can’t help but comment further. “Good. She was unprofessional and damn right disrespectful to my wife. In fact, she’s a walking lawsuit waiting to happen. Unassuming happy families are coming in here, and that tramp is potentially about to destroy them and your business.” I cross my arms and stare the doctor down, causing him to swallow deeply.

“I understand your concerns, sir.”

“I suggest you terminate her contract with immediate effect.”That’ll show the little wench.

“Shaw!” Emi gasps beside me, making my eyes dart down to hers.

“What? She was eye-fucking me.” I shrug, my tone almost childlike.

Emi scoots her ass onto the bed, and I suck in a sharp breath as she raises her t-shirt above her bump.

I spin around on my heels to face the doctor. “And you’re not sticking anything in my wife’s pussy.” My tone is stern and laced in threat.

He flushes and wipes his brow before walking over to use the hand sanitizer.

“You’re making him nervous, stop it,” Emi snaps in my direction. I grunt back at her noncommittally, because the thought of anyone but me touching my woman makes my chest feel like it’s caving in. It makes me feral.

Lowering my ass into the seat beside Emi’s bed, I take her hand in mine as the doctor rubs the gel on her stomach with a small device. Anxiety rushes through me when Emi winces. She narrows her eyes, as though realizing a change in my demeanor. “It’s okay,” she soothes. “It’s cold, that’s all.”

I nod at her, dumbstruck when a whooshing noise fills the room. My eyes flick from the doctor to the doors, then around the room, unsure of what’s happening.

Emi giggles, pulling her lip between her teeth. “Shaw, it’s the baby’s heartbeat.”

I scan her face, and she tilts her head toward the screen beside her, so I lean forward in my chair to see a perfect image of our baby. It’s not a blob like you see on scan photos online. No, this is just like it was advertised. You can see all the baby’s features, and when the doctor presses a button on the screen, the angle changes and we can see the baby’s toes. “Fuck, bump has toes.”

My pulse races and my heart skips a beat when bump’s hand stretches out, showing fingers. My whole world is right here. I’m right where I belong. Emotion clogs my throat, making my words come out gravely. “Fingers too,” I tack on in awe.