Page 14 of Shaw

He holds his hand up to stop me from talking. “It’s not. But it’s dealt with now. This Shaw will make a good husband.” He waves his hand out toward the bedroom door, making a flutter of nerves race through me at the thought of Shaw becoming my husband.

“He’ll take care of you.”

My stomach flips at his comment, and I twist my hands in front of me. “How can you be so sure?”

It’s his turn to scoff this time. “Because I’ll make sure his death is a slow and painful one if not.”

I roll my eyes and face the mirror again, trailing my eyes over the lace wedding dress that flows down my body with the long lace veil matching. My makeup is natural, and my waves have been emphasized.

“I’m proud of you.” His comment surprises me as he stands behind me and places his palm on my shoulder in a reassuring gesture. This is as much affection as I’ll ever likely receive from Luca, so I take it while I can.

I shift my eyes away from his, guilt swimming in mine. “I doubt that.”

“We all make mistakes, Emi.” His eyes dart away from the mirror, and I wonder if he’s referring to the bloodbath he started when our sister was murdered by an opposing family.

I open my mouth to reassure him, but as usual, anything to do with feelings Luca shuts down. He pulls away and straightens his jacket. “Come. Your husband-to-be will be waiting.” He holds out his hand for me, and I place my palm in his, prepared to marry a man I don’t know, all for the sake of my family.

In blood we’re bound.

In trust we live.


My leg bounces, and my thoughts flit back to her walking down the aisle, the swell of her stomach encased in a loose lace dress clearly meant to disguise her pregnancy.

Her grandfather, who she refers to as Papi, was a witness, as was Owen. The remaining congregation was security detail, apart from Emi’s adopted brother, Maxim.

When the officiant pronounced us husband and wife, I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to kiss her or not. Too damn nervous to get my balls fed to me, it took Luca prompting me with what I can only describe as a thinly veiled threat. “Kiss your fucking bride,” he gritted through clenched teeth.

Our kiss was short and sweet, more of a peck than anything else. As much as I’d have liked to have deepened the kiss, I wasn’t about to lose my cock before using it again.

“You can relax now.” Her soft voice is a whisper, yet fills the limousine with a comfort I’m not used to.

I snap my gaze from the window to her. Her beauty hits me square in the chest, and I’m forced to swallow away the lump clogging in my throat. “I’m sorry.” I roll my lips.What the fuck is wrong with me?“It’s a lot,” I admit like a sap.

Emi ducks her head. “I know. I get that.” She gazes out the window, and I have a sudden need to reassure her too.

“Have you seen the house we’re about to move into?” I try to disguise the snipe in my comment.

Emi spins to face me with a smile that would put me on my ass if I wasn’t already on it. “No, but knowing my brother, it’s ridiculous.” She rolls her eyes on a chuckle, and I laugh with her, then she points her finger at me. “But safe.” She grins wider, making me throw my head back on a laugh.

I like her sense of humor. A lot. It’s not something I’m used to when around women. Either I’m not around them long enough to have a conversation or, like Lizzie, they’re serious all the time or talking about shopping and restaurants. Neither of which I give a shit about.

I like the change and am thanking my lucky fucking stars I’m sitting in a car with Emi and not some botoxed bitch who you can’t tell if their face is moving or not.

“Honestly, Shaw, once my brother has settled down, we could live separate lives if that’s what you prefer. I don’t want to ruin your life for you.” She sighs. “We just need to present a united front until then.”

Dread fills my stomach at the thought of my family living a separate life from me.Is that what she wants?“Is that what you want? To live a separate life?”

I watch her, not missing the flush and rise of her chest. “No. I want my child to have two parents that are happy, together.” Her black eyes hold mine hostage with sincerity and hope.

My heart races and my Adam’s apple bobs in relief. “Me too.”

Her shoulders relax and her lips turn up into a gentle smile. “So...”

“So, we try and make this work. You, me, and—” I nod toward her bump while trying to tamper down the excitement bubbling inside me.

I might not have wanted a wife and baby, but now that I have them, I intend to make this work and keep them above everything else.