Page 75 of Shaw

“I told you I’d look after you, Emi.” He glances my way, then continues on. “Care for you. You didn’t have to go and get knocked up by someone else. You should have just trusted me, ya know?” Spittle leaves his mouth as his voice becomes higher on each word.

Blood pumps through my veins faster as he puts his foot to the pedal, making us lunge forward and the seat belt tighten across bump. My hand goes there protectively. Aldo side-eyes the movement, and I don’t miss the flare of his nostrils at my motherly instinct.

Surely, he wouldn’t hurt me and bump. My breath hitches at the thought.

“Aldo. Can you slow down? You’re scaring me.”

Aldo takes his eyes off the road to scan me over, giving me a small nod, and I breathe out a sigh of relief when he eases off the gas. “My uncle, he’s going to help us.”

We approach what can only be described as a concrete fortress, and again, a wave of nausea assaults me. This is bad, really bad. Large wrought iron gates open, and two men with machine guns wave Aldo on. Whoever Aldo’s uncle is, he’s important, judging by the vast building and the security surrounding it.

My lips move, but I struggle to compute the words. My hands fidget, and I try again. “Aldo, who is your uncle?”

We park outside the larger building, and I peer out of the window and wonder if this is in fact someone’s home. “Does your uncle live here?”

Aldo scoffs. “He operates from here.”

“Operates?” I scan Aldo’s face, my brows furrowed.

“He’s in the business. Come on.” Aldo steps out of the car and the door slams with a thud, making me jump.

My head screams at me to lock the car, to get away, that I’m in danger, but as I scan the car for the keys, I know there’s no escaping. I know I’m going to have to play along with Aldo’s plan at whatever cost, until I find a way out. I was stupid thinking I could evade the constraints of my brother in hope for freedom. In doing so, I feel like I’m walking into the lion’s den.

A knock on my window startles me, and Aldo’s face fills the glass with a sweet smile. There’s no doubt in my mind that Aldo would ever put me in harm’s way, but to what lengths he’ll go to keep me is what has sickness rolling in my stomach. He’s hiding something, and I think I’m about to find out exactly what that something is.

I plaster on the perfected smile and mask my apprehension. Opening the car door, I slip my hand into Aldo’s and fight the urge to pull away. Ignoring the fear bubbling inside me, I raise my chin and straighten my shoulders back, feigning a confidence I no longer feel. Perfecting the perfect Mafia princess mask.

However, my brother didn’t help raise your typical princess. Hell no, he helped raise a fighter, and that’s exactly what I’m about to become.

* * *

Ice fills my bloodstream when I realize the men surrounding the foyer are speaking in Russian. They eye me like fresh meat, like a prize has been won, and like the fool I am, I’ve walked straight into the home of my enemy, delivering them their win.

My hand tightens in Aldo’s as my heart rate skyrockets in silent terror. I glance up at Aldo, and his eyes bore into mine; a look of longing and protectiveness pool in his. “I won’t let them hurt you. We just need my uncle’s help getting out of the country, then we’ll be together.” My breathing stammers at the thought of leaving the country, leaving my family, leaving Shaw, and not for the first time, regret pumps through me as I fight back tears and continue with this charade. “You just need to do what I ask you to, okay?” His eyes implore mine.

I search his face for sign of deceit but find none. I only hope my instincts aren’t betraying me when I give him a subtle nod of confidence.

“Just do as I say and everything will be okay.” He clears his throat to distract the fact there’s a tremble to his voice, but I didn’t miss it. Not in the least, and that only solidifies the severity of our predicament.

Aldo tugs me along the corridor, past the winding staircase to the last door where a man stands guard. There’s a sick gleam in his eyes as his gaze travels over my body, making me shudder and huddle into Aldo’s side. Aldo’s hand tightens in mine, his body tense. “Take your eyes off her,” he spits, and the man stares back at him, raising his chin with a smug grin. Aldo steps forward and pushes his chest against the man’s, but I tug him back into me, too terrified at what might happen. “You’re a traitor.” The man clears his throat, then spits down at Aldo’s shoes.

Aldo smirks back at the man, then looks down at me with pride. “Doesn’t look like it from where I’m standing.”

The statement is obvious. I’m proof that Aldo isn’t a traitor. I’m what? A pawn?

I bristle at the insinuation, and Aldo recognizes the motion, so he bends down to my ear. “Trust me.” He squeezes my clammy hand as reassurance, but all I feel is a sickening sense of dread, and when the man finally opens the door and Ravlek’s menacing eyes lock onto mine, I feel like I’m going to pass out. My head swirls and my legs sway.

I’m not just in danger.

I’m in hell.



I’ve never felt so enraged. Yet a strange sense of calm is allowing me to think clearly, strategically.

After discussing an action plan with Enzo and Maxim, we have a plan in place. One that Owen and a team of his men are assisting us with. I’m confident we can get Emi out of the compound safely. I just hope she’s managed to evade trauma. I hope I’ve taught my little sister enough to know when to fight and when to let her passive instincts kick in. She needs to protect herself and the baby however she deems necessary.