Page 25 of Shaw

“You think you’re better than us? Deserve better than Emi, is that it?”

I slink back in my chair. “Quite the opposite. I know she deserves better than me”—I glare back at him—“and better than you, for that matter.”

This seems to appease him, because the deranged look he was wielding only seconds ago has lifted from his calculated face.

“We can agree on that.” Luca clears his throat, and his shoulders relax slightly. “I need your security team to act as decoys for me.” He appeases me with the small detail, but something tells me that’s as much as I will get from him.

I search his face. “Then what, Luca? There’s got to be more to it than that.”

He chuckles. “There is, but like you said, you don’t want to get involved with illegal activities.”

“So what you’re saying is, you don’t want them to do anything apart from becoming decoys for you?”

“What I’m saying is, I’m unwilling to discuss it further with you.”

This man is enough to drive anyone to insanity. How the fuck can I agree on something without knowing the facts?

“I’ll discuss it with Owen. He’s in charge of security, is that right?” Of course Luca knows Owen is head of security. There’s no doubt in my mind the man knows everything about me and my company.

“And then we’re square. After this, if Owen agrees, we’re square. Right?” I stare at him with hope in my voice.

He brushes a finger over his bottom lip. “Mm. We’re family now, Shaw. We’ll never be square.”Fucking asshole, exactly what I thought. I’ll be forever indebted to him.He smirks at me as though hearing my every thought, and I hate him all the more for it.

Luca leans back in his chair. “In one month, we will hold a party to celebrate your nuptials. You will be there, and you will very much be in love with my sister.”

I raise an eyebrow at his statement.

Luca elaborates further but not before grinding his jaw from side to side. “We had to tell people you were madly in love. Therefore, you were willing to risk it all to be together. I, of course, was the accepting older brother and stood by my sister in her choices.”

I scoff. “Right. Her choices.”

“Exactly that.” He taps his finger on the table, then rises from his chair, straightening his suit jacket in the process.

He turns to walk away, then stops in his tracks, as though remembering something, and I lift my head in curiosity, only to find him pointing a gun with a silencer attached to the end. I feel the sharp pain before I can register what he did. My left hand draws up to meet the searing agony of my damp shoulder. “That’s for disrespecting me in my own home.”

“Motherfucker!” I bellow as he slams the door shut behind him.

I hate Luca Varros.

But I hate Emilia more.



Ipace the room back and forth, listening out for anything untoward. Luca was angsty tonight, and when Shaw disrespected him, I wanted to throw myself in front of him and beg Luca not to make him pay.

I made quick work of changing out of my summer dress and throwing on a bathrobe for comfort.

The bedroom door flies open with a bang, and my eyes draw in Shaw and his blood-stained shirt. I flinch at the realization that Luca shot him.

Before Shaw can close the door, I’m across the room and trying to inspect his wound. “Oh my god, Shaw. I’m so sorry, Luca was a little angsty tonight.”

Shaw shrugs me off and pushes past me, storming to the bathroom. “Fucking angsty? The man is a fucking psychopath!” I follow him into the bathroom and try to ignore his pissed-off attitude, reminding myself he’s not from our world.

I lean against the door frame, trying to stop myself from reaching out to help.

He rips his shirt off with a fierce growl. His toned body is dripping blood, and I can’t help but feel the pulsating between my thighs at the sight of the perfect v leading into his pants.