Page 46 of Her Three Bosses

I got out of the shower and took my time getting dressed. Since my commute was literally two minutes long, I stretched my morning out to the absolute last minute. Finally, I decided to go downstairs to the office.

I arrived later than Chase and Hunter, but neither of them seemed to mind.

“Where’s Brooke?” I asked Chase, since he wasn’t on the phone.

“Not here yet. Probably stuck in traffic,” Chase said, not looking up from his computer. “Why? She didn’t spend the night?”

“No. She had to go help her friend.” I frowned, checking the time. “Thanks.”

I went into my office and kept the door open so I could see her come in. She still didn’t have an office yet, but we were going to convert the smallest conference room to her office soon. Her desk was still right outside my door, so I saw her come in, her energy frazzled.

Still, she smiled and said hello to people. I waited for her to come to me, as she often did in the mornings. But I waited. And waited. Finally, she came to see me around ten and shut the door.

“I’m not sure if I’m being paranoid, but I feel like someone was following me this morning,” she said.

“Wait, what?” I let go of my computer mouse. “How do you know?”

“A car pulled out behind me the moment I left the parking lot of my apartment building,” she said, still standing near the door. She seemed less afraid and more stunned. “I didn’t think much of it first, but it followed me as I changed lanes, too. I took several right turns once I got off the highway, and he followed me for all of those. I don’t know. It’s never happened to me before, and it’s freaking me out.”

“Let me get the others,” I said, getting to my feet. “We need to talk about this together.”



“Tell us everything again,” I said, pacing across the floor to ceiling windows that were along the conference room wall. The view usually distracted me with all of its bright lights and traffic, but all I could think of was someone following Brooke and making her feel unsafe. “What kind of car was it? Have you seen it before?”

Brooke sighed and slumped further into the big chair at the end of the conference room table.

“I told you everything before,” she said. “I pulled out of my apartment building this morning, and a car got behind me. No big deal. It was a sedan, something pretty nondescript. I don’t even remember the color all that well. And he followed me deliberately. I’m not sure where he went after I pulled into the parking lot of the office.”

I gripped my hair at the roots and tried not to freak out any more than I already was. I was so glad I’d had those lights in the parking lot fixed and had several cameras installed, too. There wasn’t a chance in hell that I was going to feel comfortable letting her drive to work or go to her car alone. Or be alone, period.

“You’re going to stay with me,” Lucas said from where he was standing in the corner. “I don’t want you going back to your apartment alone.” He had his hands in his pockets, and his posture was looser than mine, somehow. He had to be freaking out inside the way I was.

“No, not here,” Chase said, biting the inside of his cheek. “They obviously know she comes here a lot. We have new security that’s doing a better job, and Lucas’s penthouse has good security, but it’s where they’d expect her to be. Whoever they are.”

The list of people was long at this point. I’d read all the information that the private investigator had put together on Trevor, and the man was shady. Throw in the fact that some scumbag criminals saw her face, and the list grew even longer.

Fuck. I was going to have to call Mac. This shit was getting too intense.

I looked at her, my heart pounding out of my chest. She was so vulnerable.

“No, you have to stay at my place. You’re moving in with me,” I said. “I have more than enough room, and my security is very thorough. They’ll have to get through the inner and outer gates. We can see people coming for miles, and they can’t sneak past with all the crowds on the strip.”

Chase nodded. “That sounds like a good plan. I have too many people coming in and out to do my renovations for it to be a secure spot.”

Brooke bit her bottom lip before saying, “Okay.”

“I can have bodyguards here within the hour, too,” I added. “And of course, we’ll have a car take you wherever you need to go. You shouldn’t drive.”

“Woah, hold on.” Brooke held up a hand, one of her eyebrows arched high. “I’m happy to move in with you, but bodyguards and the car are a bit much. I can take care of myself.”

She definitely didn’t need to hear about Mac, then. She’d panic knowing the kind of thing he was capable of. I needed him to work behind the scenes.

“Brooke, you don’t know what you’re up against.” I let out a skeptical laugh. “You almost got hurt that night out on the casino floor. And someone following you is a huge deal. We can’t let anything happen to you.”

Her expression softened just a little. “I understand and appreciate how protective you are of me, but I don’t want to feel like I’m being held as a prisoner.”