“No, I mean in the sense that…” She paused, looking up at the ceiling. “Basically, I’m sorry that she won’t leave the past in the past. It’s really hard to move forward when you’re thinking about all the ways the past could have gone differently.”
“Do you feel like you’re constantly thinking about how the past could have gone differently?” I said, instead of focusing further on myself. It was a somewhat invasive question, but she’d opened the door. I wanted to understand her more.
She nibbled on her bottom lip, entrancing me for a moment before she replied. “Honestly, sometimes. I was with my ex for a while, and he really affected my life. I keep finding myself thinking about things I swore I’d leave behind after he dumped me. But the only thing I can try to do is improve, y’know?”
I did know. Somehow, the simple way she’d put it soothed a part of me I didn’t know was aching. Stephanie could call me all she wanted, but I didn’t have to let my irritation with her affect my day.
“Anyway,” she said after clearing her throat. “I should grab the phone. Thank you again for the croissant.”
“No problem.”
She left, and finally, I was able to get back to work. At least for a while. The more Brooke’s words soothed the disturbance that Stephanie had created, the more another uncomfortable truth set in. Something about talking with Brooke was comfortable in a way I’d never experienced before. It was so easy to let my guard down that I hadn’t even realized I’d done it.
How was I going to unlearn trusting her? I barely knew her, but here I was, getting into the same trap as I did with my ex. I fell for Stephanie fast, and I somehow completely missed her being unhappy. What if the same happened with Brooke?
I got up and paced around my desk. I didn’t need to put Brooke and Stephanie into the same section of my brain. I didn’t need to cause myself more pain. But why did I feel like I was going to do that anyway?
The relative silence in the office was the perfect environment for me to skim through the security footage taken the night that Brooke had acted as a blackjack dealer. I needed to pay attention to every single detail again. Chase was still trying to compile as much information on the criminals as possible, but I didn’t want to wait anymore.
And I didn’t trust the footage in the hands of our current security team. They were fine at their jobs, but with the number of criminals coming in and out right under our noses, I wasn’t in the most trusting state of mind. If we hired new people, or had a firm hire them, then I’d be less stressed out. Yet another thing to add to my to-do list—fixing this place from the inside out.
I blew out an exhausted breath and put the recording on one and a half times speed, watching Brooke. A camera from above captured the table and everything happening with the cards, while two others captured her from the left, right, and front. I paused the one from above and sped through the recordings from her left and right, trying to take in every single detail.
We had hours of footage, so I was in for a long night. I was glad I’d purchased the penthouse apartment at the top of the casino so I could stumble upstairs if necessary and fall into bed for a while.
A few employees said goodbye to me as they left, the flow of them trickling to a stop around seven.
My email pinged with a message from Brooke, who had steadily filled my inbox throughout the afternoon. Was she still here?
I got up and stretched my legs, heading out to the open area in front of my office. Brooke was still typing away, humming to the music quietly playing from her speakers.
“You’re still here,” I said.
She turned around. “I am. Just wanted to finish up some things. Sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?” I wandered over to her desk. “I’m glad you’re here. You’ve really been helping me out, especially with those reports. But I do worry that you’re not getting enough rest.”
“I get more than enough rest.” She smiled. “You three are always worried.”
“Well, we care. You’re a great assistant and person. We want you to be happy here.” I sat on the edge of her long desk, close enough to get a good look at her without crowding her space.
I was hyperaware that we were alone now. I hadn’t stopped thinking about our night together and how it had gone from just us chatting to her thighs wrapped around my head.
“Thank you.” She didn’t meet my eye. “You don’t have to say all that.”
“I don’t have to give compliments?” I grinned. “When I’m so good at giving them?”
That got a snort out of her. “But seriously. You don’t have to say that just to make me… I don’t know. Feel better?”
My smile faded. “Were you feeling bad before?”
“Well, not really. Just about average.” She waved her hands as if to clear the air. “Whatever. The point is that you’re extremely nice. Wasn’t that your senior superlative?”
She was deflecting, but I didn’t want to press her. It was the end of the day, and diving into feelings wasn’t something I liked to do. I’d do the same if someone tried to press me on my mood.