With the light coming from the hallway, I can make out a small hall that opens up to a bigger room. I know this is a two-bedroom suite, so this little entryway leads to the main sitting area and small kitchen.

A quiet zipping sound and then the ripping of tape tells me the girl is still alive. Must have been one hell of a party last night.

Three pats on my right shoulder from Simon signals for me to move on.

Moving into the room, I smell booze and whatever else that’s been fucking done here. It’s a smell of regret and piss.

The door to the suite on the right is cracked open. The suite door to the left is closed.

Moving to the door of least resistance, I peer through the crack and slowly push into the room. There, sprawled out on the bed, a man snores quietly, his head hanging off the edge.

Turning my head back to Simon, I give him a look. He knows I want to kill this fucker on the spot. I want to see his brains explode all over the room.

Shaking his head, Simon motions to the zip tie cuffs on his waist then points to the man.

He’s right, of course. We take the fuckers out here and it looks like we’re a wet team sent in for an assassination. That won’t go well with our contacts here. I’m betting we’re here on the good graces of the local cartel. We don’t have the green light for killing, only extraction.

Nodding my head, I let him know I get it.

I don’t like it.

But I get it.

Handing me the zip ties, he pulls another large swatch of duct tape from his pocket.

Fuck, I really do love Simon sometimes.

We don’t deal with rolls of tape, it’s too clunky. Having large swaths of precuts saves on time and sound.

I know it’s a low blow, but the moment we have the tape stretched across Terry’s snoring mouth I slam my forehead into his.

I watch his eyes open, cross for a moment, then start to widen in terror.

Putting a finger to my lips, I think he gets the message while Simon zip-ties his hands with thick plastic bands. Thankfully the sweaty, drugged up fuck is wearing his boxers. It would have sucked trying to parade his ass through the resort with his microdick wagging around.

Pulling Terry up to a full sitting position, I get his attention with a single snap of my fingers. Simon jabs him in the neck with a needle at that same second.

The fucker looks like he’s slipping into to a very happy place.

“He’ll be good until we get back to the van,” Simon murmurs.

Nodding my head, I stand Terry up and walk him into the living room. Then I push him into a corner so his dumbass doesn’t fall down.

Moving to the closed door, I look to Simon. With a nod of his head, I open it as slowly as I can. These two fucks shouldn’t have any guns on them, but if they’re doing cocaine and a bunch of other shit, you can’t put anything past them.

The door moves slowly open before I can get a peek inside. There are two dull snores coming from deeper inside the room, and that alone slows my rapidly beating heart down a tick. If they were still fueled up this could have gone a lot differently. The girl would have to be dealt with or brought along, neither of which are good options.

Striding quickly into the room, I take a piece of tape from Simon and head to the side of the bed where Jake is sprawled out. Simon moves across from me then slowly bends over the girl.

No way to time it perfectly, I bend over as well and look to Simon. Simon blinks his eyes twice to show he’s waiting for my move.

I slap the tape over Jake’s mouth then slam a hammer fist into his stomach. A shit ton of mucus, drugs, and air expels out of his nose while I hold onto his mouth.

At the exact same time Simon tapes the girl’s mouth shut while wrenching first one hand and then the other into a set of zip tie cuffs.

Jake begins to gag behind his tape before I have a chance to cuff him as well.


Asshole is going to try and cheat me of his death.

“Not a chance you’re going to fucking choke to death, bitch,” I growl as I rip the tape off his mouth and roll the puking fuck to his stomach.

Unlike Terry, this fucker just had to pass out naked as fuck. Ain’t so bad though since his asshole is facing a repulsed Simon. I can just imagine Jake’s chocolate starfish winking at Simon every time he pukes up.

“That was certainly one way to wake him,” Simon says with a grumble before pushing the girl down on the bed.