“Head in the game, John,” Simon mutters to me quietly as I follow beside him.

“Ain’t easy leaving the memories behind,” I say, and fuck, I’m struggling.

Focusing forward, I keep my head on a swivel. I need to be in the here and now. I can think of the nasty past when this is over with.

We start down the hallway with guest rooms on each side. This is one giant fucking building, and I doubt we’ll get out of here without being noticed by someone.

“Fast and smooth, no stopping,” I mutter to Mateo.

Whether he can understand me or not, I have no clue, but I think he gets the point.

Thankfully this hallway is empty, even if it takes forever to walk the length of it.

Stopping at the wide glass doors that lead to the tropical swimming area, I want to growl in frustration. It’s not just a few people out there, it’s a shit ton of people. Not a ton of little kids granted, but that doesn’t make this any easier.

“Fuck,” I say with a low grunt. “This ain’t going to go without notice. Soon as we pass by, phones will be out and we’ll be stars on the local social media.”

Mateo, sensing our hesitation, looks back at us.

“Agreed,” Simon says. “I won’t be able to control this narrative with so many people loving to film things these days.”

“Thank the devil for masks then, I guess,” I growl.

Nodding to Mateo, we push open the glass doors and keep our heads up. No swinging our rifles in any direction. No need to cause fear. Alarm bells will be going off soon enough in these people’s heads, and probably across the whole resort.

Regardless of the intel we got, this could go sideways without us knowing until it’s too late. That’s how one of us ends up with new holes in their body.

Mumbling to Simon, I ask, “Just out of pure curiosity, what’s your blood type?”

“B negative. Yours is O negative,” Simon answers as we move past a couple of women who are quickly grabbing up their towels and staring at us in fear.


I’m pretty sure Simon is having the same thoughts I’m having right now. This is just too much unplanned chaos for my tastes.

Fuck, am I getting too old?

That he would even put us into a situation that’s practically fly by the seat of our pants concerns me. Something is smelling rotten in the state of Denmark.

Beth flashes in my mind. Not her completely, just the way her eyes look when they’re closed and she’s sleeping.


Mentally kicking myself in the balls, I move forward as quick as I can without full on sprinting.

“Move it,” I growl at the guy ahead of us.

It feels like an eternity passes as we make our way across the concrete area. The sun is baking the balaclava to my skull. Not to mention the serious case of swamp butt I’ve developed.

Finally reaching the other side of the pool area, we get to the next glass door and yank it open.

No shots and no screaming so far. I’m going to count that as a win in my book. Moving through the doorway and into the air-conditioned hall, I want to dance a merry fucking jig.

“Two down on the right side,” Simon says quietly to us both.

“I’ll take lead then.” Walking past Simon and Mateo, I tap them both on the left shoulder.

My feet pad quietly down the hall and I finally raise my M4 up. No need to have the douchebags coming out of the room with us not ready for it.

Moving to the assigned room, I stop before I get to the actual door. There’s a peephole, and I have no desire to get shot through the door because some asshole is looking out.

“We good with a kickdown?” I quietly ask Simon.

Moving swiftly to my side, Simon pulls out his phone and pushes it against the door lock.

Ah, it’s one of the new fancy locks you can open with your phone. I don’t like ‘em at all, too easy to hack like Simon just did.

The click of the lock is quiet enough to me, but to someone on the other side it could have sounded like an elephant running through the room.

Pushing the handle down as quietly as I can, I feel the door’s latch move open.

I look back to see Mateo taking a position in the hallway. Good, he’s got our main extraction path covered.

Simon pats me twice on my left shoulder.

Go time.

Pushing the door open as fast as I can, I pull my M4 into position as I take a quick scan of the room. The bathroom door to the right is open with the lights on. A woman is on the floor, splayed out in front of the toilet.

Motioning to Simon, I have him check her as I keep my attention on the darkened suite ahead of me.