My heels tap rapidly against the concrete floor as I try to catch up.

His rudeness irritating the fuck out of me.

Instead of wondering why he’s hanging out in an abandoned warehouse, dressed in an expensive suit, I glare daggers into the back of his head.

Tempted to slip one of my knives into his spine.

When we reach the end of the hall, I’m so fucking pissed off it takes me a few seconds to realize that he’s lead me into a big open room.

The room where this warehouse probably did most of its operations in its glory days.

And we’re not alone.

In the center of the room, a man is gagged and bound to a chair.

Digging in my heels, I come to an almost comical screeching halt.

The man in the glasses walks right by the bound and gagged man like it’s no big deal.

He doesn’t even spare the poor fucker a sideways glance.

My heart starts to race wildly and my head gets a little fuzzy.

What the fuck is going on?

What the fuck did I just walk into?

“Miss Bower,” someone drawls out, “how nice of you to finally join us.”

Tearing my eyes away from the man in the chair, the man who is now struggling against his bonds and using his eyes to plead for help, I search for the source of the new voice.

Another man in a suit steps out of the shadows and into a shaft of light.

But this man is definitely not like the other…

Oh no, the second my eyes take in the new man’s face I know exactly who he is.

Matthew Harper.

Also known as Lucifer.

And all the rumors are true…

He truly is the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.

But his beauty isn’t a beauty that makes one feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

No, it’s so sharp, so strong, it’s like a sucker punch to the gut.

My stomach clenches and my feet itch to run in the other direction.

This was a mistake. A big fucking mistake.

I should have never agreed to this shit.

I should have never trusted James! He probably did this on purpose to get rid of me. I’ve always known he dislikes me, and this just proves it.

Icy blue eyes staring at me like he can read my fucking mind, Lucifer smiles.

Motioning toward a desk in the shadows behind him, he says, “Please, have a seat and we’ll get started.”

Does he expect me to just walk past the man in the chair like he’s not fucking there?

I glance at the bound man. The second he realizes I’m looking at him, he starts to struggle again.

Bouncing up and down and screaming against his gag, the chair moves a little with him but doesn’t fully give.

“I told you this was a mistake,” the man in the glasses grouches as he slaps a file down on the desk I’m supposed to sit at. “This is a huge waste of time, money, and effort.” Reaching up, he lifts his glasses a little and rubs at the bridge of his nose. “And it’s going to take even more time, money, and effort to get rid of her.”

Dropping his glasses back into place, he glares at me.

Get rid of her?

Lucifer inclines his head and the smile on his lips twists with sharp amusement. “Now, now, Simon, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We haven’t even started the interview yet. Give the girl a chance.”


My feathers ruffle at the obvious insult.

Simon snorts with derision. “James was wrong, like he always is. She shouldn’t be here and I’ve got shit to do.”

“Oh? Such as?” Lucifer asks with a small, knowing smile.

Simon shoots another glare my way before he answers, “Family business.”

Lucifer’s eyes glitter with amusement. “You mean my dear sister wants you to take her shopping?”

Simon’s face darkens, and Lucifer laughs.

While they’re focused on each other, I decide to try my luck at taking a small step back. Maybe I can slip out before they notice…

Neither man pays me any attention as I move, but the idiot in the chair ruins it.

He starts to struggle again in his chair, crying out to me.

Like I can fucking save him!

Lucifer’s attention snaps back to me. He motions at the desk and says with a strained smile, “Miss Bower, please, come have a seat.”


I know, logically, it’s in my best interest to do what I’ve been told, but something in my gut is telling me that taking that seat will not end well for me.

I can’t explain it.

But it feels like a fucking trap.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, one thing that Oscar himself drilled into my head, is that I need to trust my instincts.

And my instincts are screaming not to do it.

I hesitate, and Lucifer lets out a heavy sigh.

Simon smirks. “Told you.”

“Yes, I suppose, once again, you’re right,” Lucifer reluctantly agrees as his icy eyes run up and down my body.