His smirk grows wider for a second, and I swear he wants to make another jab but something in the way I’m looking at him must make him hold back.

Shrugging his shoulders, he says, “Fine, if you say so.”

Exhaustion seeping into my bones, I nod my head and walk forward, heading for my driver’s side door.

But James steps in front of me, blocking my way the second I get close enough to him.

“What?” I snap at him in irritation.

Why is he still bothering me? I’m tired after all of that stupid crying and not in the mood to trade barbs.

Humor fleeing, James looks at me meaningfully before he says, “Oscar said you passed.”

Cocky, immature James annoys the hell out of me.

Serious, no bullshit James scares the shit out of me.

I’ll never forget the way he looked at me during the laptop incident. Looked at me like he was considering if he should kill me or not.

I thought I’d never see that look in his eyes again, but there it is. Reflecting back at me with a cold feral calculation I can only hope to imitate.

And I haven’t even done anything this time to piss him off…

Not that I know of, at least.

I fight the urge to swallow and take a step back. “Yeah… Funny thing about that, I didn’t even know I was being tested. A little heads up would have been nice so I could have at least studied and crammed.”

James’s lips twitch as if they want to curve with amusement. “What? And ruin the surprise? Where’s the fun in that?”

I roll my eyes, but stop the second he says, “I honestly didn’t think you could do it.”

“Do what?” I sneer, my hackles rising.

“Make it this far,” he says coolly, remaining frustratingly cryptic.

I glare at him. “Why are you even testing me? Why did you send me to Oscar? What’s the stupid point of all of this?”

James smiles a smile full of something that could never be considered humor. “Why did you show up?”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to say I don’t know but that would be a lie.

I honestly don’t know what’s going on with all this stuff. Why they’re doing it. Why they’re being so cryptic and messing with me.

But I know why I showed up.

Why I drove out here and knocked on Oscar’s door that first day.

Because I recognized the offer the moment James made it.

The offer of power.

The chance to perhaps have more control over my shitty life.

I know who James works for. I even have a very good idea of what he and Johnathan do to earn those fancy cars they like to drive and the big houses they live in.

I’ve been doing my research.

I don’t need money, though. I’ve never needed money.

But I need resources and connections a woman like me just doesn’t have access to.

You’d be surprised how hard it is to find other people with… interests like mine. It’s not at all like the movies. Even with my mother’s fame and connections.

If anything, the money and notoriety make it more difficult.

No one wants to play with a spoiled rich girl. Especially one that’s been through the shit I’ve been through.

Reading the answer on my face, James’s expression becomes cold and emotionless again. “I thought so. You’ll be receiving a call soon.”

“Oh?” I ask with fake interest and tip my head a little to the side.

James smirks at my reaction. “Yes, and I’d warn you that taking the call means no going back… but I think you’re already past the point of no return.”

I straighten instantly, my spine stiffening. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Is he threatening me?

Staring hard into my eyes, he says, “It means out of the goodness of my heart, I’ll give you a head start.”

My pulse quickens and my palms start to sweat. I know exactly what he’s implying but I want him to say it out loud. “A head start?”

He gives a sharp nod. “To get out of town. You have tonight.”

Why would I run now? Is this another test?

Narrowing my eyes, I try to get a read on whatever he’s thinking, but I’m not used to this version of him. I’m used to the playful, immature guy always cracking jokes. Not the cold man standing in front of me, looking deadly serious.

“Do you think I should run?” I ask, confused and a little freaked out.

Did I mess up somehow?

James bursts into laughter. He laughs so hard he doubles over and grabs at his stomach.

My cheeks burn with heat and I grind my teeth together.

Is he pranking me?

Is this all a joke? Some little game he’s put together?

I wait calmly for him to admit this was all a stupid prank and I fell for it like a sucker.

But his laughter doesn’t stop.

No, it goes on and on.