But, as I suspected, her eyes are bigger than her stomach.

“Can I have your extra burger?” I ask as I eye it. I can always workout extra long tomorrow to burn off all this bad shit we’ve just put in our bodies.

Sophia looks at me like I’m stupid. “Uh, no?”

“Why not? You still hungry?” I frown.

Unsnapping her seat belt, Sophia shifts herself around and starts to push her body between the seats to get to the back of the car.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I ask and grab her by the waistband of her leggings.

Wiggling around, she tries to thrust her way into the backseat.

“Let go, you oaf!” Sophia growls. Reaching back, she swats at my hand. “You’re pulling my pants off!”

Someone honks at me from behind as I swerve all over the road. Trying to keep one hand and eye on her while keeping the other hand and eye on the road.

“Fuck!” I bellow. “What the hell are you doing?”

“If you don’t let go, every car around us is going to see my big, pasty booty while I move to the backseat!” she cries out before she takes a final lunge and forces me to let go.

That ass is not as big or as pasty as she likes to think, but she knows my weakness. No one sees that booty except me. I’ll shoot a motherfucker if they try.

She plops down in the backseat, and I groan as she leans forward to snag the bag of food.

Thankfully we come to a stop at a red light, and I can look behind me to see what’s happening.

“What are you doing now?” I groan.

And fuck, I don’t want to hear the answer.

She’s doesn’t even bother to answer me as she pulls down the middle divider, opening up a small rectangular hole to the trunk.

“Hey you!” Sophia says sweetly. “I’ve got food if you’re hungry. And look… that gag my hubby shoved in your mouth is already out.”

I can hear a murmur from the guy in the trunk.

And I swear to fucking god on everything I hold dear, I’m going to spank the fuck out of my pregnant wife, whether it’s healthy or not.

“Sure,” she says to the guy. “Gimmie a second.”

Unwrapping the second burger, she shoves her arm through the hole and just leaves it in there.

All kinds of horrific images flood through my mind as I picture the guy going suddenly feral as she feeds him. He could gnaw off her fucking fingers. Blood would get everywhere, and she gets really pukey now at the sight of blood.

Blood and puke.

I’m going to die now.

“Of course you can have a drink,” she says to the guy in the trunk after another murmur.

“You can’t be fucking serious, Sophia,” I snap at her.

“You take that tone with me again and I’ll show you just how serious I can be,” Sophia says as she turns from the back.

She leans up between the front seats again to snag the medium diet pop from the cup holder in the console.

Turning back to the hole, she places the cup with the straw inside it.

And I want nothing more than to chain her ass to a bed somewhere for the next two months.

When the light turns green, I sigh, shake my head, and push down on the accelerator.

Ignoring the idiocy going on behind me, I try to focus on the drive. Only five more minutes and then I can be rid of the douche in the trunk.

And maybe, just maybe, work on forgetting this ever happened.

There’s only silence coming from them now as she feeds that fucker the burger I wanted to eat.

I hope to fuck the guys end up torturing him.

Just as we pull into the lot of the warehouse, I hear Sophia gasp, and it nearly causes my heart to stop.

“Did I just shove a fry into your eye?” she squeaks.

“Sophia,” I snarl. “We’re here. Stop feeding the animals and act normal.”

“Fine!” Sophia snaps back at me and slams the armrest back into place. “I was just trying to be nice.”

And that’s the problem half of the time.

She’s always trying to be nice.

Always trying to take care of people, kids, and animals.

I had to put my foot down when she tried to bring home a baby goat as a pet.

Circling around the old sheet metal shop we sometimes use as a questioning area, I scream bloody murder inside my head when I see Gabriel standing outside with Johnathan. Both of them waiting for me to arrive.

I pull to a stop, and both men stare at me wearily as Sophia opens the back door of the car. She gets out, stomps her way to the front door, gets in, then slams the door shut.

“I love you, baby,” I say to her before opening my door.

“I want a baby Vietnamese potbelly pig now,” she says with a dead calm.