Luckily enough the douchebag in the trunk is a former officer of the Garden City PD. One patrolman Davy Lackey.

Lackey, what a fucking last name for a pile of shit cop.

I used Sophia as a friendly face to help get him out of the bar he was drinking in. Her knowledge of officers on the force is almost as good as Simon’s, and she’s got one up on him. Her deceased father’s lineage.

I can feel a deep sigh forming in the pit of my stomach. I know the cross I have to bear with Sophia, though. She’s not supposed to be with me on things like this.

But I made a promise to her, and I will never break it.

No secrets, no lies. Not now and not ever.

“I’m hungry,” Sophia says out of the blue.

That’s better than the argument we were about to have, I guess.

“Soon as we drop this shithead off, baby, I’ll get you anything you want,” I promise her.

Tilting her head to the side, she groans a little. “Um, no. I think it’s going to need to be much sooner than that. I mean… if you don’t want me puking all over the car.”


“You can’t hang on for like thirty more minutes, baby?”

She turns her head to look at me. “No… I don’t think I’ll last more than a couple of minutes. I need the greasy stuff, please.”


She isn’t normally a greasy food kind of person, but this pregnancy dammit.


She’s going to eat the greasy food, and then I’ll get to hear her complain about the indigestion while she burps up a storm.

Looking around me, I growl, “Burgers or fried chicken?”

She takes a long time to answer that question.

“I want fries and a shake, too. So burgers are going to have to do.” She sighs. “Although I really want mashed potatoes and green beans, too.”

“Together?” I ask and can just taste the ick in that combination.

She rubs her pregnant belly. “Mmmhmm, and gravy all over everything, even the burger.”

All the healthy cooking I’ve tried to do for her since she came to live with me, and she wants to smother everything in gravy…

“Maybe after the movie, baby,” I say and pull over at the next fast food joint.

I hear a small yelp as we turn the corner to get in line for the drive thru.


“You keep quiet, asshole, and I’ll not accidentally shoot your fucking kneecap out!” I shout back towards the trunk. “You hear me back there?”

I’ll take the silence as he understands what I said and mean.

“Should we get him some food, too?” Sophia asks.

“What?” I look at her, dumbfounded. “No!”

“Why not? He looked kinda drunk, and I know from experience when I drink I need food too if I don’t want to puke,” she explains, as if it makes any difference.

“He’s not getting food, Sophia,” I say firmly.

“Do you want a stinky trunk?” she asks with a snicker. “’Cause that’s how you get a stinky trunk. I won’t clean it, either. You know the smell of puke makes me puke. And since you’ve become a sympathetic puker with me, I bet you’ll puke if he pukes in your trunk.”

Right now, I feel dizzy just at the sheer number of times she said the word puke.

“No,” I say firmly again.

Sophia shrugs her shoulders at me. “Okay.”

“Okay,” I say and refocus on watching the cars ahead of me.

“I want two cheeseburgers with everything, two large fries, a large banana milkshake with lots of whip cream, and a medium diet pop,” she says and leans back in the seat, closing her eyes.

“So that’s all we need?” I ask.

Her head tilts in my direction and she grumbles, “That’s what I want. Order what you want.”


It’s going to be one of those nights, for sure.

No way we’ll make it through the movie with that tiny bladder of hers. She won’t make it past the first five minutes. I can guarantee we’ll be waddling to the bathroom before the opening credits are done rolling.

It’s five of the longest minutes of my life as we slowly move through the drive thru and finally get the food.


Before she even opens the bag or puts a straw in her shake, she lets out a monster burp.

Here we go.

“Oh god,” Sophia groans and rubs her swollen tummy. “I’m not sure who needed to let that out more, me or the baby.”

If we have a girl, I’m going to be shocked to hell and back. This baby has already been a hellion to her.

Just don’t puke.

Just don’t puke.

It’s my mantra nowadays.

Where pre-Sophia it was no glove, no love.

It’s now—dear god, don’t let her puke.

Sophia’s not a dainty puker. She’s a whole other kind of wild beast when she pukes. To me, she sounds like a dragon when it roars.

Finally back on our way to dropping dickhead Lackey off, I smile as I watch Sophia eat both her burger and fries in record time. She inhaled them, and when she does that it usually keeps the puke monster away.