“Gentlemen,” Simon sneers the word as he moves into their view. “You may not recognize the man in front of you, but he surely recognizes you. The very fact that we picked you up in Mexico, of all places, is poetic justice. Considering where you last saw him.”

“‘Sup assholes,” I grunt at them. “It’s good ol’ Johnny boy. Surely you remember me?”

I can see the recognition of my name in their eyes, but it could also be the drugs hitting them a little too hard.

“How about Brent and John? The guys you fuckers turned tail on? You ran away, leaving two guys to die in a shit hole alley?” I ask. “That fucking ring a bell?”

“Johnathan Sunderhaus now known as Johnathan Swan.” Simon moves to grab Terry by his sweaty hair. Ripping his head back, he says, “Surely you remember that name?”

The fuck?

How the fuck did he even know my original name? The name I used before I went into the Legion? That shit was supposed to stay buried.

Fuck it.

Not like it matters now.

I thought this was supposed to be my show, but from the righteous fury Simon is displaying, I find myself waiting a moment. I need to see where he’s coming from. This shit’s got his anger truly opened up.

“Understand this, you will both die.” Simon snarls and turns Terry’s head to face Jake. “You will both die very soon. There are no questions we need answers to. There’s no endgame with your deaths. You won’t be allowed to speak. You can scream all you want, and not a single person is going to care. That man behind me is your fucking death. And if he should happen to ask me, I’ll gladly do it for him. I will happily take your deaths on my hands.”

Pulling my gun from the holster, I look first at Jake then Terry.

“Normally, boys,” I say with a grin, “I torture people before they die strapped to chairs and tables. I cut things off them. I pulverize knees and elbows. Hell, I’ve even flayed someone alive before.”

Snickering, I look to Simon, who’s grinning just as wide as I am.

“Simon,” I say and motion to his gun. “I’ll take this one. You get that one.”

Nodding his head, Simon pulls his gun from his holster and points it at Terry’s forehead.

Forcing Jake to look over to where Terry sits, I put my gun against his temple.

“But you two don’t get that honor,” I say and pull the trigger at the exact same moment Simon does.

The loud cracking of two pistols going off at the same time is like a sweet symphony reverberating through my skull.

Life flees from their eyes as I hold the gun to Jake’s head.

The sizzle of hot muzzle burning flesh fills my nose and I snap out of my inner thoughts.

The door that I just stepped through from my past life slams shut behind me as I holster my gun.

“Shall we?” Simon asks as he motions to the door leading to the outside, where our plane is winding its engines up for takeoff.

“Absolutely,” I say, and turn my back on the two fucks who turned theirs on me so fucking long ago.

Simon and I both walk to the plane.

The moment I get ready to put my foot down on the first stair, though, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I turn to look at Simon.

He shouts over the engines. “Her name was Miriam. Coss will die. I will not order or force you, but I ask that you help me.”

“Anything, brother,” I shout back. “No matter what, you don’t even need to ask. I’ll be there regardless.”

A Work Thing


“You honestly thought you were going to die?” I ask in disbelief.

Sophia smiles at me sweetly before laughing at herself. “Well, I knew there was a chance you would rescue me.”

“Why the hell didn’t you call me?” I ask in confusion. “It’s why we have the phones. Simon even set it up so you can reach one of us immediately if there’s an emergency.”

Sophia jokingly snips at me before elbowing my arm. “Like I would have given you the chance to tell all the guys about my death by avalanche. Do you really think I’d give you evidence to show off before you came to my rescue?”

“I would never do that.” I smirk as I cross my fingers against the steering wheel.

She laughs and leans back in her seat. “Liar.”

She’s right, of course. I totally would have shown the guys that text. I wouldn’t have been able to pass up the opportunity.

Just the memory of seeing her buried under all the clothes that fell on top of her in the closet makes me want to burst into laughter.

“It’s your fault, anyways,” she goes on when I don’t try to deny what she said.

“My fault? How the hell is it my fault a mountain of your clothes avalanched on top of you?”