Yanking the door open, he waits until we’re in before pulling it shut and twisting the lock.

I swear sometimes I feel blessed. Looking not even two doors down from me, I spot a fucking luggage left in the hall.

Laughing loudly, I put a little pep in my step then drop Jake onto the luggage cart. Motioning for Simon to do the same, I stand behind the cart and get ready to push.

“It’s the small things in life that bring me happiness,” Simon says as he drops Terry on top of Jake.

“Agreed.” Mateo laughs and moves past us to take up point again.

Pushing the overloaded cart down the hallway takes some getting used to, but we’re able to make good time without having to carry all the weight on our backs.

This hall remains empty as we push the trolley cart as fast as it’s loaded down wheels will allow us. Mateo comes screeching to a halt at the final glass door and pops it open a few seconds later.

“We better hurry, my friends,” Mateo says. “The resort will no doubt be ringing the police soon.”

Pushing through the door then to the back of the van, we spread the doors open and simply toss the bodies into the back before jumping in ourselves.

Jumping into the passenger seat up front, Mateo smacks the driver on the arm before saying, “Move it.”

If I thought the ride to the resort was bad, the way back is pure hell. It’s like we’ve decided to hit every pothole we missed on the way here, and sometimes it feels like we’re trying to hit them intentionally.

Keeping my feet on Jake’s body to steady myself so I don’t fall from my fucking seat, I watch Simon as he pulls his balaclava off.

Taking mine off as well, I breathe a deep sigh of relief. Wearing that fucker was hot and sweaty.

“Johnathan, there’s one thing I should warn you about before we get to the plane,” Simon says cryptically.

“Oh?” I want to feel those old feelings of mistrust, but I just don’t.

If Simon wanted to truly take me out, he had ample time to do it. No sense in worrying about it now.

“We’ll be going back to the States alone.” He points at the two men on the ground. “These two will not be making it back across the border.”

“Ah,” I say and smile down at Terry and Jake. “I’m good with that.”

It makes sense. These two fuckers are a liability we don’t need.

Simon sits back in his seat, and I drift along in my thoughts.

Revenge, it’s a dish best served cold.

At least that’s what they say.

And they’re right.

I can feel myself approaching a door inside my own life, one that I’ve been searching for, and I’ve finally found the handle. Once I open it and leave the room, I’ll finally be able to let some of the demons that float through my dreams die.

The final two demons of a life so long ago I don’t remember most of it.

“Johnathan,” Simon says, snapping me back from wherever my mind had drifted off to. “We’ll need to be fast.”

“Understood,” I say as I push open the back door and drag Terry out by his feet.

When his head slams into the concrete I feel the thud reverberate through his body.

“That honestly looked painful.” Simon laughs as he does the exact same thing to Jake.

Watching, I laugh too. “Man, it really does.”

We drag the bodies over to a small white shed and Mateo pulls the door open for us. After dragging my body inside, I wait as Simon pulls his through.

It’s going to be cramped. There’s only one table to work with and a small chair.

I drop Terry’s feet and help Simon lift Jake up onto the table. Putting Terry into the chair, I start wrenching a roll of duct tape from Simon’s backpack around both bodies as tightly as I can.

“Are you ready?” Simon asks.

Looking at the two men, I suddenly feel giddy, like I just woke up on Christmas morning and found a brand new Harley under the tree.

I smile at him. “Oh yeah.”

“Alright,” Simon says then he injects both men with something I can only assume is like Narcan.

Almost immediately both Jake and Terry start coming to. It’s not instantaneous, but fuck it’s neat to see how fast the opioids stop affecting their system.

“It’s a synthetic compound,” Simon explains. “It’s not as good as some of the things that are out there but it will suffice.”

I move to stand in front of Jake and Terry.

It’s a shame that Joe’s dead. He would have made all of this complete. He was the true ringleader that night we got in way over our heads. He was also the first one to run. The first one to take the coward’s way out.

Leaving two friends behind is unforgivable to me.