
This time I’m quite sure anyone who is too close might have heard that spank.

“Oh fuck!” she nearly shouts out.

“Say it,” I growl as I start moving my fingers around her clit in a blur of motion. My hips beginning to pound deeply into her.

“Yes!” she whimpers as my hand comes down on her ass once again, but not nearly as hard this time.

“I thought so,” I say as I fuck her harder.

My thrusts no longer held back, my hand races her clit to an orgasm that will rival my own.

“Oh fuck! Oh god! I love—”

She tries to finish her words, but the way she clamps down on my hard cock, nearly ripping my own orgasm from me, leaves us both holding our breaths at the magnitude of how damn hard we slam ourselves over the edge of oblivion.

When we both finally begin to suck down much needed air, she whispers, “Fuck, Matthew… you fight dirty and don’t play fair.”

“In all things, my dear Lilith. Especially when it comes to giving you what you truly need.”

Run Lily


The children are tucked safely in their beds. The staff are long gone, finished with their tasks. During the day, this house, this compound is full of life, but tonight the halls I walk feel like brittle bones. Hollow and empty.

Without the hustle and bustle of the day, the shadows start to creep in…

Because he’s not here. My other half is out there, somewhere, doing only God knows what to protect his family.

Soiling his hands in our names.

“Ma’am, do you need anything? A coffee? A cup of tea?” Michael, one of the men left to guard the children and me, asks from downstairs.

His head is tipped back to peer up at me as I grip the grand staircase railing.

I don’t need a warm beverage or a snack. What I need is my husband. To know he’s safe.

For the hundredth time tonight, I shake my head and force a grateful smile. “No thank you, Michael.”

Michael frowns and nods his head.

Then, for the thousandth time tonight, I ask, “Has there been any news?”

For my benefit, Michael makes a show of pulling out his phone and checking it.

“No, sorry, ma’am,” he says apologetically as he slips the phone back into his pocket.

I nod my head and my eyes drift back to the front double doors, willing them to open. Vaguely I’m aware of Michael moving off. Patrolling. Stationed outside is a small army of armed guards.

But one can never be too safe…

Tearing my gaze away from the doors, I resume my own patrol. My feet carrying me first to the nursery. Cracking the door open, I peek my head in to see baby David tucked safely in his crib, sleeping peacefully.

Next, my feet carry me to Evelyn’s room. She’s hugging a doll to her chest and is no doubt dreaming of unicorns, princesses, and the princes who rescue them.

With Adam’s door, I have to be extremely careful. He stirs easily. Easing his door open an inch, I peek in. Thankfully, he’s asleep. Sometimes, on nights like these, I’ll find him awake, waiting with me.

Knowing the children are safe, there’s nothing left for me to do but return to my post at the top of the grand staircase. Keeping a vigilant watch on the front doors.

Minutes drag by, drawn out like hours. Michael and I repeat our little exchange at least a dozen times.

The shadows continue to creep in.

Then finally a beam of headlights flashes through the windows. I hold my breath without realizing it.

It’s so quiet I can hear a car door opening and shutting, then steady, unhurried footsteps on the pavement. The front door swings open and the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on appears in the doorway.


I have to catch myself. It wouldn’t do to speak that moniker out loud, especially tonight. No matter how close we’ve grown though, or how much love has blossomed between us, he was first and will always be Lucifer to me.

Ice-blue eyes lift up, locking on my eyes, and the breath rushes out of me. One would think over time that his beauty would have less and less of an impact on me, but that’s obviously not the case. If anything, over the past couple of years he’s become even more beautiful.

So beautiful, sometimes just looking at him makes me ache.

“Matthew,” I speak first. My voice so light and airy, it feels as if it floats away.

“Lily,” he drawls out like a caress that sends shivers down my spine. “Why aren’t you asleep?”

“I was worried.”

We’ve gone through this so many times over the past couple of years, it’s beginning to feel like a hazy, reoccurring dream.

Matthew frowns and begins to remove his suit jacket. I know he hates it when I stay up all night waiting on him, but how could I sleep without him beside me?