When he finally begins to swell inside me, reaching his own release, it’s like a dam inside of him has broken. So much warmth, so much love pours out of him, I’m nearly delirious from the force of it.

My vision flickers on and off, catching only glimpses of his dark satisfaction before he finally slows and stills.

Soft touches bring me gently back to reality. Pulling me out of the fuzzy haze my mind has retreated to.

I blink up at Matthew as he brushes my hair out of my eyes. As always, his complete one-eighty in personality throws me for a loop.

Leaning down, he places the sweetest kiss against my lips, and I fall into it, savoring every second of it. Relishing this tender side of him. Then he drags his hand down my body, placing his palm against my stomach.

I start to smile up at him until he says, “We should name her Sarah.”

I blink in confusion. Huh? “What? Say that again…”

His fingers curl protectively around me and that smirk of his tugs at the corners of his lips, threatening to break through.

“Our daughter. We should name her Sarah.”

He can’t be serious. First of all, I’m not pregnant, and even if I was, there’s no way he could already know it’s a girl.

“You’re crazy,” I groan and shake my head.

I’m way too hungover from those orgasms to handle this right now.

He doesn’t even try to deny it.

That smirk of his finally breaks free as he says, “Perhaps... But you know I haven’t been wrong yet, Lilith..."



Hands lifted in front of her, fingers curled into claws, my best friend Evie stomps toward me and growls, “Come here, my pretty princess, so I can eat you.”

Eyes wide as I take in the snarl on her face, I take a step back.

When she makes a lunge for me, I squeal, “No!” and run away from her.

Letting out her own squeal, Evie chases after me, trying her best to catch me. She won’t. I’m much faster. Whenever I chase her, I have to make myself slow down so I don’t get her too soon.

Evie’s house is much bigger than mine, almost as big as a castle. There’s lots of places to run and hide.

Knowing better than to run past her father’s office, or anywhere there could be a grownup to stop us, I lead her down the back stairs used by the staff.

“Stay away from me, beast!” I cry out, stopping for a moment as I reach the first floor so she can get closer.

“But I’m han-gry!” Evie whines and makes another lunge for me.

Squealing again, I turn and run for the double doors that lead to the back patio.

We’re not supposed to run through the house, Evie’s mommy doesn’t like it. She said it’s too dangerous or something.

And if we get caught doing it again, we’re going to be in big trouble.

I don’t like getting in trouble and try to avoid it as much as possible.

It always makes me sad and feel really bad.

I’m a good girl.

Evie’s a good girl, too, even if she misbehaves sometimes.

We’re a lot alike.

We both have pretty mommies and baby brothers. Our daddies are big and strong and work together.

Everyone calls us princess.

But Evie doesn’t care about breaking the rules as much as I do.

Her daddy lets her get away with everything. Sometimes he even thinks it’s funny.

Her mommy though…

“Evelyn Marie Harper!”

Evie’s mom’s voice rings loudly from upstairs bringing us both to a screeching halt.

“Oh no,” Evie gasps, her face going as white as her dress.

My heart beating fast, I whisper, “What did you do?”

Evie’s mom’s voice rings out again, sounding closer.

“Evelyn Marie Harper, come here right now!”

Casting a worried look above us, Evie says, “I didn’t do anything…”

Before I can question her about it more, she spins on her heels and takes off running.

Oh no.

Whatever Evie did must be bad.

From the landing above, I hear the fast tapping of Evie’s mom’s heels.

I don’t want to get in trouble for something I didn’t do so I run after Evie. I catch up to her quickly as she cuts through the family room and heads for the front stairs.

“Where are we going?” I pant out as we reach the banister.

Evie casts one quick glance back at me before tearing up the stairs. “To Daddy’s office!”

Of course. If we reach her daddy before her mommy gets to us, he’ll protect us!

Running as fast as we can, we reach the top of the stairs and round the corner.

Then we both smack into a man as he comes around the corner from the other direction.

James grunts as Evie crashes into him.

I crash into Evelyn then stumble back and fall on my bottom.

“Woah! Where are you two going so fast?” James asks as he grabs Evie by the shoulders to keep her from falling. “You know you’re not supposed to be running through the house…”