Page 7 of Hacker in Love

“Oh my gosh,” I murmur.

“If you get the chance to kiss him tonight, then go for it,” Kat says. “You won’t be disappointed.”

My heart is beating wildly. “Did Henn kiss you with tongue?”

“A lil bit. Just enough to give me a little zing where it counts, if you know what I mean.”

I laugh. “Christ on a cracker, girl. It’s been forever since I’ve been kissed and even longer since I’ve been kissed well. I’m feeling extra-sensitive these days, if you know what I mean, so this bit of intel is wreaking havoc with me.”

Kat giggles with glee. “Good. That’s why I told you. Because I know how shy you can be at first, and I want you to give yourself permission not to hold back tonight.”

“If you mean I should jump into bed with Henn, then, please, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. No judgement of you or anyone else who likes jumping to the physical stuff quickly, but I’ve never done that and I don’t think I could. It normally takes me a while to feel like I can trust someone with my body. Would I love to be kissed well tonight? Hell yes. But that’s as far as I can imagine.”

“Well, if that’s what you want, then I’m confident Henn will deliver for you. I mean, assuming the date goes well and you’re both feeling it. No rush on anything, Banana.”

“Thank you. If there’s one thing I know about dating, it’s that it can be unpredictable. So many times, a guy who seemed super promising turns out to be a total dud. Other times, a guy I’m really attracted to decides I’m not his cup of tea.”

“Well, Henn definitely thinks you’re his cup of tea. When he saw your photo yesterday, he said he’s always had a big thing for brunettes with glasses.”

“Really? I’m glad you told me that. I usually wear contacts on a first date.”

“Not this time, babe. Wear your nerdiest, thickest glasses and he’ll be entranced.”

I laugh. “Roger.”

“Rabbit. Oh! And wear a neckline that shows off your eye-popping twins, too. Henn’s definitely not an ogler, but I think I caught him covertly checking out a woman with big boobs by the pool the other day. I’m pretty sure he’s a boob man.”

“Thanks for the tip. I’ve actually got the perfect dress in my closet. After I bought it, I lost the nerve to wear it because the neckline is so racy. Maybe tonight’s the perfect time to muster my courage.”


“Heck, I might even go the extra mile and wear it with a push-up bra.”

“Hell yes! You might give our poor Henny a stroke, but I’m sure he’ll say it was well worth it from his hospital bed.”

We both giggle.

“Okay, I’ve made it to my apartment building, girlie. Oh! There’s a spot out front. That never happens to me.”

“It’s a sign,” Kat declares. “Tonight, all good things will fall into your lap, exactly like that parking spot.”

I turn off my ignition. “Thank you again for arranging this trip. It’s a dream come true.”

“For me, too. I love you, girl.”

“I love you, too. I’ll see you in a few hours in Vegas, baby!”




“Should I change into my black shirt?” I ask.

“Relax, Henny,” Josh says. “Blue looks great on you. Don’t forget, you’ve borrowed my cologne, and I happen to know it’s irresistible to women.”

“Yeah, on you.”

“Calm down. You look and smell like a million crypto coins.”

With a sigh, I plop down next to my best friend on the couch. When I wordlessly hold out my hand, he places his glass of Scotch into it without hesitation or need for explanation.

It’s early evening and we’re in the fancy penthouse suite Josh has booked for the girls’ week of fun. Any minute now, said girls will waltz through that front door, and as excited as I am about that fact, I’m also shitting bricks. My hopes are too high now. I’ve got something to lose if this doesn’t pan out. What if Hannah sees me in person and decides whatever good impression she initially had of me was all wrong? That sort of thing has happened to me in the past and it’s mortifying, if not soul-crushing. It’d be especially tough this time, when I’m feeling such a strong flicker of hope.

“Why are you so nervous?” Josh asks. “She’s not royalty. She’s a nice, normal person.”

I shrug. “It’s been so long since I’ve been on an actual date, let alone with someone I’m excited about who seems equally excited about me, I’m not sure I remember how to do it. You know how I get.” I don’t need to explain that last thing any further. Josh knows when I’m feeling overwhelmed with initial attraction, I often can’t put two coherent words together for at least a few minutes.

Josh swats my leg. “Bah. Dating is like riding a bike.”