Page 47 of Hacker in Love

Hannah twists her mouth. “Well, I like watching gay porn sometimes. Would you be willing to have sex with a man while I watch?”

My stomach drops as my face drains of color. “Oh. Uh . . .”

Hannah bursts out laughing. “I’m kidding. Not about watching gay porn, to be clear. I love it. But I promise I have no desire to watch you having sex with anyone, man or woman. No desire to do a threesome, either. So, if that’s your fantasy, sorry, it’s not going to happen.”

Both of my best friends have told me about their threesomes over the years, and I’ve never once been envious of them. Fascinated? Entertained by their stories? Yes and yes. But I can’t say I’ve ever wanted it for myself. Maybe I’m a weirdo for not being into the idea. Maybe I’m boring. But my biggest fantasy has always been finding a woman who wants to be with me as much as I want to be with her, and then having lots of sex with her and nobody else till the end of time. “I don’t want a threesome,” I say. “I’m a one-woman kind of guy.”

Hannah flashes me an adorable smile. “Why am I not surprised to hear that?”

“As far as your love of gay porn goes,” I say, “I want to make clear I’m all for it. I’m a big supporter of gay people. Queer people. Love is love.”

Hannah giggles. “I know that, Henny. You don’t have to engage in gay sex to seduce me or prove you support gay rights.”

I lean back with a smile and then circle back to the topic I’m dying to hear more about. “So, um, back to you and your fantasies. Does anything come to mind?”

Hannah shrugs. “Not really. My fantasies, if you want to call them that, are mostly things that take place outside the bedroom. Being pursued and romanced and treated with respect. Being with someone who makes me feel special and adored—someone who makes me laugh, hopefully, and then having lots of hot sex with him.” She winks. “Even better if that sex costs me fifty bucks.”

I return her wicked smile. “Okay, well, if you ever think of anything, big or small, normal or weird, that I could do for you, will you tell me?”

Hannah’s cheeks bloom. “I will.” She runs her fingertip along the rim of her wine glass and opens her mouth, like she’s about to say something further. But eventually, she takes a sip of her wine and silently returns the glass to the table.

“Are you having a thought you’re too shy to say out loud?” I prompt. “If so, there’s no need to hold back with me. I’m all ears.”

Hannah bites her lower lip, her expression confirming my hunch: she’s holding back.

“It’s kind of kinky,” she warns.

My eyebrows ride up. I have the urge to command, “Tell me all about it, right fucking now!” But what comes out of my mouth is a calm and measured, “I’m all ears.”

Hannah shifts her weight in her chair. “Have you ever heard of a machine called a Sybian?”

Welp, that confirms it. The Blabbermouth, as her brothers apparently call her, has most definitely blabbed to Hannah about whatever she’s been doing with Josh. “Yeah, I’ve heard of it. Josh was obsessed with them in college, so I’ve seen quite a few YouTube videos of women riding them.” I try to keep my body language relaxed. Nonchalant, even. If my face looks too excited, then Hannah might feel compelled to do something as a gift for me—something she doesn’t truly want to do—and I don’t want that, no matter how titillated I’m feeling about her surprising mention of the internet’s favorite orgasm machine.

“I read online that you can rent a Sybian for a night,” Hannah says tentatively.

“Oh yeah? I didn’t know that.” It’s the truth. I had no idea. “Are you telling me this because you’d like me to rent one for you?”

“I’m not positive, but I’m definitely curious.”

My heart is thundering. Talk about a sexy surprise. “I’d be happy to rent one for us. No pressure, though. It’d be there, if you decided to try it.”

Hannah makes an adorable face like she’s sticking her finger into a light socket. “I’m curious to try one . . . but I’m not, like, chomping at the bit. I can’t make any promises about what I’d do, if you actually rented one.”

“I wouldn’t rent one, unless you wanted me to.”

“I mean, I might like to have the option to give it a whirl. But even if I muster the courage, I’ll probably not be like ‘Yeehaw!’ and be able to ride the thing like a rabid cowgirl—you know, like all those girls do in the videos.”

Hannah’s watched videos—plural?—of women riding Sybians? Well, color me shocked—and also damn-near hyperventilating. At least, internally. “It’d be all about you and your comfort level,” I say evenly. “If you’re curious enough to maybe want to try to overcome your inhibitions and try something kinky like that—and if you think it’d help, rather than hurt, to have the thing sitting in your bedroom, ready to ride, if you so choose—then I’ll rent one and promise not to pressure you in any way. On the other hand, if having the machine rented would stress you out, then never mind. I’ll pretend you never said the word Sybian, unless and until you mention it again. If ever.”