Page 21 of Hacker in Love

She grimaces.

“Too much?”

“Kinda gruesome.”

I chuckle. “Yeah, okay, we’ll leave it at me being gob-pummeled, then.”

“I concur. I’m gob-pummeled, too. Like crazy.” With that, she slides out of bed and heads to the bathroom. And the minute she’s gone, I grab my phone off the nightstand and tap out a text to my two best friends in our long-running group chat.

Me: Thank you, Joshua, for those “just in case” condoms! Thank you, Reed, for that video link you sent me last month about making women come without fail. And thank you, Baby Jesus, for finally sending me the woman of my dreams AND making her want to have sex with me AND making her want to see me again in Seattle for a whole fucking week! Thanks to all of your contributions, I can now confidently report I’ve found my future wife. The only question is how long I should wait before letting her in on that lil secret?

Not surprisingly, Josh replies immediately. Surely, he’s lying in bed after doing with Kat what I just did with Hannah.

Josh: Jesus, Peter. Don’t say that to her before leaving for the airport, even in jest. Promise me. And don’t tell her when you visit her in Seattle, either. Wait at least a fucking month.

To my surprise, Reed pops into the chat before I’ve replied to Josh. It’s not like Reed to reply quickly in our group conversations. But I think he’s in London for a meeting today, so maybe we caught him conveniently during a taxi ride or something.

Reed: Is this the girl who flew to Vegas to have dinner with you, Peter?

Me: The one and only. Hannah.

Josh: Dude, they were like Phineas and Ferb all night. I never would have believed there could be a female version of Henn in this world. But there she was.

Me: No wonder I think she’s so hot.

Reed: Good for you, Pietro. You deserve it. Gotta run. Just wanted to say a quick congrats and let you know I agree with Josh. No declarations of love or talk of the future for at least a couple months, brother. No need to say every damned thing you’re thinking or feeling at first.

Me: Oh, is that what you two always do? You wait a couple months before saying “I love you and can’t wait to marry you one day”?

It’s a joke. Neither of my best friends has any desire to get married. Ever. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, neither of them has even said “I love you” to any woman they’ve ever dated.

Josh clicks the “thumbs down” reaction to my text, and Reed sends me a middle finger emoji, so I reply with a winking emoji and return my phone to the nightstand. A moment later, Hannah returns from the bathroom, looking like a walking dream.

Hello, wife, my brain supplies. Only this time, it’s a veritable scream inside my head. She’s The One. I know it, just this fast. Obviously, I’m going to wait a reasonable amount of time to tell her so. Obviously, I’m not going to say or do anything to scare her away or make her think I’m nothing but a skeevy love-bomber who’s in love with love. But I already know I couldn’t find a better match for me in a thousand lifetimes. How could I? For fuck’s sake, the woman danced like a gorilla with me tonight and then fucked me like a goddess. Plus, she makes me laugh like nobody else. And she’s sweet as hell, too. What more could a guy want?

“Did you miss me?” Hannah asks as she slips into bed next to me.


“Aw, poor baby.” With a snicker, Hannah reaches underneath the covers and discovers I’m not quite ready to roll again. She glances at the clock on the nightstand. “How much time do we have before you need to leave for the airport?”

“I have to leave no later than seven.”

“Plenty of time.”

“And yet, not nearly enough.” With a smile, I take her hand and kiss the top of it—and then make a big show of flexing my hand after releasing hers—a la Mr. Darcy.

“Gah! I warned you that’s my porn!” she says, before pushing me onto my back and attacking me with kisses. After a bit, her hungry mouth makes its way to my cock, which she takes into her mouth with gusto. Thankfully, my body soon rises to the occasion, and when it does, Hannah hoarsely whispers, “Get a condom.” Glory be, the minute it’s in place, she eagerly climbs on top of me and rides me like a cowgirl on speed.

As Hannah moves with abandon, I caress the curve of her hips and marvel that I didn’t even know Hannah yesterday, and yet today I feel addicted to her. With each touch of my fingers on Hannah’s soft skin, each gyration of our bodies, I feel my soul setting its course. My heart yearning. My brain cracking a code. I don’t currently know what I need to do to sweep this girl off her feet. All I know is whatever it is, I’m gonna fucking do it.