Page 166 of Hacker in Love

“Yeah, but not about this.” Reed slips the ring box into his pocket. “When I get home, I’ll put this in my safe, so you don’t get drunk again and stupidly ask her before Paris.” Reed motions to the island. “Did you get something to eat?”

“No. You said you were getting it for me.”

“I did? Well, that hardly seems necessary. Fill a plate. Eat something to counteract all that tequila.”

I slump over the island on my forearms. “I can’t wait to propose. I love her so much.”

“Yes, I know. Eat.”

I lift my head. “Do you really think Paris is a good plan?”

“It’s an amazing plan. Eat.”

“I don’t think simply taking her to the top of the Eiffel Tower is good enough, though. Not when any tourist could go there for any occasion or no occasion at all. How would that be special?”

“It’ll be special. It’s fucking Paris.”

“When it comes to me giving Hannah gifts, I’m not allowed to rely on hacking anymore. Did I tell you I promised her that? So that means, when I ask her, she’s gonna be surrounded by a bunch of strangers. Also, I won’t be able to make sure my proposal is timed perfectly with the sparkles. I really want it to start sparkling when she says yes, you know? But how can I do that if I can’t—”

“Okay, stop. I can’t take it anymore.” Reed exhales with exasperation. “I’ll handle everything, okay? If only you’ll promise to stop talking about this, for the love of fuck.”

I slide my forearms out, until my chest is flush with the cool marble of my kitchen island, and then turn my head and lay my cheek onto the smooth, cool surface. “How could you possibly handle everything, when you can’t hack the Eiffel Tower, either?”

“I’ve got a business partner with some connections in France. He’s good friends with a couple French billionaires. If he can’t help me, then I bet Josh’s uncle can. One way or another, we’ll figure out a way for you to get up there and have a little privacy and some well-timed sparkles. But listen, if I’m gonna go to all this trouble for you, then you’ve got to promise not to spontaneously propose to her before then, or I’m gonna fucking throttle you.”

I straighten up excitedly. Even with all the tequila in my bloodstream, my heart is suddenly racing. “I promise. You really think you can hook all that up for me?”

“I’m pretty sure.”

“Let’s call Josh now to see if his uncle can help.”

Reed laughs. “That’s a great idea, actually. I’m sure Josh will get a kick out of seeing you like this. It’s been a while since Shitfaced Henn has made an appearance.”

I pull out my phone and place the FaceTime call, and a moment later, we’re staring at Josh and Kat’s smiling faces. They’re in bed, their infant daughter snuggled between them.

After warm greetings all around, Reed says, “You’re missing a great housewarming party featuring an appearance from Shitfaced Henn.”

Josh looks down at his sleeping baby girl and says, “I wouldn’t trade places with you for anything. Not even to see Shitfaced Henn. In fact, there’s no place I’d rather be.” He winks at me. “No offense, Henny. Congrats on the new place.”

“No offense taken. I wish I could be doing exactly what you’re doing, honestly. With my own wife and baby, though. Not with yours.”

As Josh and Kat chuckle, Reed says, “I just now had to talk Henn out of drunkenly proposing to Hannah on the fly. I’m hoping we can all help him plan the perfect proposal for Paris, so he doesn’t fuck things up by doing something half-assed before then.”

I tell them my concerns, including the important part about me wanting to time my proposal with the Tower’s famous sparkles. When Kat asks what I mean by that, I explain that the Eiffel Tower’s highest point is programmed to glitter gloriously against the night sky for a full five minutes at the top of every hour.

“Oooh, I agree the proposal should be timed with the sparkles,” Kat says. “How romantic.”

“Okay, leave everything to me, Henny,” Josh says. “You helped make my proposal to Kat perfect, so now I’ll return the favor.”

“Really? Wow. Thanks so much.”

“Hello, Hannah!” Kat shouts at top volume, out of nowhere.

Everyone clamps their lips shut as Hannah appears at my shoulder, carrying a stack of large takeout containers. After placing her load onto the island, she says, “Oh, hey, Faradays! Are you giving us an update on Baby Gracie? What’d I miss?”

“Not much,” Kat says. “Henn just wanted us to join the housewarming party via FaceTime for a few minutes.”

“Aw, how sweet.” Hannah leans forward and sticks her nose into my phone. “Let me see that baby up close. Put the phone right up to her sleeping face.”