Page 157 of Hacker in Love

“I’m not a hero. You can’t call an arsonist a hero, just because he eventually put out his own fire.”

“Love, no,” Hannah says. Now it’s her turn to grab my hand and squeeze. “You need to forgive yourself, honey. Yes, I endured one terrifying day and a couple physical wounds that will heal in a matter of weeks. But I got off easy, compared to all those poor women he killed. If me going through one horrible, scary day means a monster is now off the streets forever, and future women are safe from him, then it was well worth it.” Hannah squeezes my hand again. “Henny, you saved who-knows how many lives today, in addition to mine. You’re a hero. And so is Reed. Indubitably.”

I lose the battle with my emotions, and Hannah hugs me close and whispers all manner of beautiful sentiments into my ear. Words of love and forgiveness. Gratitude for how quickly I realized she was in peril. She says she’s excited about our future together—the new chapter we’ll be embarking on together in LA.

“I’m gonna buy an amazing house for us,” I whisper through sniffles, pressing my forehead into the dark hair covering her neck. “It’ll be your dream house. I promise I won’t pressure you to move in until you’re ready. Enjoy living with your sister for however long. But whenever you’re ready, you’ll have a standing invitation to move in and make it your own.”

“That sounds incredible. Whenever the timing feels right, I promise I’ll do exactly that.”

Deputy Director Leach clears her throat. “Sorry to interrupt. I should get Peter’s statement now, so you two can get out of here and reunite Hannah with her family again. I’m told they’ve been energetically asking to see her again for some time now.” Thankfully, Hannah’s mom and sister were able to meet her at the hospital when she arrived earlier, so they’ve already had their tearful reunion. But I’m sure that wasn’t nearly enough time for the three Milliken women to talk and hug.

“Reed smartly thought to put your mom and sister up in a hotel down the street,” I say. “We’ve got a room there, too, so you can hang out with them as long as you want tonight and tomorrow.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Thank Reed. He arranged everything.”

“Is he still here? I’ll thank him now.”

“He left a while ago,” the Deputy Director supplies. She looks at me. “He said he’d text you his goodbyes.”

I look down at my phone and sure enough, there’s a lovely text from Reed saying all manner of kind things, including that he’ll be in Seattle for a few days if Hannah and I need anything at all.

I read Hannah the text and then address my FBI bestie. “Did Reed talk to you about his name not being mentioned in connection with all this?”

“He did. It’s taken care of.”

“Thank you.” I take a deep breath and slap my thighs with my palms. “Okay, let’s do this. What do you need to know from me that you don’t already?”

“Your statement won’t be contained in the general file, since you’re a confidential informant. But I just need to memorialize what happened today, in your own words.” The Deputy Director asks me a question to get us started, and I answer it fully and succinctly. Rinse and repeat. About fifteen minutes into our conversation, Hannah’s head lolls forward, and it’s clear she’s fast asleep. Gently, I pull her into me, against my chest, and cuddle her sleeping frame throughout the remainder of my interview.

“Anything else you want to add?” the Deputy Director asks me.


“Okay, then, I’ve got everything I need.” She motions to Hannah. “Get that girl to her family and to bed.”

I gently awaken Hannah, and we say our goodbyes and thanks.

Hannah asks, “Will something bad happen to Henny for all the hacking stuff he did to Greg Smith?”

The Deputy Director smirks. “No. I’ve handled it.” She looks at me sternly. “But this is a one-off, Peter. I won’t be able to protect you, if you do something like this again.”

“I won’t. I promise.”

She winks. “Actually, if I’m totally honest with you, the job you did for us in DC probably earned you enough credits to mess up another three or four times.” She leans forward and narrows her eyes. “But let’s not test that theory, okay?”

I chuckle. “From this day forward, you won’t even know Peter Hennessey exists.”

“Well, let’s hope that’s not true, since I’m sure we’ll be calling you again with another job. But until then, keep your nose clean, please. For God’s sake, no more missions of personal vengeance.” After I’ve reassured her, she walks us to the door and hands us off to the special agent standing there. With a pat to my shoulder, she says, “Take good care of this brave woman. She’s going to need lots of rest and TLC.” To Hannah, she says, “I know today was terrifying, but you did an amazing job of keeping yourself alive. We were all thoroughly impressed with your quick thinking and grace under pressure.”