Page 127 of Hacker in Love

“Oh, shit,” Dax says. “Kat told me not to tell anyone about that.”

“Well, it’s too late now,” Colby says. “Tell me everything or I’ll beat it out of you.”

Fuck. They’ve got their drinks now and they’re walking away. Fuckity! I want to hear the whole story.

“What can I get you?” the bartender asks with a smile.

Crap. It’s too late now. The Morgan boys are long gone, and there’s no way for me to race over to them to eavesdrop without giving myself away.

“Um, two mai tais, please.” That’s the drink Henn and I have been throwing back all night, so I placed the order without thinking. But when I get the drinks handed to me, I realize I’m not ready to head back to the dance floor with them yet—not after what I just overheard.

I put the drinks down on a table and stand motionless, my head spinning. Henn hacked nine airlines to help Ryan find that flight attendant? During the opening night cocktail party here in Maui, Henn said something to our entire friend group about Ryan emailing him earlier that day with additional information to help Henn’s “search.” But even then, Henn once again made it sound like he only did some internet research for Ryan. Some clever sleuthing. Not a full-scale hacking operation of nine freaking airlines. Does everyone in our friend group except for me know about that jaw-dropping detail?

Also, what kind of hack did Henn perform for Keane? Henn hasn’t said a word about that to me, whatever it was. Not a single word. Does everyone but me know about that one, too?


She can be my bell-weather! If she already knows about both those things, then I’ll know for a fact I’m not crazy to think Henn should have told me about them, too. If T-Rod knows, then it would be bullshit if Henn tries to defend himself with his usual line: “It’s not my secret to tell.”

My heart is racing. I need to know if this is karaoke night, all over again, and I need to know it right fucking now.

Determination hardening in my veins, I scan the crowded reception, looking for T-Rod. But I don’t see her anywhere. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen her for a while, maybe since the dancing kicked off. Did she go to her room to pass out after two months of hard work in planning this whirlwind week? Yeah, I bet she did. Shoot.

I glance toward the dance floor where Henn is currently dancing like a maniac with Josh, Kat, and Reed. There’s really no point in me asking Kat about this, since she’s probably the one who requested Josh ask Henn to help her brothers in the first place. Yeah, Kat is too close to the situation to be of any use to me in this instance.

But what about Sarah? T-Rod’s far more tangential to our friend group than Sarah, so T-Rod knowing this stuff would have been more telling than Sarah knowing it. But still, Sarah’s not married to Henn’s best friend since college. Also, Colby and Keane aren’t Sarah’s brothers, like they are for Kat, so I definitely think Sarah is the next best litmus test after T-Rod.

I scan the tent and spot Sarah sitting at a table with Jonas and Jonas’s uncle. I peek at the dance floor to make sure Henn is still whooping it up over there. When he is, off I go toward Sarah’s table.

When I reach my destination, I make polite small talk with everyone briefly, before calmly asking Sarah if she’s got a minute to chat with me in private. When she says yes, we head into a corner to talk.

“Is everything okay?” Sarah asks.

“It’s fine. I’m being sneaky, honestly. Trying to get some information about my brilliant but humble boyfriend. Henn would rather die than brag or boast about himself, but there’s something I’m wondering about.” As Sarah sighs with relief, I say, “I know Henn sometimes does favors for really good friends. Or, in this case, for the brother of a really good friend—"

“Oh, you’re curious to know the details of the favor Henn did for Jonas?”

I press my lips together. That’s not what I was going to ask Sarah about, but now that she’s mentioned it, I’m realizing it’d be worth my while to hear the “Henn found Sarah for Jonas” story from Sarah’s perspective. If Henn told me a sanitized version of the favor he did for Ryan, then it stands to reason he also told me a sanitized version of the one he did for Jonas.

“You read my mind,” I say with a smile. “Henn made it sound like what he did for Jonas was no big deal, but I suspect he’s being humble and there’s more to the story than he’s telling me.”