Page 123 of Hacker in Love

“No need to thank me,” Reed says when I tune back into the table’s conversation. He’s speaking to Ryan Morgan across the table. Reed adds, “I didn’t do it as a favor. I did it because I like making truckloads of money off of great music and your brother checks off all the boxes.” Ryan must have thanked Reed for signing his brother’s band while my mind was wandering.

Ryan says, “Well, regardless, I still feel the need to express my personal gratitude to you. I would have hated to be stuck on an island for a week with Dax if you’d turned him down.”

Their conversation continues for a bit, with Reed eventually divulging T-Rod unexpectedly played an instrumental role in convincing him to sign 22 Goats. Reed explains, “She was pretty passionate about the topic, that’s for sure. And she was right, actually. I must say, the girl’s got good instincts.”

I’d normally find this topic of interest, I think. But not right now. Not when I’m practically bursting into flames of excitement about possibly proposing to Hannah tomorrow night. I wouldn’t steal Josh and Kat’s thunder, of course. I’d do it once the reception was in full swing, long after the ceremony. I’m positive Josh would be thrilled with the idea, but what about Kat? So far, she seems like the chillest bride, ever. Jonas and Sarah were certainly on board for me to propose at their wedding reception, so I’d think it’s likely Josh and Kat would feel the same way.

Reed laughs sharply, distracting me from my racing thoughts. He says to Josh, “Why you always gotta be such a hard ass about your precious little assistant, Faraday? You’re assuming I’d be a total dick to her. Maybe I wouldn’t be. Maybe T-Rod would be the girl who finally slays my demons, once and for all. Maybe she’d save me, man.”

I can’t resist pushing back on that line of bullshit. “Not bloody likely,” I quip, and everyone at the table laughs. I add, looking at Reed, “That’s not a knock on T-Rod’s demon-slaying capabilities, by the way, but a commentary on the virility of your particular strain of demon.”

Reed scoffs. “Bah. I’m a total softie, deep down.” He winks at me and then slides a stack of poker chips into the pot. “Raise you a hundred.”

“You’re not a softie, bro,” Josh retorts. “A great guy? Yes. The best friend, ever? For sure. But a softie? Hell no. Your bet, Zander.”

Poor Zander looks stressed. Clearly, the bets in this poker game are getting way too rich for his blood. At the opening cocktail party that kicked off this week, someone mentioned Zander being a personal trainer—and not a celebrity one in LA or whatever. Nope, he’s just an ordinary guy who shares an apartment in Seattle with his lifelong best friend, a male stripper who makes his rent one crinkled dollar at a time. It stands to reason, then, that card players like Josh and Reed aren’t anywhere close to Zander’s usual poker crowd.

“I’ll spot you whatever you need to stay in, Z,” Ryan says.

“Thanks, Captain. Much obliged.”

“No, no, Captain,” Josh says, still chewing on his cigar. “Zander’s bets are on me tonight.”

“No, I got him,” Ryan insists. “He’s my brother.”

Josh waves Ryan off again. “Then he’s mine, too. Keep your money, Ry. I’ve got him. I’ve had some massive poker losses to Reed over the years that I want to vicariously avenge.” Josh slides a mammoth stack of chips over to Zander. “Get him, Z. Make him cry.”

“Jesus, I’m getting it from all sides,” Reed mumbles, but his tone is playful.

Zander thanks Josh profusely and immediately shoves all his newly acquired chips into the pot to match and then raise Reed’s bet.

“I like your style, Z,” Reed says. “But, seriously, Faraday, why are you always so damned protective of T-Rod? She’s a big girl. Let her make her own decisions. If I take a shot and it doesn’t work out, I promise I won’t leave her any worse for wear. In fact, even if her heart gets smashed into a thousand pieces, I promise she’ll nonetheless thank me for the ride.”

For the first time during this playful banter, Josh looks genuinely irritated with Reed, though he manages to keep his tone relaxed and playful. “I’m not gonna risk anyone taking a shot with her and smashing her heart, motherfucker. She’s like a sister. Plus, on a selfish note, it’s in my personal interest to keep that woman from getting her heart broken. Last time she did, it took months for her to fully bounce back, and I happen to like T-Rod running my world at full capacity.”

Jonas pipes in with his two cents about T-Rod’s ever-expanding skill set, as well as his opinion that Josh hasn’t been maximizing it lately. And again, I tune out.