Page 101 of Hacker in Love

Josh laughs. “I’m not surprised. And how’s everything else? Things with Hannah good?”

“Better than good. Awesome. She’s moving to LA next month.”

“Really? Wow. That’s fantastic.”

“Yeah, the long-distance thing is killing us, man. And since Kat’s decided to put her PR company on the back burner for a while to become a mommy, Hannah’s decided to look for a PR job in the entertainment industry.”

“Awesome. Hey, you should ask Reed if he knows someone who might be able to help her with her job search. Reed knows everyone.”

“Yeah, I already talked to him. He’s on it. So, how are things with Kat? Have you two been nesting, getting ready for baby?” Josh hasn’t said a word to me about his plans to propose to Kat, and I’m hoping his silence on the topic doesn’t mean he’s changed his mind. I know my best friend better than he knows himself sometimes, and I truly think he’d be far happier in life married to Kat and being part of her big, boisterous family than he’s even capable of imagining. In fact, if I could hand-pick a family for Josh to join, it’d be the Morgans.

As if reading my mind, Josh glances furtively at Kat across the crowded gym where she’s dancing with gusto with Sarah and Hannah. A wide smile unfurls across his face before he returns his attention to me. “I’m going to ask Kat to marry me,” he whispers. He touches his pocket and smiles. “Got the ring right here.”

That’s got to be the source of the stress I’ve been detecting from Josh. If I had an engagement ring in my pocket for Hannah, I’d be bursting out of my skin. “No shit?” I say, feigning surprise. I give Josh a warm hug. “That’s awesome. When are you gonna do it?”

“As soon as you get me that info.”

“Aaaah. Interesting. What does one thing have to do with the other?”

Josh briefly explains how the information gathering/hacking project he’s asked me to do will play into his proposal, and I can’t help hooting with laughter.

“Very cool,” I say. “Okay. I’ll put a rush on it, boss.”


I shake my head. “Wow. I never thought I’d see the day Josh ‘YOLO’ Faraday would get married and settle down.”

Josh shrugs. “I never thought I’d see the day, either. And now, it’s all I want.” He exhales. “Let’s just hope Kat says yes.”

I smirk. Not too long ago, Josh gave me some supremely bad advice about bagging babes in Vegas, and I can’t resist throwing that shit back into his face now. “Bah,” I deadpan. “Just dick it up and she won’t be able to resist you.”

Josh rolls his eyes. “Yeah, well, I’ve recently learned the whole dick-it-up-strategy might not be quite as effective as I originally thought.” He steals another look at Kat on the dance floor, where she’s gleefully throwing her baby bump around and singing along with the band. “At least, not with Madame Terrorist.”

“I’m really happy for you, Josh,” I say, patting his shoulder. “You’ve definitely come a long way from the dude who got YOLO inked onto his ass-cheek, thanks to losing a bet about a quote from Happy Gilmore.”

Josh cracks up. “God, I hope so. Hey, what was that quote we were arguing about, by the way? I can never remember what it was.”

We launch into conversation about that movie, and which scene inspired the ass tattoo Josh got while wasted, until, finally, Josh remarks that he’d better get back to his adoring public.

After we’ve said our goodbyes, I leave our hiding spot to look for Ryan Morgan . . . and what do you know, only a few seconds into my search, I see Kat heading straight toward me with her brother, Ryan, in tow.

Well, that sucked donkey balls. I’m walking out of a private office in the back of the gym with Ryan Morgan after breaking the news that I couldn’t find his flight attendant in Delta’s database, despite my best efforts. I assured him I’ll keep trying until I find her—that my plan is to hack every airline that had flights from LA to Seattle on the day in question. But, unfortunately, that’s going to take some time.

Kat stayed behind in the office when Ryan and I departed. Apparently, Josh is going to meet her in there any minute now for a private celebration. So, it’s just Ryan and me heading down the short corridor leading back into the party now.

“Are you sure I can’t pay you for your time?” Ryan asks. “This is going to be so much more work than you initially envisioned.”

“Bah. Like I said, your money’s no good to me.”

Ryan thanks me again, the same way he did a few minutes ago in the office, and says he’s going to look for his brother, Colby. I point in another direction and explain I’m going to look for my girlfriend, who’s probably on the dance floor as we speak. And off we go in opposite directions.