Page 2 of Our Dom (Our Love)

Pushing away the frustrating thoughts, I focused on Ian as I climbed into the driver’s seat. “So, do you have anything fun planned this week? What about a sleepover with your friends?”

We both needed to stay busy, so that was why I’d given into Preston’s insistent push to go out to dinner later in the week. But honestly, Ian’s sleepover sounded more fun than getting grilled for gossip by Preston…and that was with the chaos the last one had caused.

“Yes, we’re doing it on Friday. If that’s okay with you?” He squirmed in his seat, clasping and resituating his hands like he wasn’t sure where they belonged. “I wasn’t sure if you had plans or…”

He had a legitimate question, but he was so cute.

No smiling, that would send the wrong message.

“I think that sounds like a good idea.” As long as they stayed safer than they had last time. “Then we could spend the afternoon together on Saturday and get some toys for my house?” I didn’t even have cute plates for him, so something needed to be done about that because he couldn’t be expected to pack everything he needed every time he came over.

And he was back to nibbling on his lip.

As I started going through the motions of getting us to the restaurant, I tried to give him some space and not act like I was hanging on every breath he let out.

I was, of course, but he didn’t need to know that.

It didn’t take as long as I thought it might for him to open up, so I was taking that as a good sign about how he saw me. But his tone was more hesitant than I’d hoped…again, mixed signals. “I know we’ve kind of talked about this, but I wanted to make sure you knew you didn’t have to step in as a Daddy figure while Bishop is gone.”

Nodding slowly, I tried to think about what to say and not just blurt out something random. “I know I’m not Bishop. I promise I’m not trying to be, but I liked reading to you. I’m not saying we have to jump right off the deep end together, but having little time with you, watching cartoons and reading books, would not be stressful for me. You’re my cutie too.”

Ian blushed and the way he shifted in his seat that time looked more bashful than nervous. “Alright, but I just wanted to make sure you knew I didn’t have any expectations.”

I knew what he meant, but I couldn’t help scoffing. “Well, I have expectations.”

My dramatic reaction had him barely holding back laughter. “What kind? I didn’t think about that. I’m very sorry.”

I sighed and shook my head as I gave him a very forlorn look. “No one thinks about Uncle Cohen.”

Coughing, Ian took a second to breathe and fight back a smile. “You’re right. I was being very selfish. What kind of expectations do you have? I really want to know.”

Probably so he could giggle more.

Shrugging, I dragged it out, trying to imitate Bishop when he was being teasing and ridiculous. “I guess I assumed you would be having dinners with me and I’d get to do things like read you books. I even bought chicken nuggets. The dinosaur ones.”

Those were ridiculously priced.

I could’ve probably made them for half the cost. But as Ian gave me a beaming smile, I knew they’d been worth it. “Really, Uncle Cohen?”

Nodding, I felt more at ease as the excited little in him bounded to the surface. “Yes, and I found more goodies for pancakes, but if you don’t want to spend time with me…”

As my voice trailed off, I shrugged and aimed for a pout I wasn’t quite sure worked. Ian was too distracted to notice my poor acting skills, though. He nearly bounced in his seat and jumped back into the conversation. “I want more pancakes. I can sleep over this week if you want me to. Then we could have pancakes in the morning.”

Big Ian would probably have a nervous breakdown once he realized what little Ian had said. However, for now I just went along with it because as much as we were all trying to make sure everyone had space, I didn’t really need as much as I’d been getting.

Hoping this would be the point to subtly address that, I nodded. “That would be best. I know people do pancakes for dinner, but that just seems wrong.”

Nodding eagerly, Ian’s words rushed out. “And you can make me muffins or even waffles too if you want.”

Was he being nice or greedy?

It was hard to tell.

“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” But I was going to need to go grocery shopping. “What kind of muffins do you think we should make? What about zucchini and cheddar?”

I was only half teasing, but I laughed as Ian’s eyes widened. “Oh, Uncle Cohen.”