Not that he’d wanted to leave her this morning. His lips twitched along with his cock as he thought of her in this chair, straddling him and taking him deep while he feasted upon her breasts. Or watched his cock slide in and out of her. Unable to stop himself, he clicked on the key hiding the security feed and frowned after rewinding the recording. No one in the hallway and the men hadn’t left yet.

“Mr. Rhodes?”

Right, work. He had a job to do, and it wasn’t to sit here and stare at a security feed screen, hoping and praying for a small glimpse of his woman. Especially not while he lusted after her.

Yes. His. Because after finding her once more, he sure as hell wasn’t letting her go again.

“I’m here. I was merely looking over the documentation you sent me.”

“Good, good. You’ll see it is all in order.”

“Looks to me,” he said, sitting up a bit more when Daisy stepped out into the hallway with the three others, “like you left some things out.”

Daisy wore a tight pair of pants and a sweatshirt that dropped to midthigh. Her hair had some curls in it today. Unpleasant unease churned at his gut. Was she off to meet that guy again?

“What did I leave out? I’m certain I sent you everything.”

Livingston pushed up from his seat and walked to the window, slipping his hands into the pockets of his slacks. “For one, you neglected to mention your ties to my father.”

“Now, Mr. Rhodes,” he said, his voice not as confident any longer.

“Let’s stop this now, Mr. Shafgans. We both know, and please, do refrain from trying to insult my intelligence by pretending otherwise, that my father put you up to this. You were instructed to get in on this deal with me. After which you would have proceeded to tell him what was going on so he could do his best to thwart my plans.”

“If we could meet in person—”

“That won’t be necessary, or happening. We have nothing more to say to one another and before you try, I don’t care what my father was holding over you. I’m about to take it all. When I’m finished with you, Mr. Shafgans, you will wish it was only my father holding something over you because you would have had something to protect. By the time I’m done with you, you will be ruined. Your family will have nothing and you’ll see what happens when you try to cross me.”

More blubbering from the man on the other end.

Someone knocked on his door. “Come,” he bit off. “To sum this up, Mr. Shafgans, my father is known to be ruthless, but you’ll come to find that my old man is nothing but a cuddly kitten when compared to me. I told you that my stipulation is you have nothing to do with him, you looked me in the eye and you lied. Now, you get to pay the price.”

Livingston touched his ear and whipped around to say something to Monica only to find his words trapped in his throat. Daisy stood there, dressed as she had been when she’d left the suite, her expression something he couldn’t break down and identify.

It took more restraint than he’d known he possessed to refrain from striding across the room and taking her in his arms and claiming that pouty mouth of hers. He settled for returning to his desk and grasping the back of his tall leather chair.

“Need something from me, Peach?”

That is a loaded question. The words “Hell yeah” dangled on her tongue but she swallowed them back.

“I was stopping by to tell you I was taking the afternoon to walk around and do some more exploring. There were a few things I didn’t see when I was out with Ren. Since you had an issue with it last time, I was giving you notice. No, I’ve not finished, but I need to walk away for a bit.”

She turned from him and reached for the door she’d stepped through in time to hear him threaten to take everything from a man. Her reality wasn’t welcoming to her. It had been wonderful to imagine that while hardened, yes, that he still had a soul, but that comment right there had stomped on her silly fantasy.


One word. Slow and yet with more power than a thousand suns, welded her to the spot and her hand drifted back to her side.

He didn’t say anything but she felt him at her back. It was impossible not to know he had moved behind her. No, she hadn’t heard his footsteps, but the man was so fucking warm, smelled delicious and his presence wasn’t anything a blind man wouldn’t be able to see.

She squeezed her eyes shut when his large palm settled on the small of her back. “Let’s go.”