He went down.

So had she. God, even now the thought of holding the heavy weight of his cock on her tongue had pleasure streaking through her. Without care or thought, she slid her hand down her body only to stop.

Where was Livingston?

Rolling over, she found he wasn’t in bed with her. She sat up, blinking away the last remnants of her sleep, little that she’d gotten. Bringing the blanket up to cover her, she searched the room. No sign of him.

Not a fan of the voice in her head, she slid from the bed and shivered. The room was cooler than she’d been expecting. Then again, it could have been that she was completely naked and generally slept in clothing.


But she needed a shower, so she just dragged the blanket with her and poked her head out into the rest of the suite. Empty. No sign of the man who’d burst her world into flame.

Her thong was missing but her shirt and shorts had been picked up, folded and placed on the small coffee table. Muttering under her breath, she swiped them and stomped to the shower and turned it on as hot as she could take it.

Within thirty minutes she had dressed in clean clothing and stood before her whiteboards, two pencils in her hair like hair sticks. Fists propped on her hips, she rolled her shoulders as she skimmed the numbers and words on the boards.

She was missing something. What, she wasn’t sure, but there was a gap she’d not bridged. Yet.

Someone knocked and she huffed in frustration and a bit of anticipation. Was he back for more? She frowned and shook her head. This was why she didn’t mix business with pleasure.

And there’d been so much pleasure.

Rain pounded the glass as she walked to the door, casting a look back over her shoulder to ensure that the boards were turned to the wall and what was on them wasn’t visible from the entry. Just in case.

She opened it and frowned at the sight of the hotel worker standing there, a cart in front of him.

“Good morning, Ms. Wentz. Your breakfast.”

“I didn’t order anything.”

“Mr. Rhodes insisted. And he said”—the man’s face flushed—“even if she tries to refuse, make sure she takes the food into her room.”

Her lips twitched up and she shook her head, trying not to laugh.

“If that doesn’t work, I’m supposed to call him.”

She clenched her hand on the frame. “He didn’t.”

“Full disclosure, Ms. Wentz. I’m supposed to call either way and let him know.” A tentative grin. “Can I inform him that you took the food without a fuss?”

“I’ll let you wheel it in.” Damn if it didn’t smell good though.

She stepped back and allowed him in. As he wheeled the cart by the couch, the room’s phone rang. Rolling her eyes, she walked to it and lifted the receiver.


“Don’t argue with him, Peach. If I didn’t have things to do here, I’d be there making sure you ate because we both know I damn sure wore you out.”

Her entire body flushed at his statement. He had worn her out but still, she wasn’t planning on talking about it. Cutting her gaze to the man hovering uncertainly by the cart, she wondered if he’d heard Livingston on the other end. His voice wasn’t all that quiet.

“I don’t give a fuck who hears this, Peach. Accept the food and eat.” A deep breath. “I know he’s still there because he hasn’t come out of your room.”

“I’m not a child, Mr. Rhodes, who you can reprimand and punish if your demands aren’t met.”

“You sure about that?”

Holy fuck. Four words that made her pussy weep and her nipples tighten painfully, desperate for his touch to relieve the want.

“I have work to do.” She hung up the phone and turned to find the young man with a smile dancing around his lips. He obviously tried to keep it from showing, remaining professional, but he couldn’t quite manage.

He cleared his throat. “I’ll just leave this here then.”

She crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow. “Perfect, thank you. When you talk to him, let him know I ate all of it.”

Smart man that he was, he just nodded and backed to the door after putting the trays on the table. Then he was gone and she was alone. Gaze drifting to the boards she needed to work on, she sucked her lower lip in her mouth and gave in with a shrug as she headed to the silver domes.

After removing them, she lifted the white lid on the plate itself. The first one had fluffy scrambled eggs, dry wheat toast, two strips of crispy bacon, two sausage links and a smaller dish of fresh fruit. Her stomach rumbled as the scent of the food wafted into the air. Taking off the second plate, she found Belgian waffles, and her mouth watered at the rich scent of maple syrup.