I’m quite stunned. This isn’t computer work of any kind. This isn’t even technology. No, this lady is talking about house repairs. There’s a slight chance—just an itty bitty slight chance—when Cass told Granny that the name of the store was kind of confusing as to what repairs and restoration we actually did, she might have been right, but Granny always did like to be a bit spicy and mysterious.
I don’t know what to say. Part of me wants to agree just because we all need something to do. Another part wants to put a face to the prettiest voice I’ve ever heard in my life. And the other parts? Well, getting out of here, even in the heat, sure beats sitting around twiddling our thumbs and watching Lennox and Cass be ooey gooey level one thousand mush with each other.
This might be crazy, but then, what about our lives isn’t? We literally spend our time hacking super bad guys and wrecking their whole criminal enterprise for a living.
“Sure, I can come and take a look. If you want to give me directions, I’ll leave shortly. I can’t guarantee we can give you a quote as the work might be beyond what we can…uh…do right now, as we’re pretty busy, but we can take a look. My brother and I. He’s a part of the company as well.”
At my words, Orion stops silent-laughing and shaking long enough to give me a wildly dumbfounded look. Lennox, knowing I’m not going to include him and that this isn’t really a business call, scowls at me while Cass just looks plain confused.
“Sure. Yeah, I’ll give you directions. I’m really thankful for any help.” The pretty voice rattles off directions like a pro, and I quickly type them out in my cell while holding the receiver between my ear and shoulder. I like how she sounds like a super sexy GPS. Wow, so wrong. So, so wrong. You’re an asshole, you know. For even agreeing to go out there. You should tell her the truth, you straight-up arsehole times a thousand with a cherry on top.
“Got it. See you in a few hours.”
Then I hang up before she can hear any of the background noise going on. To be fair, there isn’t much of it, just super blank stares being sent my way. Super blank and heated.
“That wasn’t a call about computers,” Lennox grumbles. “If you’re into the swipe left, swipe right thing, even though we’re supposed to be keeping a low profile as per normal, then you shouldn’t be giving out the work number.”
Cass shakes her head, ignoring the booty call dig. Just FYI, I don’t do booty calls, not in that sense, and I can keep a low profile perfectly well, thank you very much. “I can still work on posters and mail-outs and ads if that’s alright?”
Granny isn’t here, plus we do need the business, so I give her the green light. “That’s perfect. Thanks, Cass.”
She looks like I’ve just gifted her the meaning of life, and when she swivels around in her chair in front of the ultra-modern desk, her hands are already flying over her laptop. She also has her tablet out in the blink of an eye and alternates working between the two.
Lennox gives her a sweet, sickening look, then turns back to me and scowls. “You’re not leaving. Granny would be furious.”
I shrug. “Not doing much around here. Thought this was more entertaining than nothing.”
“Leading someone on like that is creepy. What was it for anyway?”
“Home renovations.”
“Home renovations?” Lennox chokes, his eyes almost popping out.
Cass’ electronic pencil pauses on her tablet’s screen. “But we do computers.”
“I know that. But she doesn’t. I guess you were right about the name. Anyway, I’m going to go check it out.”
“The house or the lady?” Lennox asks snidely.
I shrug. “Maybe I’m just up for a drive. Granny isn’t here to prohibit it, so I’m going. I’m taking Orion, too, because he’s the only fun one, and by fun, I mean the only one who doesn’t make googly eyes the entire time. Yeah, suck on that, Len.”
Lennox scoffs and shakes his head. “You have the maturity of a two-year-old.”
“No one else wanted her business. Relax, I’m just going to help her. I’ll tell her at the end that there’s been a mistake and I only work on computers, but I’ll find someone who will take on the work. Maybe that will help us network around town as a new business. We send work someone else’s way, and they send work our way. Scratch each other’s backs, you know.”
“No, you’re just being an asshole,” Lennox insists.
“It’s pretty sketchy sounding,” Orion cuts in, the odd time he chooses to side with Lennox. “We might get murdered driving out of town.”
“She sounded sweet on the phone. I don’t think she’d get murdery with both of us. Didn’t get I’m going to chop you up into little pieces because you’ve wronged me in the past, and they’ll never find your body vibes at all.”