How in the hell did Mo manage that without my noticing? And just how serious does that mean she was about choking me?

I scramble to untie it and put it back in place, but Brooke is eyeing me with unending curiosity. The kind that sticks like molasses. She’s not going to let me get away without explaining this one, I can feel it in my bones.

I run a hand through my hair before allowing myself a little chuckle. “You see, what had happened was…”

Brooke laughs and chews on another piece of bread. We’ve been sitting without food for quite a while now, and my kitchen catastrophe is at least partly to blame. With her having a fainting spell right before this, I can’t imagine waiting this long is the best thing to bring her equilibrium back to normal. The guilt of her starvation is enough to push me right over the proverbial cliff into the land of truth.

“This is my sister and brother-in-law’s restaurant.”

“Really?” she asks, her perfect green eyes getting broad as she talks around her bread and almost choking on it. “Your sister owns La Croissette?”

I nod.

“Your sister owns one of the most popular restaurants in New York City?”

I nod again, but this time, it’s followed by a sigh. “It’s not as glamorous as you might think,” I remark, gesturing to the place where my knotted tie used to be.

“Oh man. The tea feels hot tonight. Please, I beg of you, pour me some,” Brooke replies, leaning in eagerly.

“Um…” I pause slightly to allow room for an awkward chuckle. “Well. My sister is one of your fans. She’s actually the one who originally pushed me to read The Shadow Brothers Trilogy. And…she kind of harangued me in the kitchen in an effort to convince me to let her come out and talk to you.”

Brooke’s eyes widen even more, and she drops the piece of crusty bread on her plate, dusting off her hands.

“I tried to tell her it wasn’t a good idea or good timing, with us discussing all the changes coming up, but she didn’t take that very well.”

“Tell her to come out now,” she says without hesitation, looking around the room as though Maureen is just waiting for the go-ahead.

Truthfully, she may very well be doing just that, but I refuse to look over Brooke’s shoulder and toward the kitchen door.

“I didn’t tell you so you’d feel bad and say yes, Brooke. In fact, I’d have rather done just about anything else, but—”

“What, does she have horns and lasers for eyes or something? If she’s not an evil sociopath with superpowers, I think it’s fine.” She is so relaxed and laid-back about it, but at the same time, she didn’t just see my sister try to stab me.

“Well, she did make a knot around my throat without my knowing, so I can’t guarantee she doesn’t have the powers of a witch.”

Brooke’s face dances with humor. “I’ve never met a witch before. It’d probably be cool.”

I close my eyes briefly before opening them with a groan. When I speak again, my voice is a whisper. “You don’t have to do this, Brooke.”

Benji stands up, pawing at Brooke’s leg underneath the table. She jerks her head toward him. “Oh, come on. Even Benji wants to meet a real-life witch. See?” Benji yips just loud enough for me to hear his confirmation without disturbing the other diners. “Tell her to come out here.”

When I don’t say anything, she adds, “It’ll be fine.”

I sigh. Run a hand through my hair again. “I’d like to sincerely apologize in advance if this turns into something you regret.”

“Chase, relax. Any sibling of yours has to be at least half cool. And since I’m about half cool at maximum myself, that really works out. The universe won’t explode at our overwhelming power.”

At the thought of the look I left in Mo’s eyes, I reconsider trying so hard to talk Brooke out of the whole ordeal and consider maintaining an intact, untwisted set of balls instead. For as weird of an organ as they are, I really like them as is, and Lord knows, the next face-to-face conversation I’d have with my sister if she doesn’t get to meet Brooke tonight could very well end in castration. “My future children thank you.”

Brooke laughs, and it causes her to choke on her drink slightly. I reach around to pat her on the back. I’m not sure that patting someone on the back while they’re choking on liquid helps, but it feels better than doing nothing.

“Are you okay? Is it something I said? You really don’t have to meet her if you—”

“Chase. Go get your scythe-carrying sister and bring her out here, would you? If I’m going to meet my maker, I’d like to do it before I bloat up on veal Parmigiana.”