Page 150 of Accidental Attachment

Having had my heart broken by forced distance from the man of my dreams, I know the very last thing I’m going to do is keep my buddy Benji from the woman of his. Anytime I can find a way to unite the two love doggos, I do it.

And thankfully, Dolly’s owner has been on board with this plan since that fateful day we brought the two of them together.

“Hey, Noah,” I greet cheerfully, reaching down at my feet to give Dolly a rubdown worthy of her cuteness. “Thanks for coming tonight!”

His answering smile is just about all I need to know about my secret plans for meddling for next week. Eek! I’m not normally the type to force people into things, but in this case, I can’t even bring myself to feel bad.

I know to my core that my sister and Noah are perfect for each other, no matter how good they seem to be at avoiding actually meeting. And this eager beaver isn’t waiting any longer.

It’s time my big sis finds her happily ever after. It’s time she finds a man who’s worthy of how awesome and special she is.

And now that she’s settled in New York a little more, I think she’s ready. I hope she’s ready.

Goodness knows, Dr. Noah Philip has a Grey’s Anatomy hot factor that can’t be denied. Add in the fact that he’s rich, successful, charming, and raised a good little girl like Dolly, and I feel like he’s the perfect man for Sam.

All that’s left is me shoving them together and—

Chase puts a squeezing hand to my hip, sensing the excited wandering of my mind like only he can, and pulls me back from the rabbit hole.

“Congrats, you guys. Dolly and I wouldn’t have missed it,” Noah answers, reaching out a hand to shake Chase’s in that man-bro-ish, I’m saying hello with my body language way that only a couple of stone-cold foxes like the two of them can pull off. “I’m sorry I have to take off in a few minutes, but I’m glad Benj and Dolly will at least get to enjoy each other’s company for the night.”

I smile and lean down to ruffle Dolly’s cheeks again. “Are you kidding? I’m so excited I’m going to have a girlie sleeping over!”

Benji gives me the side-eye, displeased with my misguided belief that Dolly will in any way, shape, or form be my guest. I squint and stick out my tongue at him, but his doggie disdain doesn’t change.

“Yeah, well, I’m sure she’s excited too.” Noah smiles. “I’ve been talking about how much I don’t want to go to this fundraiser for the last week and a half, and she’s been the unfortunate sounding board for the brunt of it.”

“If she’s anything like Benji,” Chase intervenes, “I’m sure she’s used to the mental load.”

“Excuse me?” I scoff playfully with a bat of my eyelashes and a hand to my chest. “Just what exactly are you trying to say, Mr. Dawson?”

“You’re a writer, baby.” Chase chuckles and wraps his arm around my shoulders, tucking me close to his manly, strong chest. “You’re supposed to be adorably verbose.”

Noah smirks. “And what’s that say about me?”

Chase doesn’t even blink. “All of Brooke’s characters are in her head. All of your patients are asleep. Makes perfect sense to me that both of you would spend ninety percent of your time talking to your dogs.”

Noah smirks. “Well, thanks again for inviting me. And a huge congratulations! I swear, all the nurses I work with own a copy of Accidental Attachment. It’s all they rave about.” He glances down at the fancy Rolex on his wrist. “Shit. Well, I wish I could hang around, but…”

“Duty calls,” Chase finishes for him before giving another bro-worthy slap to Noah’s upper arm.

Noah steps away with a flick of his fingers and a last rub to Dolly’s head before disappearing right back out the door through which he came.

And I’m left standing there, annoyed that my sister has, yet again, not shown up in time.

My pout must be obvious because it isn’t but a few seconds before Chase is pulling me into a hug and whispering in my ear. “Don’t look so sad. You already have a plan, remember? He and Sammy are going to meet next week.”

“I knooow,” I cry, with only my charm to save me from my petulance. “But I wanted to lay the groundwork tonight, you know? Get a head start.”

Chase pulls me back and places a gentle kiss on my lips. “I have an idea.”

“You do?” I ask excitedly.

Chase nods, his forehead brushing against mine. “How about for tonight, just tonight, you focus on yourself and this book and the absolutely enormous accomplishment of hitting number one on the New York Times list?”

Properly redirected, I laugh, shrugging as nonchalantly as I can manage for this performance. “Yeah, okay. I guess that’s, like, a decent idea.”