Page 113 of Accidental Attachment

God, he smells good.

When I start to fear that my deep inhales are a little too loud to be secret and my body is liking his warmth and embrace way too much, I gently disengage from the hug and put a few steps of distance between us.

“Alrighty roo, I guess it’s time to get this show on the road.” I fist-pump the air like a buffoon. “Viva Las Vegas, here we come!” I even step toward him to give him an abrupt high five that makes him chortle.

“Love the enthusiasm,” he adds with a smile that makes my chest want to light itself on fire. “I’m just going to finish up with a few work emails, and then we’ll head out.”

“And I’m, uh…going to change into something less TV and more motor home.”

That smile is still present on his face, and I decide it’s best to give myself a breather from it. I head into the bedroom to change out of my fancy clothes and into something I can stand to survive in for the long, long drive from Texas to Nevada.

But once Benji and I are closed off in the bedroom and I’ve managed to toss on a pair of leggings and a comfy T-shirt, my phone pings with what feels like a billion text message notifications.

Brow furrowed, I pull it out of my purse and find that my sister is in the middle of bombarding my text inbox.

Sam: I just finished the book…BROOKE BAKER!!!

My asshole puckers. Oh boy.

Sam: HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE WARNED ME? I pretty much forgot about my kids for the past forty-eight hours because I couldn’t put it down! I kind of hate you.

Sam: But if River is you, I also think I might be weirdly attracted to you, which is a serious mindfuck because you’re my goddamn sister!

Sam: I also think I understand the Immaculate Conception now because I think your book got me pregnant. Me and Mary, we’re on a whole new wavelength!

Sam: Dad would be so proud. Of the Biblical understanding. Not the pregnancy.

Sam: But seriously, what the flocking flock, Brookie???? The book is so good. SO GOOD. I can’t even begin to fully express my love for it.

Sam: Just…HOLY SHIT, B!!!!

Sam: If Chase is Clive and you’re River, then slap me sideways and call me Sally because I am cheering this on. Like pom-poms and megaphones and shit.

Sam: I’m OVER THE TOP in love with Clive and River, so I guess that means I’m in love with you and Chase then, too.

This is so unlike my sister it’s not even funny. Don’t get me wrong, she’s funny, but she’s also the rational one out of the two of us.

But her feedback? It’s bullshit—not sensible in the least. I mean, I’m thrilled to hear she loves the book, but I didn’t send her the manuscript for a pleasure read!

This crap isn’t helping me figure out how to solve my problems in the least, and her next texts proves she knows it.

Sam: GAH. This probably isn’t what you were hoping to get from me reading the book, huh? You’re probably looking at these messages right now and contemplating strangling me for making things more complicated for you. I’m really, truly sorry about that, Brookie. I am. But hell’s bells, if you guys are the real-life Clive and River, then my jaded heart NEEDS you to be together.

Shit, Sam. What are you trying to do to me here?

Sam: And I think, maybe, you should tell Chase the truth about the book? Like, I don’t know why, but I just have a gut feeling that’s the way to go. I’m also hoping by you telling him that and confessing your true feelings, he’s going to do exactly what Clive does when River lays it all out there. GAH. That scene. It was EVERYTHING.

Sam: Or maybe you shouldn’t tell him? Fuck. I don’t know. I just know I think you should go for it. If that man is anything like Clive, he’s worth putting it all on the line for. And that’s coming from me, Ms. Divorced with Two Kids.

It’s one thing to tell me she enjoyed reading it, but it’s another to encourage my delusions.

Sweet Lucifer, I think the book broke my sister.

And now, I’m starting to wonder if there’s something inside that book that makes people lose their damn minds. Like, maybe Accidental Attachment is an actual health risk for readers.

Sam: Now, I’m pretty sure you’re going to need some space from me, and I get that. I really do. Plus, I have this fun, new life in New York now because of you, so I’m getting ready to head out with the boys to go to Central Park. So…just…you know…call me when you’re ready to talk about how I really, really want you and Chase to be together now.