Page 107 of Accidental Attachment

“Are you feeling okay now?” she asks then, her brow crinkling sweetly with concern. Her green eyes flit over my face several times before adding, “No offense, but you don’t really look like you’re feeling well.”

“I’ve definitely felt better.” I shrug. “I think I just need to go get some breakfast if you’re up for it. Maybe on the River Walk?”

Her ears perk up, and as a result, so do Benji’s. They really are a cute duo, and Benji really is one of the best good boys. He takes care of Brooke so wholesomely, and he always knows when to keep to himself if he’s not needed in that capacity.

“I’ll take the foaming at the mouth as a sign that your answer is yes,” I tease and she giggles. Fuck, I’ve missed that sound.

“Am I that obvious?”

“It’s safe to say we’ve been hanging out enough now that I’m starting to understand your facial cues.”

“And this one was…what?” she asks with an amused lift of her brow. “Drooling onto my chin?”

I laugh, and the tightness in my chest unclenches its fist. My head is still dizzy as fuck, but man, I’m already feeling so much better.

“I think I might have also seen your tail wag.”

Benji barks at that, thinking I’ve confused the two of them, and Brooke’s smile grows to three times its original size.

“I got your email with some of the changes you made last night, by the way,” I update her. “I’ll take a look at them later today.”

Brooke nods but also looks away to focus on Benji as she scratches his head from his position beside the booth.

“I’ve also spent this morning moving my notes to the doc digitally for you. I know that’s a lot easier to follow, but I can’t seem to get away from the old habit of working with pen to paper first.”

“I get it,” Brooke replies, looking up from Benji to me again. Her mouth is curved in an adorable smirk.

“You do?”

“Oh yeah. I get it good. First the mug, and now this? Even Chase Dawson is a weirdo like the rest of us.”

I snort. “Gee, thanks.”

“Don’t worry about it. It means you’re human. Before this, I wasn’t so sure.” She winks, smiles, and stands up from the booth. “Now, how about we go get our River Walk on and get you some breakfast?”

My answer is easy. “Count me in.”

Brooke gets ready faster than any woman I’ve ever met—especially when something she wants to do is involved.

I swear, hardly five minutes passed between her downing the mug of coffee I gave her, jumping out of the booth, and flitting between the bedroom and bathroom as she got ready. She even had an Uber called and a map of the River Walk pulled up on her phone in the two minutes after that.

And only now, after five hours of walking the cobblestone paths, periodically stopping at artisan booths and restaurants for a quick treat, and purchasing and donning a new custom-made pair of sandals, is she starting to slow down.

I, on the other hand, am a little worse for the wear. Don’t get me wrong. Mentally, I’m soaring. Freeing myself from whatever stupid distance I thought I needed from Brooke was one hundred percent the right move for my mental health.

But my physical health, by comparison, doesn’t feel like it’s doing so hot.

I haven’t felt this bad in years, since I had the stomach flu during my first year at my Nashville publishing house, Brentwood Books. I’m clammy and weakening by the minute.

Brooke’s asked about me several times, so I know I must look rough, but I haven’t had the heart to cut her day short while she’s having such a good time. I figure I’m either going to feel bad here or in the motor home, and I don’t see all that much of a difference.

At least, I didn’t until now.

My head is spinning and my heart is racing, and I feel like I can’t keep standing much longer without falling to the ground. I can see the hazy outline of a bench up ahead, and I stumble my way over to it and settle my ass into the seat and put my head between my legs. I sway from one side to the other, trying to keep myself from falling forward onto the cobblestone.

Brooke’s face is in mine quickly, her body crooked and kneeling to get low enough.

“Oh my God, Chase. Are you okay?”

I shake my head to clear it, but the fogginess won’t dissipate. I do my best to reassure Brooke through the confusion. I don’t want to scare her. “I…yeah. I think I’m all right. I just…need to sit here for a minute.”

I feel a paw hit my back and Benji’s nose as he licks at my cheek. I try to push him away without offending him too much, but Brooke grabs my elbow to stop me.