Dear Lord. A hunk, a costume-wearing canine, and a powerhouse woman who obviously has a heart of gold. Somewhere, there’s a writer just wishing they could write a scene like this. I know it.

Dawn twists off the top of the bottle of Coke and places it in my hand, even going so far as to curl my fingers around the bottle for me. “Got it?” she asks, and I nod.

“If you need anything else at all, you just let me know. There’s a deli a couple of buildings over. I could get you a sandwich or some soup or—”

“Thank you so much,” I interrupt as politely as possible. “But just the Coke should help. Plus, you already brought those cookies, and I think they’ll be really disappointed if I don’t eat them.”

Dawn moves so she’s easily in my line of sight and gives me a warm smile before going back out the door. Chase nods at her over my shoulder, and as much as my nosy ass would like to, I don’t know why.

Benji, evidently satisfied with my progress, finally abandons his alert and curls himself up on the floor at the side of my chair. Chase notices. “Hey, that seems like a good sign.”

I nod softly. “I’m no longer posing a threat to your carpet’s security.”

He laughs before joking, “Was it something I said?”

Sheesh. If he only knew the power of his words. Or his smile. Or his blue-as-the-sky eyes.

“No, no,” I cover. “Just…probably didn’t eat enough this morning or didn’t have as much caffeine as I normally do.” Liar, liar, five-cups-of-coffee-drinker’s pants on fire. “I’m feeling better, I promise.”

“Okay, good.” Instead of heading back for his chair, he leans his hips into the edge of the desk behind him and crosses his feet at the ankles, pressing his palms into the surface. “Still, just in case, I’ll try to keep the rest of this as short as possible. I really just wanted you to come in so I could give you an idea of the process we have ahead of us.”

“The process?” I ask dumbly. I mean, I’m three traditionally published books in with this publisher. Shouldn’t I know what to expect by now?

“Yes,” he says excitedly, rubbing his hands together. “It could be a little confusing since you have a contract with terms for Garden of Forever and we’re switching it up with this different manuscript.”

I feel clammy again, and by the look on Chase’s face, I’m guessing my skin is a matching shade of putrid.

“No, no, don’t worry, Brooke. I don’t think we’re in the weeds here. In fact, I think we’re ahead of the game. This new direction from you is just fresh enough to throw the market into overdrive. It showcases your talent in a way I don’t think Longstrand ever even considered. Going with this book is the right move. I’m confident in that. But now it’s my job to convince the other editors.”

“Convince them how?”

He smiles. “With my unrivaled pitching skills, of course. You did the hard work by writing a great book, and next Friday, I’m going to make sure everyone else understands just how confident I feel about it.”

“Do you think there’s going to be pushback about not complying with the terms of the title and content?” I ask through a thick throat. I mean, I have the correct book just sitting on my computer, waiting for someone who’s not an idiot to send the right file. It’s crap, but at least it’s what they asked for—and a little less life-ruining for me too.

“No,” Chase assures. “It’s a simple change for the reward of a bang-up best seller.”

I swallow hard. Some withered part of me is still screaming, I can’t believe this is happening!

“Once I get the go-ahead in the pitch, it’ll be up to us to work through all the content editing changes and potential improvements. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re probably going to be sick of me by the time this thing goes to print.”


“I’ve never believed in the potential of characters like I do River and Clive, and I know this isn’t your problem, but I have a hell of a lot to prove since this is my first fully solo project here. I won’t sleep until it’s perfect.”

“So…we’re going to be working really closely.”

“Most definitely,” he agrees, like that isn’t the biggest bombshell to the heart I could get.

Clive and River are a collection of everything I’ve ever dreamed about this man and me together.

And now, I’m going to have to dissect every single part of it while staring at his handsome face?

Better dry-clean your black outfits, ladies and gentlemen. Brooke Baker’s funeral is sure to be soon.


I pace the kitchen like a madwoman, blood pressure cuff on my arm and inflating. My problems with the vampire juice don’t normally run on the high end, but with the way I’ve been feeling since my meeting with Chase this afternoon, I’m convinced hypertension is my new normal.