The frustration on his golden-scaled face turned to fury.

“I traded a valuable artifact for you! You will do as I say, when I say it, or pay the consequences!”

“I don’t belong to you—I don’t care what you traded,” Seline told him, lifting her chin. “And I don’t care what you do to me—I’m not sucking that nasty little thing between your legs. I’m surprised you even have the nerve to show it—it’s tiny.”

Which wasn’t actually the case—Master Lendrex had a good-sized shaft—though nowhere near as big as Nox’s. But Seline hoped by insulting him she could put him on his back foot, as her grandma used to say.

The look on his face told her she had been at least partially successful… he looked down at his golden schlong—which was now completely limp and shriveled—and frowned uncertainly at her. Clearly he had never had a woman say “no” to him before—or say anything uncomplimentary about his dick, either.

But then the confusion on his face gave way to pure fury.

“Into the Box!” he snarled, waving at the guards who were standing by uncertainly. “Do it now—put her in the Box and leave her there! Let the ghosts teach her a lesson.”

The two guards rushed forward and grabbed Seline by the arms. They were already dragging her towards the Ghost Box and she was sure she could hear the angry whispers of the dis-incorporated spirits within, waiting hungrily to abuse her…when a new voice spoke from the front of the room.

“I wouldn’t do that, Lendrex,” it said. “If you do, I promise you will be very, very sorry.”



Seline’s heart leaped into her throat and she turned her head and saw Nox standing there, framed in the archway that led into the Punishment Room. Peep-a-cheek was sitting on his shoulder and he was holding something in his hand.

Master Lendrex rounded to face him.

“What are you doing here? I posted three guards to keep you out!”

“Yes and you now have three fewer guards,” Nox growled. “You might wish to notify their next of kin.”

“Three guards is nothing to me,” Master Lendrex scoffed. “I have hundreds here—more than you can ever possibly fight off!”

“I wouldn’t call them—not if you wish to see tomorrow,” Nox warned. “Do you know what this is?” he continued, showing the small, black device he was holding in his hand so that Master Lendrex could get a good look.

“No and I don’t care either!” the other male spat. “I’m going to have you killed for daring to trespass on my property! But first, you’re going to watch your little pleasure slave go into the Ghost Box.”

He nodded at the guards again, who started dragging Seline closer to the clear box which looked empty but was full of angry, malignant spirits.

“No!” she gasped. “No, please!”

“I warned you,” Nox remarked coolly. He pressed a button on the small device and suddenly the entire Upper Disk shook. It shook so violently that the guards holding Seline fell over and she went with them in a tangle of limbs.

She managed to scramble to her feet and almost got away, but one of them shot out an arm and caught her by the ankle.

“Nox—Nox, help!” she begged, trying unsuccessfully to shake the guard’s hand off.

“What…what did you do?” Master Lendrex gasped, also scrambling to his feet. The structure around them was still vibrating ominously.

“I pressed the detonation button on the first of the disruptor bombs I placed on the gravity well anchors that hold the Tangle in place. The anchors which, as you know, keep the entire station from being sucked into the event horizon of the large black hole you use to power it,” Nox said calmly.

“The first you say?” Master Lendrex frowned at him. “How many—”

“Four,” Nox interrupted him. “And I’m about to blow the second one now.”

As he spoke, he pushed another button on the black device and the Upper Disk rumbled and shook. It wasn’t exactly like an earthquake, Seline thought. More like a hurricane—an immense force was pulling at Beselex station. She couldn’t help thinking of the huge black hole sitting out there in space—seven hundred times the mass of Earth’s sun—sucking everything into it like an enormous, hungry mouth.

“You—what are you doing? What have you done?” Master Lendrex was nearly screaming now. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Let…Seline…go.” Nox spoke with measured calm and Peep-a-cheek remained unruffled on his shoulder. “Do it now or I’ll detonate another one,” he added. “I do not believe the single remaining gravity anchor can hold the station in place if I do, though it is possible I am wrong.”

“You’re insane!” Master Lendrex exclaimed. “If you send us all into the black hole, you’ll go too!”

“That is better than breaking my oath to protect the female I love,” Nox said calmly. “Give me Seline now and let us leave. You can still repair the damage. If I blow another charge, I do not believe that will be the case.”