Though he knew her taste would only cause more emotions of lust and desire, he sucked her sweet juices eagerly from his fingers, unable to help himself. Her sweet and salty taste made his fangs ache and his cock throb with desire.

“Wow…um, you must like that, huh?” Seline was watching him with wide eyes.

Nox withdrew his now-clean fingers and nodded. Suddenly the emotions that were swelling inside him and the aching in his shaft seemed too much to bear.

“I like your taste much more than I should. Excuse me—I should take a shower now.”

“But…the flowers,” she began.

“Won’t bother a male,” Nox finished for her.

He went quickly and shut himself in the bathing room. He needed to give himself a release before he did something he would regret—before he lost control and took her as he was longing to do.



Seline wished Nox would come to bed but he seemed to be taking a long, long time in the bathroom. At last, she couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore. The excitement of the day and the many intense orgasms she’d had made her so tired she wasn’t able to stay awake.

With a little moan, she crawled under the white cover and snuggled deeper into the silver floating mattress, which seemed to conform to her shape and cradled her comfortingly. Her eyes drifted closed and she was finally asleep.

What woke her was a soft sound in her right ear.

“Peep-a-cheek,” it said. “Peep-a-cheek!”

It took her several disorienting moments to realize where she was and what was making the noise.

“What the hell?” she muttered sleepily. “Peep-a-cheek, is that you?”

The little flur’fa affirmed that it was as it hopped from her pillow to her forehead and back again.

“Hey, now…” Seline protested, brushing at the little bird. But Peep-a-cheek wouldn’t stop until she sat up on the edge of the silver mattress, which was empty except for herself.

She looked around for Nox and saw his long form hunched up on a couch in the corner. What the hell? Why wasn’t he sleeping with her?

Maybe because you’re naked and he’d already made you come twice and he didn’t dare share the bed with you in case things went too far, whispered a little voice in her head. Or maybe he just thought he could protect her more effectively if he was closer to the doorway.

Speaking of that, she was still in the dark on what exactly was going on between her and her Protector. He kept claiming that he had no feelings for her—no feelings of any kind at all—and yet he wasn’t acting like a man with no emotions. Not as far as Seline could see, anyway.

Peep-a-cheek kept bothering her—coming to sit on her head and then fluttering away again after a moment—which interrupted her train of thought.

“What do you want, little guy?” she asked.

The little flur’fa couldn’t tell her, but clearly he wanted her to get out of bed.

Seline yawned.

“Well, all right. I have to pee, anyway,” she said, sliding out of bed—a precarious process since the silver mattress was floating three feet or more above the ground. The black marble floor was cold on the soles of her feet, which woke her up a little more. It occurred to her that she was going to have a hell of a time getting back into the silver mattress unless she could find a stool, but right now the need to pee eclipsed everything else.

She used the alien toilet—which was a nice one, even though it looked like a huge copper pot. It had a heated seat which adjusted to the size of her behind and after she was finished, it sprayed a jet of warm water to clean her up and finished the experience with a blast of warm air to dry her.

Peep-a-cheek fluttered around her head impatiently as she completed her business, peeping every once in a while, as though he wanted her to hurry up. Seline still didn’t know what had gotten into him.

“Look, I’m up but I don’t know what you want. Also, I’m naked,” she pointed out to him. She didn’t want to put back on the dress she’d had on yesterday—it was all rumpled and besides, it seemed wrong to wear the same thing twice. Then her eyes fell on the closet to one side of the shower. Would there be anything in there she could use? She didn’t like running around naked.

Sliding open the mirrored door, she peered into the blackness. She was pleasantly surprised when a dim glow came on, gradually brightening until she could see.

There were no hangers like there would be in a closet back on Earth—instead the clothing choices were laid out in shallow drawers that were built into a massive dresser which filled most of the closet. Seline pulled one out and found a furry purple bikini.