“What is it, sweetheart? What’s happening?” Nox demanded, sounding worried.

“It…I think…think it’s fucking me!” Seline moaned as the thick plant piston continued to thrust deeply into her.

“Fucking you?” Nox looked down between her legs and Seline watched as well as the white piston, now slick with her juices, thrust in and out of her. “Gods, sweetheart,” he growled. “It is fucking you. Are you all right?”

“I…I don’t know,” Seline moaned. “I…I think so. It doesn’t hurt at all. In fact, it…” She trailed off, too embarrassed to admit the truth.

“It what? Tell me, Seline!” Nox demanded, pressing his cheek to hers. “Tell me what you were about to say.”

“It actually feels good,” Seline admitted in a small voice. “I mean, in a weird kind of way,” she added.

“Don’t feel bad or guilty for feeling pleasure,” Nox told her. “The plant’s function is to make you feel good so that you can orgasm and it can collect your honey. So just relax and let it do that.”

“Just relax and let the damn plant fuck me, you mean?” Seline demanded.

“Essentially, yes,” Nox rumbled. “I know it feels strange but I won’t let it hurt you. Just relax back against me and open yourself, Seline. Let it fuck you and taste your honey.”

His deep voice in her ear and the feeling of his big body surrounding hers sent a rush of sensation through Seline’s bare body. She couldn’t believe she was in this strange situation—lying naked in her Protector’s arms with a damn plant molesting her! Yet there was nothing she could do but try and relax and reach an orgasm—otherwise this surreal experience would never end.

Taking a deep breath, she tried again to be calm.

“That’s right,” Nox murmured again. He was watching the plant moving between her legs and Seline could feel his warm breath against the side of her neck. “Gods, it’s fucking you deeply, isn’t it, sweetheart?”

“Very deeply,” Seline moaned. “I…I can feel it moving—filling me all the way up.”

“Gods…” Nox’s voice was hoarse as he shifted behind her. Seline wondered if he was having any trouble supporting her—but he seemed to have endless strength, especially in his metal arm. He held her up, her thighs spread wide as the flowers worked on her—the blood red buds sucking and licking her while the white piston of the black flower fucked deeply into her pussy, hitting bottom with every stroke.

The sensation of having her nipples and clit sucked and licked while the thick flower piston fucked her began to be too much for Seline. Suddenly she felt that her orgasm was almost there—it had snuck up on her somehow.

“Oh God, Nox—I’m getting close!” she moaned.

“Close to coming?” he rumbled in her ear. “Are you going to come nice and hard, like a good girl?”

Those words were exactly what Seline needed to hear. When he called her a “good girl” she felt a warm wave of lust rush through her. The tight peaks of her

nipples tingled and her clit sent sparks of pure pleasure though her entire body.

Suddenly she was there—tilting over the edge of orgasm as the plants continued to work on her and the white piston fucked her even harder.

“Oh…oh, God! Oh, Nox!” she moaned as her back arched and her inner walls spasmed around the piston. “Oh God, I’m coming…coming so hard.”

“Gods, I can see that,” he rumbled, his deep voice filled with lust. “You’re so damn beautiful when you come!”

This didn’t seem like something the coolly logical Nox would typically say to her, but then, the situation they were in was anything but typical. Seline moaned and writhed, letting the orgasm take her completely, secure in the knowledge that her Protector was strong enough to hold and support her until she could regain control.

At last she went limp and lay panting in his arms.

“Are you well?” Nox rumbled anxiously in her ear. “That seemed like an extremely intense orgasm, sweetheart.”

“Almost as good as the one you gave me when you put in my tail,” Seline panted. “I…I think I’m okay. But these damn flowers are still…”

But even as she spoke, the black vines unwound themselves from around her thighs and breasts and the blood red flowers finally detached from her nipples and clit. Last of all, the black bloom withdrew and the white piston which had filled her so full slid out of her pussy.

“Oh, I—” Seline began. But she didn’t have time to say anything else because Nox scooped her up quickly and took her out of the shower stall as swiftly as he could.



Nox laid her gently on the floating silver mattress, which was about waist height on him, and leaned over to examine her.

“What…what are you doing?” Seline’s voice was weak and she was still panting from her intense orgasm.

“Making sure those fucking things didn’t hurt you.” He could hear the concern and anger in his own voice—he’d been fighting to stay calm as the unfamiliar emotions assailed him while he held her.